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Oct 2012 · 648
Wedding Colors
Whiskurz Oct 2012
In a brand new box of crayons
A love begins to sprout
Black and White would finally meet
When the box was emptied out

Black was used each time he fell
While White was usually ignored
The other colors would go unnoticed
For it was White that Black adored

On a cloudy overcast afternoon
A wedding of sorts takes place
Black met White in clouds of gray
As the two would finally embrace

It was a drawing of utter perfection
On paper of purist white
The roses were made by the color Red
While Yellow would draw the light

Silver and Gold would draw the bells
That rang throughout the land
Silver would be the color of choice
To draw the wedding band

A rainbow of colors would soon appear
The grass and leaves were Green
A colorful wedding would soon take place
To finish this beautiful scene

The box again becomes their home
As they're gathered back inside
This colorful wedding is finally over
With Black beside his bride
Oct 2012 · 810
I'll Be
Whiskurz Oct 2012
If I should leave this world below
And I'm no longer by your side
Here's some things you need to know
To remember, though I've died

I am with you during the day
In the sun that warms your face
I'll be the wind that blows your way
And causes your heart to race

I'll be the smile as you walk by
That stranger on the street
I'll be the sparkle in the eye
Of everyone you meet

I'll be the rain when times are bad
And the sleeves that wipe your tears
I'll be the prayer when you are sad
That drives away your fears

I'll be the whisper upon your skin
That causes you to blush
I'll be the courage you carry within
That gives your heart that rush

I'll be the kiss when you're asleep
That warms your silent dreams
I'll be the promise I swore to keep
No matter how hard it seems

I'll be the picture, your mind will hold
When your memory starts to fade
I'll be your blanket in the harshest cold
The warmth your love has made

I'll be the quiet that forms the sound
Whenever you think of me
Whatever you've lost, I'll be your found
That's what I will be
Oct 2012 · 340
Whiskurz Oct 2012
No one knows where the wind comes from
But we see can it in the trees
There's nothing there we can touch or hold
But we can feel its gentle breeze

The wind is made of voices
Just whispers in the night
From those who've long since passed away
Reaching, for the light

It sometimes comes in a sweet caress
From lovers who have died
A gentle kiss upon our cheeks
From a husband or a bride

A melancholy wind will sometimes blow
A whisper of the past
From broken hearts who've died alone
A love that didn't last

We sometimes feel that angry wind
A lost and tortured soul
Cursed to shout in a whispered voice
That time cannot console

So when you feel that warm spring breeze
Listen close and you will hear
The wind is made of whispering souls
From voices, no longer here
Oct 2012 · 293
The Hero
Whiskurz Oct 2012
I've never seen the rain so clear
As I do when it floods her eyes
I feel the pain she's going through
Each time my little girl cries

How do I tell her that she's dying,
That her hero can't save the day?
Some kind of hero I turned out to be
I can't even say "It's okay"

Death is something she don't understand
I don't think anybody really does
She keeps asking me, "Will it be over soon?",
And, "I want it to be like it was"

What do I tell her when she asks me this?
I just hold her hand and smile
I say, "Don't worry sunshine, I know it hurts,
It will all be over in a while"

There's nothing worse than losing a child
It will tear your world apart
She says, "Thank you daddy, for being the hero,
That I carry inside of my heart"

As she utters those final words of love
She quietly closes her eyes
I gently kiss her on top of her head
As a piece of her hero dies
Sep 2012 · 3.4k
If Trees Could Talk
Whiskurz Sep 2012
I wonder if the trees could talk
Would they tell about the breeze?
Would they talk about the sunshine?
Or of their many different leaves?

Would they talk about that woodpecker
That's roosted on their limb?
Or maybe devise a brilliant plan
To rid themselves of him

Would they tell us of their thirst?
And celebrate the rain
Would they talk about their fear of fire?
And how they hate the flame

Would they talk about the winter?
How it robs them of their shields
As the winter breeze scatter their leaves
Across the barren fields

Would they talk about the summer heat?
And the sacrifices they've made
As they hold their limbs high and stong
To cast our needed shade

Would they talk about their Creator,
Who rules from Heaven above
And profess undying gratitude
And their never ending love?
Sep 2012 · 376
Today I Saw A Diamond Cry
Whiskurz Sep 2012
Today I saw a diamond cry
For your beauty stole its shine
The flowers all began to sigh
For you make them all benign

The stars no longer reflect the moon
For you have become their light
Even the sun is not immune
For he chases away the night

Your shadow makes the sun rejoice
He follows where ever you go
His love for you has bound his voice
Or he would have told you so

Even the breeze whispers your name
Just to touch your hair
Your shadow tries to share your fame
She follows you everywhere

Today I saw a diamond cry
For your beauty stole its shine
Not a day goes by that I don't ask why
The Good Lord made you mine
Sep 2012 · 479
History's Heart
Whiskurz Sep 2012
Tucked in the corner between today and the past
A cabin, sits covered in dust
Its roof made of tin and never meant to last
Now held together by rust

Torn from the pages of history's heart
It sits on borrowed time
Just waiting for tomorrow to pick it apart
Crippled, and passed its prime

Its cupboards now bare, but for two rusty cans
That sit all alone on its shelf
Hung by the fireplace, some old pots and pans
Just barely a ghost of itself

Its windows now lost to the heat and the cold
It's door, now broken and bent
Its chimney in pieces, the mud wouldn't hold
Its stones now crumbled and spent

Yesterday's shadow, still cast on the ground
As it waits for the seasons to start
It's dying each day, without making a sound
As it's torn from history's heart
Sep 2012 · 611
Where Heartache Sleeps
Whiskurz Sep 2012
Beneath the altar of broken hearts
Where lonely angels sweep
I cast my memories among the fray
Where other heartaches sleep

