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 Jun 2013 Vish
Morning breaks within the newborns smile
And life seems

 Jun 2013 Vish
Ben Jones
Tardy are the tired eyes
That could be in their bed
Lonely is the pillowcase
The should support my head
Frantic are the fingers tips
Across the tortured keys
With coffee by the bucket-load
And a keyboard on my knees

 Jun 2013 Vish
Cormac O'Rourke
 Jun 2013 Vish
Cormac O'Rourke
She moans like the wind
I'm in and out like the waves,
Like a violent storm
Our love cannot be tamed,
The ceilings lit up
With stars from outer space,
On the grass floor
You shiver and you shake.
 Jun 2013 Vish
Jaimee Michelle
You Kissed Me Goodbye

I loathe these feelings for you that just won't go away
You lit a spark, it enraged a fire
The brightest fire I'd ever seen
I was blown away
You'd swept me off my feet before I realized I was no longer on the ground
I was flying high on cloud nine at first
It felt like a dream... Compared to the night horrors I'd lived through
If you were a drug, I was completely addicted

Your touch gave me chills, so soft so gentle
Laying on your chest watching tv was my favorite place to be
Riding through the nights with the stars a blur with the wind in our faces
My hair wild, you laughing while pulling over to put the top up
I was freezing, but didn't want to stop your fun
But, I guess at the happiness came first
Like I said, cloud 9 was a magical place to be

I knew that the initial high as with any relationship, was gonna come down
I knew the bliss of cloud 9 wouldn't always be how it was
I knew nothing was perfect for ever
Things were still great, we were together must of the time
I told myself not to let myself get to attached to you
I was already living in a fear for the other shoe to drop
You to turn into a ugly, vicious monster, who wanted nothing more then to tear me to pieces
But the true monster was my fear
Not you

Things got messy
We began arguing all the time
I hated it, I was so scared of losing you
But, I was so paranoid that you were just gonna leave in the middle of the night
My insecurities and doubts took over and I went over everything you did, with a fine tooth brush
I decided you were guilty before I knew for sure

That twinkle in your eyes had faded
You were distance , cold and distracted
I had no idea the distraction was her
I never saw you as the cheating type
Considering you were always with me and holding my eye
I never thought there was physically enough room for another person
And that's when my life forever change
And what's worse you can't seem to grasp what you've done to my heart....

But, you kissed me goodbye with tears in your eyes
You held me tighter than ever before
So you have a good sense of what you've done
You did to me what someone in your past did to you, and too proud to admit it
You did nothing. Said nothing.

My hearts shattered pieces glisten with stained tears in the sunlight
And you kissed me goodbye
But, you didn't let me go

So I guess this is just how it ends
You full of pride and selfishness
And me missing you, even though my feelings will never even reach your radar...

But, I can't say goodbye
I stare at the ashes from our once blazing fire... Wishing my heart would go out
Just like our fire did...

I wanna say goodbye....
 Jun 2013 Vish
I'll trade you all my kisses...

for a simple

 Jun 2013 Vish
Only one whom has known darkness...

can ever truely

the gentle reassurence

the light.
For all my fellow depression suffering friends especially Weeping Willow and Timothy whom like many of you have been there when I needed you most
 Jun 2013 Vish
My girlfriend made me gay
and boy...

am I happy.
After reading Martins Grandad poem about the ****** I thought I'll try that too gay used to mean extremely happy not what it means now.
 Jun 2013 Vish
Crystal raindrops
race the mourning sun
across my
windowed pain
They lead to your soul they say I wonder where they lead when we look out
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