Bearing physical pain is easier than emotional pain because physical pain hurts for awhile and disappears. emotional pain hurts, and then lingers, never really going away.
I want to hug her and protect her but the truth is the world is an evil place and even the people we hold close to our hearts will hurt us and make us weak.
That word "fat" she gets called everyday will destroy her mentally and all I can do is tell her it's not true and hope that she's trusts me.
I've been in those shoes, I still am and for a **** 8 year old to be going through this is so disturbing to me.
She acted like she didn't care when I brought it up, but once I showed her i genuinely care, she opened up. No one should be called names on their body, no one. Yet everyone does it.
You're so young yet you get that although sometimes I have bad ways at going at things, my good intentions stick out to you more. You don't know how relieved it is to know that someone agrees with me just a little.
Letting go is one of the hardest things to do and such an undescribable feeling. Being separated by something that won't feel right doing but need to, to keep the sanity that is just about to disappear.