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Angel Mar 2013
I started on the cliff
When I looked out I saw the sky
I was young and life seemed a story
One to add to my dolls, to my games

I started on that cliff and
I looked out from the Statue of Liberty
and I saw an entire city full of
people falling apart how could they know

I moved to the mountains in my young age,
and my parents tied my shoe laces and
made me breakfast when I wanted it
I always wanted it, and there were hugs
Lots of hugs

I moved to the lake, down in the valley
Our home was beautiful and simple
You took me into the water one night
And I asked you who created God
You gave me an exquisite answer
I just couldn't resist belief

When you left I lost my mind,
Lord knows no one could find it again
But I tried to start over and with time I did
I tried to love and lost, but my pain was not the cost
I tried to love and lost, but my pain was one I could handle

Now I am living on the orbiting moon
With my head held under yours, hiding
I want to live and breathe and sing and be
But I am afraid the second I walk away you
will leave forever just like he did, Just. like. him.

I want to tell the world I'm better than that,
that I'm strong, but no the truth is I'd fall over
on the ground shaking and not get out of bed
for days and I'm sick of everyone pretending
that they wouldn't do the same if they were me.

Where is the compassion in this world, please God
find me compassion. This is a crying poem,
It speaks of tears and broken dreams and cracking hearts
For that is what I have
Angel Mar 2013
Falling loose at the seams.

Losing, giving up on all those dreams.

Nothing is as beautiful as it seems.

Still, the sun, gleams.
Angel Jan 2013
Last night I walked alongside the trees,
the woods, frosted over with ice, snow
My boots are new and cheap,
letting in the cold and moisture also
Alone my promises the trees will keep
Although I wish instead the leaves would return
and fall upon me as your love once could
Washing over me, a rythmic pattern

Soothing was your love, my love
Soothing were the words you held
On the palms of your hands,
On the tip of your tongue,
But I was always so young
Too young for love, my love

Last night the wind was soft, gentle
Inside my heart has turned a fossil
Where the blood used to pump
Where my soul used to swell
Now all that is left is to dwell
But dwell I will not, not on you any longer
I have come so much further,
And become so much stronger
Still that fossil lingers on to know,
If things had happened differently,
Would our love have had the chance to grow?

Soothing was your love, my love,
Soothing were the hands you placed
Upon my sides, entwined with my own
Tangled in a mess of cotton sewn,
In a place no longer called your home,
To hold tight to one memory,
Is to ignore all of the rest,
And those that rest upon my chest,
I digress, I cannot dwell upon a mess.

Tonight I lay dormant, in a room, in a cave
It is not mine, it is borrowed, a nightlight shines for me
To breathe, to see, to lay alone inside this home
I cannot call it my own, for youth is all I truly have

Too young for love, my love,
Is what you always said
Little did you know, my love
This love will never cease
This love will never rest
Except inside the fossil
That replaced my heart
Inside my chest.
Angel Jan 2013
I made a list at the
End of summer
Of the people I could say
Would be here forever

One by one
I crossed them off
Till only two were left

Now I'm in the waiting room
Till the moment the nurse calls my name
Tells me to cross the rest off too

On my own
Angel Apr 2013
Tonight my silent words escape off my tongue,
Trying not to believe you have really gone,
Walking through tunnels of darkness and death,
Bones never shatter to rejuvenate the dawn.
Angel Feb 2013
I am a mountain. Those who climb me, fall off the cliffs. You are caught in an avalanche. I am too much, too strong, too bold to move. But still I crack, still my rocks fall, and I lose hope that with all my negative qualities, my beauty is thrown under the radar. That I am only an obstacle, never worth the result. I want to make it easier. For all the climbers, so they will look at me with love and tear-filled eyes. Instead, the more I try to change, the more I create problems for them. My climbing community may give up on me.

But still I am a mountain, cannot just that be enough? My structure has come so far, the depth of my soul so ignorantly deep. One day just one may take my challenge and try me. To find me, he climbs and he knows that he may not succeed his expedition.

