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 Jun 2014 Wantafry
All I can ask
 Jun 2014 Wantafry
All death could ever ask for is life
All hell could ever ask for is heaven
All hate could ever long for is love
All the earth could ever want is the sky
And all I could ever want is you.
For my love.
 Jun 2014 Wantafry
Take it!
 Jun 2014 Wantafry
Take my hand
Take my hand
Don't fall down to
Your neverland

You're falling and you'll
Never land
So take my hand
Not neverland

We'll make it grand!
Completely grand
So take my hand
Take my hand
 Jan 2014 Wantafry
It hurts
 Jan 2014 Wantafry
It hurts me to see you
You've wandered
I see how it cuts at you
But really, you're stronger than this.
I love you, you know...
But sometimes I just want to pick you up and shake you.
"Wake up!"
You're better than this
Smarter than this
Stronger than this
But if I'm bold...
Could it be damaging?
 Jan 2014 Wantafry
 Jan 2014 Wantafry
This is all
I don't care about writing
I don't care about being deep
It's unnecessarily complex.
 Jan 2014 Wantafry
 Jan 2014 Wantafry
To hold you
For you to fall asleep in my arms
And I yours
What more could I ask?
 Jul 2013 Wantafry
Jobe David
Please don't leave me,
I don't want to be alone.
I don't know how you feel,
But when you're here its home.
I'm calm, and comfortable.
Able to focus, and be real.
I have a broken heart, yes.
My love wounds attempt to heal.
Love wounds my attempts to heal.
I trust too much, can't handle or deal
When I get let down; get in bad ordeals.
Afflicted, my name it says it all, and I say:
I didn't ask to be born, to grow up this way.
I never asked for a mom, or cried out for a dad.
If they left or they stayed, I wouldn't be mad.
But I never got the option, not even to care.
Dare to be aware of knowing no one was ever there?
I hate the feeling, it hits me deep in my chest
My personality reflects traits that may not be best;
I crave your affection. Really bad, you don't know..
I just need all that love that i consistently show.
I'm afraid to be forgotten, I'm afraid to let you go.

Please don't leave me,
I can't be alone..
 Apr 2013 Wantafry
Roni Shelley
I feel as if I am supposed to hate myself.
It's a ****** feeling, yes I agree
I cry because I'm frustrated
which is beautiful
It shows that I'm passionate to learn how to love myself.
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