Life to me is a never ending change! "Whose walking down the streets of the city, everyone knows it's Wendy!" —-██—— Put this on
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Judgements cast upon my soul By others who do not comprehend What they can not fathom Bless their hearts they justify knowing best for matters of What they cannot control Never understanding I have given my faith to God He has complete control They do not see my decisions As tangible worthy goals Definition of faith shapes into reality, as it should God uses my life to guide others along When I am weak He carries me Till I become strong God is my guide in life Praying and following His plan For me can do no wrong
I will sing like a songbird on a warm breezy day, And remember the songs When the warm breezes stray, As our God of mercy When souls darken and hide, Sun, songbirds and breezes He will always provide.
What age would you pick if you could be young again Would it it be the age that you met your very best friend Or maybe the age of the first love of your life What about the age when you learned how to swim 🏊♂️ Elementary school age opened the mind, spelling test on Friday When responsibility was seen as just a vocabulary word on our weekly list of words was sublime Days before monthly bills exisisted, long before electronic technology and strife If you could be young again What age would you choose if you could pick one for your life? ?₩€ND¥¿°•☆
Pain conquering I have found truth in the Holy Spirit's presence within me God's way of saying I am just another step along a journey He has set fourth in me A lesson of Faith I am forever being tested to create His strength, to endure a never-ending journey A realization I now can see His route to use me to guide others down His path of glory Faith building as I travel along Pain set as a reminder that I am strong As long as I trust in my Father above Sharing knowledge of the glory Of His everlasting love