But still he tries until a single tear drop floats out of his eyes. He knew he may not see the view of the mountains mind. But he does. He pushes his limits both physical and emotional - and he sees her and he loves her and he reaches out to kiss her, slips off a cliffside, and dies.
Angel Apr 2013
The world stands
At a time still

Driving away
Walking away
Just sit and

So I sit alone
Just how I was
Before you
Took the

The sun still
Lay as warm
As when I slept
Inside your

Now I long
For brighter days
With festivals and
Carnivals to play

People joining
Together at the edge
Of the world
Being alive is the

But the foggiest tunnel
Lay ahead
Falling away
Pushing device

Don't take me under
Through the devil's bed
Let me rest in a graveyard
While I lay down my
Angel Jan 2013
There is a sea inside
of me, and it flows
out through my eyes

Can't you see
or do you ignore
a girl who cries
Angel Feb 2013
A memory holds
the past events of
the life I have led

And thus it seems
I've come to dread
the memories I've put
asleep to bed

Tonight I take
A small slice from
the piece I have
inside my head

Ten hours in
The road went on
The stars in the sky
Treading on till dawn

Before it broke
You asked us then
The seven of us
Who could have been

Who could have been
awake to see
The stars above
Shining brightly

You're not even
Of importance now
But you showed me
The stars forming
The stars exist

The milky way
The purest form
With no houses in sight
The world seemed
Our own

Hours of the drive
Left to go
From South to
North we made
It from the sun
To the snow

But those stars are plastered
Deep in my subconscious
Memories, most un-lasting

What makes this one
So unlike the others
Was it the stars around the earth
As our blankets and our covers

Well the stars tuck in
My memories to sleep
In my bed I lay with them
In my head with them
I keep
Angel Jan 2013
First the cells in my skin will start to swell
Then shrink they will, one by one, a few to dwell
Then smaller and smaller I become
And further more the darkness inside of me
Will surely find a way to become undone

But change it I can, change the darkness to light
By bringing a lantern too big for the fight
So that no matter how much the blackness descends,
I am ready and willing to shine my light and defend
Defend all that I could be as a star shining bright

I am more than the gifts I was given
I am more than the days I have lost
I am more than the people who have broken my heart
And I would never make them pay a cost

Blackened may be what appears inside my ribs
But I will come out of the tunnel with a metal
That metal is my smile, and I'll wear it from time to time
To remind myself I'm soft and fragile as a rose's petal
But beautiful as the cage I put myself in and also
Freed myself from
Angel Jan 2013
Well it could be explained
                           In the easiest way
                                                       To say that looking in your eyes
T a k e s   a l l   m y   p a i n   a w a y

                 I want to kiss you in the shallows
                  All the way to the deepest ocean
                    I   l o v e d   y o u   f r o m   t h e   b e g i n n i n g
            And I'll love you till the end is my sweetest notion

Well it could be explained**
                           In the easiest way
                                                       To say that looking in your eyes
T a k e s   a l l   m y   p a i n   a w a y
Angel Feb 2013
I am thinking of the words I spoke, two simple words, "I would"
And how they changed the nature of our relationship
I never planned to tell you that I would, if you let me
In some parallel universe we are together

Under God we are not, you and I are aggregates
Of a whole compartment, known as the heart
There are moments, on rare occasions in the winter
When I regret the conversations we have had

I compose inside my head a simple thought or idea
That I 'think' is rooted from who you have shown me how to be
But the lover I hold now is quite the opposite of you
Sometimes I wonder if that is why I chose him

I want to escape you, go in the opposite direction of everything you are
Because I clung to you during the darkest time of my life
These words I type do not rhyme, do not hold a special pattern
But they hold the honest truth of what I would call my essence

I thought it was beautiful that you never showed your anger
Even when your parents threw you out on the street
So I learned to live at peace with myself in a world full of hatred
It seems no one else can understand this concept but us

There it goes again, that word, 'us'
We are not a pair, we are separate parts
But I am afraid I will never let go of those words, 'I would'
Does that perhaps translate my apprehension of the truth?

