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Walid Abdallah Sep 2023
I love all your flaws except for your absence
You enthral my heart, soul and every sense

Any day passes without you is meaningless
My life and heart stop, I frankly confess

Don't stay away for long
You're my life's tone and song

I feel astray, I get lost
You're the one I love most

Your eyes are my compass in the vast space
I belong to your arms, they are my home, my place

When you leave, you take my breath away
My sun sets down, none but you makes my day

When you go and leave me alone
I feel I am a dark sky with no moon

Come back quickly to my desperate heart
Give it the life you take the time you depart

My eyes see none but you whether far or near
Come closer and eliminate every fear

If you think your absence doesn't matter
Look at the rain to see the tears my eyes scatter
Walid Abdallah Aug 2023
On seeing you, I  breathed through my heart
Please, stay there forever and never depart

You have no eye lids, they are two lips
Where a flood of tenderness drips

Take me into the deep well of your embrace
Where I see nothing except for your face

Let me closer to breathe your sighs
Believe in my heart, it never lies

In your presence, I see none but you
I taste that happiness I never knew

You're my God's most precious gift
For you, anything can be easily left

I only feel alive in the shrine of your eyes
My heart dances, sings and always flies

Never be away even for just a few minutes
Being together my feelings have no limits

Your smile always makes me on cloud nine
Our eternal love contract is ready to sign

For the heart that breathes you, never be late
Let's make our happiness and draw our fate
Walid Abdallah Aug 2023
If only you knew how much I love you
You wouldn't ask for a proof or a clue

If only you knew how I feel
You would help my heart heal

If only you were here in front of my eyes
You would know where my happiness lies

If only you knew my heart follows your steps
You would hold me between your eyes' lips

If only you looked into my eyes so deep
You wouldn't leave my heart in your absence weep

If only you could see my soul
You would hear its desperate call

If only you could touch my hand
You would definitely understand

If only you could feel my pains
You would see yourself in my veins

If only we met a hundred years before
I would still love you much more

If only we were together now and forever
I would find peace longing for years to discover
Walid Abdallah Aug 2023
I open all my heart windows to let your love in
Like the perfume, the light and the sun

When I love you, I know the universe is fine
I feel that the earth orbits and on its line

For me, you are all the women of the earth
You are my roots since my birth

You are the warmth of my feeling
Before you, I was senseless being

Some lines are never enough to describe my emotion
They are just like a drop in the ocean
Walid Abdallah Apr 2023
يا أحلى إمرأة في الدنيا
يا عطراً يسكنُ في زهري
يا من يرتاحُ لها قلبي
يا حُباً يرقدُ في صدري
أطياف هواكِ تُطاردُني
فأشيدُ هناك لها قصري
والقُبلةُ نحوكِ أبعثُها
ومكان خدُودكِ لا تدري
فتطيرُ إليكِ مُسافرةً
تشتاقُ إليكِ لذا تجري
تختارُ خدودكِ تسكُنها
فيفوحُ عبيركِ يا طيري
سلَّمتُ إليكِ هنا قلبي
وتركتُ إليكِ أنا أمري
وعرفتُ بأنكِ فاتنتي
وإليكِ أصوغُ صبا شِعري
يا أحلى إمرأةٍ في الدنيا
يا من يزدادُ بها قدري
أهواكِ ، أُحبكِ من قلبي
أهواكِ ، أُحبكِ يا عمري
Walid Abdallah Apr 2023
You make me smile when I want to cry
You make me alive when I want to die

Make me laugh when I want to frown
You just turn my life upside down

Believe in me when no one else does
You’re my now, my is, my was

When I'm with you, time flies so fast
It's like the present is the past

I need you more than you can believe
Love you more than you can conceive

Think about you every night and day
And hope my life can stay this way

I don't want it to be any other way
You're the only wish for which I pray
Walid Abdallah Apr 2023
Don't think that I love you the same way as I write
I am a poet but when writing about our love I burn with no light

Don't think that writing about our love can ever express
It is only worried smoke of the fire that leaving me in a mess

Feelings can't be measured by a look, a touch or a word that my tongue forms

There is a big difference between what we hide and reveal in feelings, insomnia, and storms
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