For there is no peace or comfort found
Only shadows of my past
For my memories are the heartache's pain
That taunt me 'til they're passed

All my memories turned to ash
Beneath the angel's feet
Now just dust, and nothing more
The smell was bittersweet

The angels placed a pure black rose
In the spot, my memories were burned
I wanted to see them one more time
But our memories must be earned

Beneath the altar of broken hearts
Where lonely angels sweep
My memories can't hurt me anymore
For you're buried way too deep
Sep 2012 · 917
Afraid of the Dark
Whiskurz Sep 2012
She said, "Daddy leave the light on,
For you know I'm afraid of the dark"
I couldn't tell you how many times
I've heard her make that remark

I'd always wait 'til she fell asleep
Then sneak and turn off the light
Then pull the covers off her head
And kiss my angel goodnight

I've killed at least thousand monsters
Who live beneath her bed
But every night she'd sleep with the light
And cover her tiny head

I woke up early sunday morning
And decided to peak inside
Only to find in the middle of the night
My pride and joy had died

They say she had an embolism
She passed away in her sleep
I dreaded the burial most of all
Some place dark and deep

She said, "Daddy leave the light on,
For you know I'm afraid of the dark"
I couldn't tell you how many times
I've heard her make that remark
Sep 2012 · 335
The Words Choose You
Whiskurz Sep 2012
You never choose to be a poet
The words somehow choose you
Sometimes you can't escape it
If it's what you're meant to do

A poet is always filled with pain
When they feel the need to write
They search for words all night long
'Til they finally get it right

For a poem is like an unfinished task
A never-ending need
A journey that always needs to grow
From inspiration's seed

For a poem is like a long lost friend
That always brings you peace
A burden you've buried so deep inside
You write to find release

But you never choose to be a poet
The words just fall in place
It's either a curse you can't turn away
Or a gift you must embrace
Sep 2012 · 822
Just In Case
Whiskurz Sep 2012
Just in case you say goodbye
Remember how we met
I know that soon you'll have to go
But I'm not ready yet

Cancer doesn't care who we are
Or anything we've done
It doesn't care about the tears we cry
Or that you're my only one

Just in case it hurts a lot
I will hold your hand
Don't be sad if you see me cry
I hope you understand

It doesn't take any volunteers
Or I would take your place
But still I pray that God takes me
And spares you just in case
Sep 2012 · 1.4k
The Granny Gang
Whiskurz Sep 2012
Here's a story about a gang of grannies
Who knocked over a ***** hose store
They were nothing without their support hose
And they just couldn't take it anymore

Late one night at an old folks home
A few grannies were hatching a plan
Their varicose veins were getting in their way
Of catching themselves a man

So they decided enough was enough
And they'd reclaim their feminine wiles
And there happened to be a ***** hose store
Down the road just a couple of miles

Now if they got caught what would it matter?
'Cause it was a very small price to pay
And even if they gave them life in prison
Well that was probably just one more day

Now the leader of the gang was ninety years old
'Cause she had done this once before
She'd served a little time in granny prison
For robbing a false teeth store

Now their purses were their weapon of choice
Cause that's something they knew how to use
And if you've ever been hit by a granny purse
Then you know it can leave a bruise

Anyway, off they went to claim their prize
For it was much too late to turn back
Dressed in only their housecoats and slippers
Their purses and a burlap sack

To make a long story short they pulled it off
Just in time for the old folks dance
And you better believe those grannies looked sharp
In support hose and pink hot pants
Sep 2012 · 449
Bed of Roses
Whiskurz Sep 2012
The sunshine told the flowers
That you're not here anymore
Their petals just don't seem to smile
Quite like they did before

Your name is whispered in the wind
Each time I feel the breeze
The willows miss you since you left
And all of the other trees

The birds won't sing their happy songs
Like they did when you were here
The rainbows come to look for you
But then they disappear

You always took care of the flowers
Now the flowers take care of you
You fill them with your presence
The way you used to do

In a beautiful bed of roses
Is where the angels let you sleep
But you're the most beautiful flower
That the roses will ever keep
Sep 2012 · 563
Glass Wedding
Whiskurz Sep 2012
She sits all alone in an empty room
And silently watches it rain
She draws with her finger, a bride and groom
In her breath that's on the pane

Only twelve years old, and already grown
The chemo caused her to age
She'll never grow up and live on her own
She feels like she's trapped in a cage

She searches the window for locks of gold
Her reflection announces her shame
Her hair is all gone, she starts to look old
The cancer alone is the blame

Her breath once more, covers the glass
As a tear escapes to her cheek
She draws with her finger a stone in the grass
Her body keeps growing so weak

With one last breath she closes her eyes
And listens once more to the rain
She doesn't exhale, the little girl dies
Overcome by her horrible pain

A groom stands alone, frozen in glass
His bride was laid in the ground
Beside him stands a stone in the grass
Where the bride on the window is found
Sep 2012 · 471
When Shadows Cry
Whiskurz Sep 2012
Today I watched a shadow cry
His sleeves were filled with pain
He wept the tears of love gone bad
That left an empty stain

His tears screamed out in silence
For they didn't make a sound
His cheeks were wet with memories
As they tumbled to the ground

Have you ever seen a shadow cry,
When love goes incomplete?
He'll stare into his liquid pain
That puddles on the street

Deep within the puddle's tears
The shadow starts to wade
The love he knew has said goodbye
His reflection starts to fade

Today I watched a shadow cry
As it drifted out to sea
I could feel the pain this shadow felt
For this shadow belonged to me
Jul 2012 · 974
Lost Love(Haiku)
Whiskurz Jul 2012
reaching for his hand
as it slips through her fingers
the waves and the sand

— The End —