I am with someone else, and you occasionally make love to your ex-lover
Whom I would not be surprised if you ended up together with again
But I often jar the contemplation of that lateral cosmos
Where I wake up to you dawn after dawn
Angel Feb 2013
Deep in the forest I unclothe myself
Unwrap the canvas from my left foot; right foot
Step into layers of cotton, silk and wood
To be alone here is not similar to back then

Walk over to the dimly lit branches
And climb inside the home waiting for me
Made of mud, sticks, rocks, moss, branches
And inside a carved chair sits entirely still

I roam the woods at once when my eyes are stirred from sleep
I lay my palms upon the bark of wild berry trees
And **** the nectar from the queen of all the bees
Finding comfort in a nature both the dry spells and the steam

My body is not a temple, my body is not a trap
My body is cells and bones and skin
With love inside of that

Nature nurtures to my heart, my soul is kept miles apart
So only in the deepest woods will I unseal the soul I struck
With golden chains and silver locks to save me from the world
The suffering of the world

I stay inside the woods today, I stay inside the woods tomorrow
I have not forgotten the woods at all, although my heart has been hallowed
I hide between the bushes and I sit in the carved chair
The one that you carved for me years ago and decided to put in there

Things are weary since you've gone, left the forest all alone
But I still feel your spirit flying near me as it has been all along

Deep in the forest I soothe my own wounds
I treat my own burns, I pick my own scars
But only once they have fully healed

I am all the things I do to others until others disappear
And then I am what's inside of me and that's what you'll find here
Angel Jan 2013
It comes back to this each time
You don't love me,
You need me

It comes back to this every time
You don't love who I am
You love what I do for you

It comes back to this tonight
You can't love me
But you need me
Angel Mar 2013
To keep the demons at bay
But still they stay
Night and
Angel Jan 2013
Washed up on the shore
Cause I'm a sea shell nothin' more
I'm warnin' ya I'm foolish
I'm warnin' ya, I'm tender and sore

But I'm yearnin' for your moisture
For your lips upon this beach
I'm yearnin' for the future
Your lips leaven mine a tincture

I'm just a sea shell washed upon a shore
Hopin' and dreamin' and prayin' for the poor
Prayin' to God that you'll love me the more
Love me the more, washin' up on this shore
Angel Jan 2013
There's not much in the world
That could make me feel like she does
It is not romantic, it is not lust
It is like a friendship, laced like a drug

To describe her would not do her justice
But her eyes are deep, her hair is straight,
Light brown, and shorter than she'd like it
To me she is more beautiful than the sun

Not because of her looks, is what makes me love her
It is the way she gets underneath my skin
And breathes for me when I'm not breathing
And tells me it's okay to cry

I can feel her from one hundred miles away
I can sense what she is going through when I cannot see her
and she does the same for me and it is hauntingly meaningful
No one can love me like she can

Because she knows what it's like to not be loved
To lose, to lose, to lose and then when left with nothing
To lose that nothing until there's nothing left to say

But there's always something left to love and
she loves away, loves me unconditionally
so much so that laying in my bed so far away
I can feel her warmth beneath my bones
and it takes some of the pain away

You'll never know what it is like to have her
To know her, to love her, to be loved by her
There's not much in the world like it
Angel Apr 2013
I walked into his room and lay down under him. I lay my head down on his hard arm, and his right wraps around my waist to keep safe. I back my body up against his and park it snuggly against him. There is no room for mistakes, no room for anything but emotions and moments and fast paced creation for months on end.
Because love should be passionate, creative, endless, and relentless if it is boundless and in it’s truest form. Sacrifice must become a part of the daily routine. He look at me, as I lay down. His warm vocal chords vibrate cooly under his throat and he speaks to me.
“You are my angel. You are. Sent from God, in Heaven.”
I look deeper into his eyes and am suddenly enveloped in the tsunami of chills that crash over me as I dive into him, deeper and darker to the bottom. The parts he doesn’t want me to see, but I have already swam so far. Why would I turn around? Why would I head back to the shore now?
Angel Mar 2013
There have been so many times before this one that I have felt pain.
I wonder which was more pain, which pain counts more for which circumstance.
I tell you it is hard to tell with your head pounding and tears spilling
from your eyes. All the pain blends together and I find myself crying
for people I don't even know because there is just so much to cry about
Once I begin. I don't want to cry again. I want to be happy. This is my plea.
I need to run away from here forever, once he leaves me, once he leaves me
I'm gone forever.
Angel Apr 2013
I thought my sail was straight enough
for you to get the perfect amount
of wind to share the sea

