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 Feb 2014 Molly Rosen
 Feb 2014 Molly Rosen
you're lovely.
but there's an acidic quality about you,
one that stings
reminding of every scrape and cut.
but me,
I'm resilient.
 Feb 2014 Molly Rosen
I saw you.
And appearance wise, you were probaby the most beautiful person I've ever seen.
As much as I hope we'll meet again,
I'm sure we won't.
Your eyes flickered up for a fraction of a second
And I could see that you were about to cry.
You held it in,
And tried to hide it,
But I saw you.
And all I could do was stare as you walked away into another aisle.
 Dec 2013 Molly Rosen
SE Reimer
Days turn to weeks,
and months into years;
Our calendar filled,
With days that bring tears.

No longer with cheer,
There’s a birthday we keep;
A life sown in hardship,
Is now reaping grief.

His anniversary of leaving,
A dark smear on that day;
Its nothing to celebrate,
But it won't wash away.

Those days that we’re honored,
As his mother and father;
Special cards that he made us,
We receive them no longer.

A day for memorials,
Then picnics and parades,
The summer he loved,
A special hike on Labor Day.

The season to give thanks,
Forces us to remember,
All the years that we did have,
All those happy Novembers.

Finally Christmas comes round,
Full of time spent together;
All our family traditions,
Where he's missed more than ever.

Each day a reminder,
Every memory so dear,
Yet silence speaks loudly,
When laughter disappears.

Then it's time to repeat,
Time to turn a new page,
Time for new resolutions,
Time to hope for some change.

Maybe this is the year,
That the calendar’s our friend,
When peace is returned,
And we look forward again.
Post script.

this was written in late December 2012, just a year ago as part of my struggle to come to terms with life’s curves.  i post this tonight, not so much for me, though my struggle is hardly over...  this is more for a dear soul; an HP friend who like me, is still struggling with loss.  some days are just harder than others; then there are whole seasons that will never again be the same.  tonight, i raise a glass of Merlot for her, not in toast, but in wishing her comfort, peace and rest!
 Dec 2013 Molly Rosen
 Dec 2013 Molly Rosen
You write depressing poetry
you lay in your bed for hours wasting time
rocking yourself back and forth with tears streaming down your face
you cry until you can't
you stare at the ceiling
you go crazy
you want to scream and punch things
you want to hold a gun to your head and pull the trigger
you want to die
you want to hurt them but you want to hold, love them at the same
you want to shout
you want to throw things
you ignore it
you don't ignore it
you sink into your darkness and let it consume you
you burn because that's all you have left to do
you burn with each memory and laugh as it sears your skin
fire rips through your veins
your heart thuds in your chest and you can't breathe.
I don't know I don't know because that's all I know how to do
I can't tell you how to stop *loving someone or how to heal from your sadness because I'm still searching for that answer myself.
I need new memories

to bury those of the woman
I cannot have

like a fresh blanket of snow

concealing all the dead beauty

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