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Walid Abdallah Mar 2023
يجري النيل هنا منذ ملايين السنين
يحمل كل الخير ويزيل كل الانين

بنيت أول حضارة عظيمة في هذا المكان
و بفضلي لا يوجد جوعان او عطشان

لقد ولدت جنديا اموت مدافعا عن أرضي
اضحي بحياتي من أجل حبة من رمالها فهي عرضي

أنوبيس وحورس جاهزان إلى الأبد
يحميان مصر بعون الواحد الصمد

ولدت فرعون وهذا قدري
اعلم العالم الحب والكره ليس من شيمي

النيل في اوردتي يجري مجري الدماء
وعلي وجهي حفرت ارض مصر والسماء

خريطة مصر منحوتة علي جدار فؤادي
عرف العالم الكتابة الفن والموسيقي بفضل بلادي

أنا العين الساهرة الحامية لمصر ولا تنام
فمصر قابعة في قلبي احميها من الانام

آمرا كل مصري أن يقف ثابتا بلا يأس
مدافعا عن الوطن ليل نهار بكل بأس

الفراعنة دوما اسودا في ساحة النزال
درعنا الحق والعدل واعدائنا دوما الي زوال

النيل هو شريان الحياة وقت الظمأ والبلاء
فهو بئر الماء ومستهل الرخاء

تسعي مصر دائما للعدل والسلام  
فهي عادة راسخة بمرور الاعوام

لم تسعي ابدا مصر للصراع والحرب
مصر هي الملاذ والخلاص ونبع الحب

ولكن اذا فرض عليها يوما حرب
أنوبيس يحمل رمحه ليمحو اي كرب

حورس عاليا يرفرف جناحيه خفاقا
مهللا بالنصر علي كل مختال افاقا

مصر قادرة علي حماية نفسها من ابالسة الانس والجان
اسأل الهكسوس والتتار وغيرهم من سقط في قاع النسيان

هناك دوما احمس و مينا و حتشبسوت
يرسلون رسالة حب للعالم باعلي صوت

رسالتنا الاولي للعالم دوما هي السلام
لذا ستظل مصر ام الدنيا بمرور الاعوام
An Arabic version of my long poem Anibus and both versions are published in Doublespeak magazine and other journals.
Walid Abdallah Mar 2023
Say you love me, then disappear
It will be enough, I swear

I put my soul in your hand as a flower
Take my heart into space and flutter

I didn't adore you, you are just in my vein
Show mercy my princess, be gentle to my pain

You are the dream that inhabited my mind, I swear
Say you love me, just once, then disappear
Walid Abdallah Mar 2023
I built a home in my heart for you alone
I loved my heart when it became your own

If you need my heart, I happily offer
You can have my soul too forever

For you, my whole life is nothing to present
It would be a gift for you ready to be sent
Walid Abdallah Feb 2023
My sun was about to set
When finally we met

You rose like a rising sun
You became the only one

Your beauty has no match
You make me alive with a touch

I have been waiting for long
Your presence makes me strong

Forever is not enough to be together
My love is a tree that will never wither

Your eyes has no lids but two lips
Where tenderness falls and drips

My eternal happiness lies between your arms
Hide me from life and its worries and harms

Your heart blossoms birds and flowers
My whole life with you becomes hours

When you look at me, I feel alive again
You are the only thought in my brain

My heart has fallen in love with jory
For loving you, I will never feel sorry
Jory means twilight/ red flower 🌹
Walid Abdallah Feb 2023
Love happens when a soul falls for a soul
It lives longer and never gets old at all

Love happens when two eyes match
Life renews every time hands touch

Love happens when we find a reason to live for
When somebody's existence becomes your cure

Love happens when life stops on being together
Though bodies decay, souls are in love forever

Love happens when somebody's happiness is your goal
And their smile relieves every pain and every fall

Love happens when you see everything bright
Because your beloved is there before your sight

Love becomes your beloved's name
Your feelings become exactly the same

When your beloved feels pain
You feel the ache more plain

When your beloved becomes your second half
You become ready to sacrifice your life on their behalf

Love happens when life becomes eternal spring
Where birds of every color dance and sing

Love happens with a touch of your beloved's hand
Heartbeats grow and will always expand

Love happens when the two lost souls finally meet
They can overcome everything and easily beat
Walid Abdallah Dec 2022
You are my dream for every new year
Being together, there is nothing to fear

Every new year, you're my hope and desire
You are the love that will never expire

Every new year, you're the beginning and start
Your love is deep rooted into my heart

Every day with you is a heavenly bless
My love increases, will never be less

You gave me the hope and reason to fight
You are the moon that illuminates my night

Let's celebrate our new year together
Let's make a love story that lasts forever

Together we can change the face of universe
Everything will be blessed, no room for a curse

There will be a new world in the new year
All living things smile when your are near

Every new year, stay close to plant love everywhere
Every new year, you have all my love and care

Every new year, I live for you
My love river will always flow
Walid Abdallah Nov 2022
All ways lead to you in the end
We can beat separation wind

Even if life keeps us far away
We will get together some day

Our destiny is connected forever
Life is cruel unless we are together

Wherever you go in this universe
You're in every poem and each verse

Although you are not in front of my eyes
My love to you is an ocean that never dries

You are always there in everything I see
Without you in this world, I would never be

Your lovely picture is carved on the moon face
Making the world a much more beautiful place

While wandering around the earth
Your smile is my compass since birth

I am not afraid to wander about or get lost
As long as your heart is my tender host

One day I am coming back to your arms
My salvation from all hardships and harms
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