But you instead jumped off
The boat to swim to the dock
Which was not far off

And I sail alone now
With no one to share with the sea
That's how it will be,
Alone with the sea
Angel Apr 2013
Tonight the earth blows a riveter of wind between my ears,
From cheek to cheek the cold has stolen ice sculptures from tears,
I'm wondering what mighty god could save us from the glory years,
Saddened by the reflection at the end of those days in the mirrors.
Angel Apr 2013
Sometimes I gain a consciousness
Towards what I've known was right all along.
And it has taken me a series of events,
To see that I am enriched with the wisdom that someone lacking may be wrong.
May God grant me a humble heart to strike a position that prevents
Another one from taking the color from out of my world; the story inside my song,
And I will hold on to myself as long as I remember my own flesh is where I belong.
Angel Apr 2013
Before I sat on the inside,
With a broken heart I rest my head.
Now I lay on the outside,
With a screaming mind I leave my bed.
Into the night I find you there,
With too much demise and exceeding pride,
You never knew how to care.
Give me, me.
I want myself returned.
I cannot watch my heart a blaze,
It continues on it's burn.
Angel Mar 2013
I know that you want to
leave me
with the people I know
and surround myself with

So I'll have to watch you
Knowing you're not mine
Knowing I lost you

Looking in the mirror,
I despise myself
I despise what is not
Good enough for you

I will love you while you
trudge along your life
I will love you while
you walk away
I will love you when
you're gone
Angel Apr 2013
In the summer we stayed at a glance,
A passing glance was all that had a splinter
to succeed in it’s ability to have a chance,
In the summer I often turned back in the winter
Dreaming of someone to rid me of my saddened dance,
You were but a man in a world I wasn’t yet delivered.

Summer faded to fall and the world fell on it’s side,
I felt things from an inner light working deep within,
Laying beneath the feathers of your wings saved what was inside
Of me and the demons that lay beneath my skin,
Disappeared to far off dimensions which boosted your pride.

Fall brought sweet kisses and letters dotted hearts for eyes,
Discovering the world which brought my mind to infinity,
I let you come inside my home, my heart, my skin, my soul, to my demise.
I gave in to the heaven’s and believed in the human divinity,
A love to keep me sheltered from the red and blackened skies,
As long as I could creep back under the shell of your vicinity.

Music and waves of laughter spread across the days we spent,
As fall turned to winter the covers and you kept me warm,
Through the winter the world began to fade, our love did dent.
Through the days and through the nights, a blooming flame scorn.
As the spring began to bring the rain, off the man of God went.
As she wept underneath the rocks of the buildings with her heart torn.

The darkness that she fears rests solely in the hands she holds,
Her own hands she takes not for granted for they have kept her sane.
Praying down on her knees that there will be a path to soon unfold,
Until then there is pain and pain and pain.
Winter took with it the echoes of the memories which now go untold,
Here comes the rain.
Angel May 2013
Entwined duvet covers sleep atop the mattress-
Just as she awoke.

The first hours pass as the last hours passed-
She wishes he had spoke.

There are no available hands open to hold her tears-
Instead she turns to the smoke.

I've seen her laugh before and I have heard her smile-
Now she hides underneath a hazy cloak.

With a heave and a shove she gets the window to crack-
To let in air before the heat gives her a stroke.

The smoke rushes out, the cold rushes in and chills run down her spine-
A wallet and a heart are broke.

She slips away to sleep again to pass the time-
But soon the nightmares replay and her memories invoke.

