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Weasel Feb 2015
The other day was awful,
I tell you the truth.
I got stuck within the snow
No one to help me, I know,
Wish I was a youth.

The plow came along the way,
But friends don't you know?
I never was helped, you see,
I was pressed in more deeply,
My car - mound of snow.

It seems there's trouble wit me,
No matter where I go.
People it is tough on me
And I only get laughed at see?
I am buried in snow.

What did I do to merit
Such an awful blow?
Is it because folk like to joke
Bully others, pick and poke?
I just do not know.

{ Weasel }
This is based on the truth!
Hope you enjoy.
I'm beginnin' to write again.
Thank you for reading!
Poem 23.
© The Weasel.
All rights reserved.
Weasel Nov 2014
I have had a nice
Thanksgiving Day this year by
Countin' my blessings.

{ Weasel }
This is true!
Hope you enjoy.
I'm just startin' to write again.
Thank you for reading!
Poem 22.
© The Weasel.
All rights reserved.
Weasel Nov 2014
The house I went to
Had a mean Rockweiler folks
Which bit my hindpots!
How I wish this was not so,
I still have those teeth mark scars!

{ Weasel }
This is true.
I wish it weren't though.
Thank you for reading!
Poem 21.
© The Weasel.
All rights reserved.
Weasel Jul 2014
This cool riverside
Is so nice to relax by
Birds sing pleasantly.

{ Weasel }
This is true, for me at least.
Thank you for reading!
Poem 20
© The Weasel.
All rights reserved.
Weasel Jul 2014
I took a walk within the woods,
A creek I had to cross.
The water was flowing swiftly,
I did not see the moss.

Before that moss I ever saw,
I took an awful crash.
The waters were so very cold,
As soaked when I did splash!

I cannot swim but the water
Was shallow at the time.
I slid again and fell back in,
Upon some algae slime.

The folks that walked behind just laughed
And I got mad wit 'em.
I wish they could fall in that creek,
Then I would laugh at 'em.

My teeth they chattered so fiercely
I thought I break a few;
The last creek that I had to cross
I fell in they did too!

{ Weasel }
Thank you for reading!
Poem 19
© The Weasel.
All rights reserved.
Weasel Jul 2014
My flowers in my window planter
are blooming and alive!

{ Weasel }
This is so true!
I replanted the seeds from last year,
and I am glad for the colors.
Thank you for reading!
Poem 18
© The Weasel.
All rights reserved.
Weasel Jul 2014
I bit into an
Apple that was very sweet
A bee stung my mouth.

{ Weasel }
This is true.
Happened a couple weeks ago.
I can laugh about it now, lol.
Thank you for reading!
Poem 17
© The Weasel.
All rights reserved.
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