Entwined duvet covers sleep atop the mattress-
Just the same as last night-
Just as she awoke.
I wrote this the day my brother left for the Navy. I wrote this the day my parents saw each other again. I wrote this the day my mom decided my dad meant nothing to her anymore. & I wrote this the day my dad decided nothing mattered anymore.
Angel Jan 2013
Every morning when I awake
I fall into the memory of the way it felt
To open my groggy eyes and realize
I was laying in your arms

It was just one night together,
We drank, and sang, and drove drunk
Down the road to the bar
Even though I'm under aged

In the bar we got some drinks
Watched a wrestling match on the television
I learned that night watching two people fight
Is far more entertaining than one would think

Still I cannot hold on to that night
I cannot grasp for anything such as that
To ever in my lifetime occur again
Even though it happens every time I awake
I need to shed you like a snake

As a snake sheds it's skin, and lets new flesh in
I need to let the man who loves me for real do his job
And kick you off of the employee list
You have nothing but anger behind a fist
You won't even use it
You never do

So let me be protected by the one who holds me
Every night, besides the exception
He loves me, and that is enough for me,
Although it will never be enough for you

But I am shedding you, and your opinions
They aren't my own, and they shan't affect me any longer
My man deserves better
My man deserves love and I know better than most
How to give it, cause I never got it myself

I'm shedding you,
Like a snake,
so when I awake,
I only think of his smile,
and I'll let him stay the while.
Angel Mar 2013
I didn’t sleep last night, not one pathetic moment of lost consciousness-anything to forget; anything for paralysis; still I tick; still I remember. The thought that haunts me like a translucent spirit flying it’s way through my past. My memories tainted with your dark voice, one that would have been smoother without the excess of your choices. I remember sitting in class trying to absorb every word that took an exit directly through your mouth. Driving down the express way of your mind and it’s knowledge. I remember the days we worked so hard together to get to where I am now, and all I have learned. The tiniest of classrooms, the biggest strides were taken inside. The most crucial things you said are simple lessons in life. Such as, to breathe, because the truth is we all forget once in a while. If there was a person I ever thought was perfect it was the person you became when you taught. Was this all a figment of my imagination, this human being? A mask worn, and simply torn off? Or were you once different.
It all started when you stopped showing up for class. How does one tend to learn without another? One does not. The thought occurs to me again, slipping inside of my visual of the past, I cannot think straight. I picked you up in the empty Church parking lot, little did I know you were more vacant than the absence of parked cars around you. Where was the priest that day? Praying for some souls, praying for all souls, he must have forgotten yours. We should have gone inside that Church instead of driving around town, you needed the healing of your soul more than a light lunch. But I refused to acknowledge a higher power when the leaves were turning colors, there was something too logical about those times. Why did I ever pick you up that day? To listen to the things you had to say? I just needed you to fix what was wrong with me, believing you could, after all you had successfully healed what I had thought was broken the year before with your brain. With the things you had to say. Wisdom leaked through the pipes of your head those months, raining out onto the concrete surrounding you. I don’t believe it will ever return; not this late in our lives. It seems so long ago that I could sit in the darkness of the room with high ceilings, a candle in the middle of our circle, with my head down, to pray and cry. To share secrets, to share pain, to share happiness, to share intentions. I lost track of when we stopped having those prayer circles, but the last one I remember was with you, was it you that kept those going? Is the reason I lack strength in the group now because we don’t pray together? Was it always you, and no one ever realize it? It doesn’t matter now.
The wind blew strong, healthy at it’s peak when the earth lay covered with a layer of milky tone. The bracelet lay around my wrist, the one that now is lost, one I will never carry the privilege of owning again. We stood in the cemetery and it had never been so frozen over, why couldn’t you feel the cold? Your coat lay around my shoulders, staring at the tomb that withheld your late friends ashes. Even in the icebox the tree continued to grow with it’s green leaves, nothing could **** it, it was surrounded by dead people. Of course it was inspired to grow through the winter. That tree must have stolen the life out from underneath your skin, because you died in the heat of the moment, when you lost your friend. My teacher lost in the desert, parched of life and feeding on the hottest air. My teacher who turned into my friend who turned into a stranger who turned into thy own enemy.
When you lost yourself I wrote it all down on paper, how the day in the cemetery was the day that saved my life. I’d like to give you the credit, but you wouldn’t take it if I handed it to you on a golden platter. You wouldn’t accept the pedestal I put you up on if it meant life or death. After that day, when you stopped talking to me, I continued to learn from your teachings. What I learned was that disappointment may come in many forms, flesh appealing or earthly upbringings. I remind myself of the day in that Church parking lot every once in a while, how I should have passed you by instead of pulling over. There is a thought that consumes me, eating away at my mind, coming to know that nothing is better than knowing the truth until the truth destroys your perception of perfection in a human being. I pray your breathing soul will rest in peace, you died so long ago.
Written in March of 2012
Angel Jan 2013
I’m not a psychic
so I cannot look into a glass ball
to see the future at all

I cannot dig deep inside

to revisit the past
It is too painful at a passing glance

Indeed I live in the moment
But my view is faded
Because you are jaded

I can say whatever I please,
Do as I please,
Live as I please
At my own ease

But you are my disease.
Angel Apr 2013
Your heart is spun of white and gold threads,
And you wear your feelings on your sleeves,
Tonight you lay down your feelings beneath the beds,
As I travel to the forest to run through out the trees.
Angel Jan 2013
I have watched you for months
When you get ready to be you
In a public setting
Less private than just us in your room

You walk out of the door
With the same flesh and bones
But a new mind put in place
Because you think the private one
Will be some sort of public disgrace

Societal influence takes a toll on you
So therefor, it takes a toll on the one who loves you
As I watch you before you leave,
I wait until you return to me
And you always do
Even if you're out all night

When you return, your muscles have grown
Your shoulders are tight, you are bloodshot
From all the stress and the weight you purposefully
Put on yourself, only to lift it off

After so much of watching you
I have grown accustomed to the process
That I so much want to join in myself
And now I am sore
Sore and in love with you,
Sore and in love with whoever you are.
Angel Feb 2013
Every day she woke up with the same face, regardless of what bed she woke up in. Then she faced the same problems- every twenty four hours they repeated. She couldn't find work, she couldn't find happiness, she couldn't find inner peace.

*What happens when you find it all in one person, every single thing you're looking for.
Angel Jan 2013
Lying next
to your warmth
No matter what
the winter storm

I want to hide
in your skin
You let the good
parts in and relieve
My sins

Sin, still I do
when we're together
I'm not always
Thinkin' of you

Still mending
A heart that was broken so
So long ago
But I won't let you go
I won't let you

I love you,
My man,
I love you; so
Angel Mar 2013
Tonight, life is as beautiful as it gets
Resting my head on your shoulder blades
Looking out the window, the gorge's sunset
Falling in love with the friendships we have made,
What would have happened if we never met?

But the stars align for us all together every night
while God sends his angels to lift us in flight
Showing us the way to find the ones who will know
Just how to love us when the lights go low

Thank you God, thank you stars,
Thank you angels from on high
Thank you for giving me no reason
To ever have to say goodbye
Angel Jan 2013
And we have a twin mattress
that we live and sleep upon
and when I fall asleep before he's home
He makes sure that I have
every inch I need
even if that means
He doesn't sleep

And that is why
I love him
Angel Mar 2013
Talking to you is
A rekindled light
My ears hear memories,
do you still love me?
Angel Jan 2013
What if there were
building after building
of forces bending us to our end

Tuning it to our channels
Through chords and tunnel echoes
Losing our

I'll find you tucked away
In my favorite folder
full of

Pluck you out and
play you like a fiddle
Play you like a

They'll find us together
Tear us apart
And discontinue
our album

But I'll find you in that
place we call our

I'll find you there
and we'll finally be free
Finally, *free
Angel Jan 2013
The ego must
be dissolved

The ego must
be evaporated

The ego must
be destroyed

For one to know
Angel Jan 2013
Pulsing like a drum
On your vocal chords you hum
Hum a tune that haunts my soul
Bringing me from a high to such a low

The ghouls of my past rejoined at once
All in the matter of a passing stance
Nostalgia brought back with a bitter sting
Of what we could have been,
It's always what we could have been
We keep on our act, there it is; the grin

The infamous hug and kiss of respect
With a hint of I want to take you in the back
Follow I would without a hesitation
Without a inch to leave for separation

Our bodies would collide with a wrath
Years gone by to deny ourselves this craft
Path after path, yet ours will never cross
Forbidden or broken the bridges are lost

Kept my eyes on you the entire night
Hoping you'd send mine at least just one smile
So I would know I was not the only mind
Waiting to find your eyes trying to find mine
Waiting and nothing, things are never aligned

No ones ever before made me cry with a song
Until tonight when you took my eyes along
Along for the ride of a lifetime or the road to hell
Whichever you'd prefer to call it, the ride I ride alone
As I always will, alone with my heart as a stone
Angel Feb 2013
What a beautiful soul
Walks in on his toes
And looks through
The sweaters I own

I was gloomy before
But now I feel warm
Because of his smile
I'm not feeling so torn

He isn't my lover
But he's more than my friend
He isn't my brother
But he'll stay till the end

I love you
Just for being you
Angel May 2013
Take another breath
You are alone here
But only is your body
Your mind is connected
To all of those you love
Even after they are gone
Take another breath
The sky is still a beauty
And you are too
The way you've stayed alive
Kept yourself breathing
Standing, Driving, Reading
Take another breath and
Let him go
He couldn't love you
I'm sure he would have
If he could have
You can't blame yourself
You can't blame the world
& You can't blame him
Take another breath..
& Let him go.
Angel Sep 2013
But I could not accept that reality - the one that took the man who loved me out of his skin and zapped him into thin air; a cold hard truth that he would not be loving me tonight. He would not hold me again, kiss me again, or gently smooth his hands over my messy hair, my forehead perspiring from the humidity and your eyes glistening while you look up from me, as you kiss me. As you love me - and I can not lose you; neither can I live in such a denial as this
Angel Apr 2013
I sit with my bruises to the South. The sun is to my East, as it sets in the West. The world has left me with my own flesh and bones, I wish to go North and settle in the woods of the snowy continents. Negativity has always held me down and chained me to the ground. I want positivity to overflow and spill over everything I have. Nothing materialistic can overpower me, Nothing in this life can mean too much.

A certain numbness comes upon every view that I once contained, and I give in to the voices in the doctor's offices. I give in to the medication and the healing process, I give in to the definition of depression.

Well if they all tell you this is who you are bound to end up as, you take your shadow and you force it to the other side of the room. You grab your adrenaline and run to the farthest point you can get to without a broken foot. You don't give up because you can't give up because if you did you'd drown in the metaphorical sea, the anchor takes you down in the ocean, are you strong enough to keep above the water with that much weight pulling you down?

Turn on the music, lay down, cover the sheets over your eyes but the sun still sets. The sun still leaks in your window and creates a glow on your hair, your skin, your eyes. A chill shivers down your spine and you feel only just a little bit less than alive.

Breathe. Keep going. Live.
Angel Feb 2013
In a moment, an idea
Can encapsul a lifetime
Angel Jan 2013
I wish I'd kept track
Of all the times you
Chipped off a piece of my heart

So I'd have been prepared
For it to break entirely
And fall out of my chest

Now you can have
The monumental award
Of stepping on the pieces

Will you ever be happy
With who I am
Or how I loved you?
Angel Jan 2013
Yesterday is behind
Yesterday is gone
Yesterday is history

Yesterday was weary
Yesterday was dark
Yesterday was heavy on my heart

Yesterday I lost my wallet
Yesterday I lost the spare keys to the house
Yesterday I lost my friend to suicide

Yesterday I learned about the world
Yesterday I learned I am definitely alone
Yesterday I learned even if I'm alone, I'm still loved

Today all I can do is think of yesterday
Today all I can do is think of yesterday
Today all I can manage to do is think of yesterday

— The End —