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1.3k · Jan 2014
Sue Jan 2014
i am left handed,
do a lot of things with left hand,
tend to look everything at left side,
everything is left.
yet in my prayer,
i raise my both hands
ask forgiveness to Him.
821 · Jan 2014
Sue Jan 2014
when i put my headphones on,
songs played too loud
that i can't hear,
when wonderful feelings that ruined
too fast,
when i started to give myself
second chance to fall in love,
when knowing that he is somebody else's,
when my dreams seems hopeless,
when all i want to do is crying.....
726 · Jan 2014
Sue Jan 2014
you did mistakes,
all your rant to others
are coming back to you,
your past mistakes haunting you.
you're drowning in your own tears,
crying a lot that nobody hear.
509 · Aug 2015
The 'Lovely' Day
Sue Aug 2015
They're laughing,
I'm crying,
They're pretty,
I'm ugly,
They're laughing,
I'm bleeding.
Oct 30,2014
492 · Jan 2014
Nov 30,2009
Sue Jan 2014
I can never love someone else,
my heart is stuck on you,
i know you'll never be mine,
i hardly to forget,
it seems doesn't work,
if the "abracadabra" really works,
i really want to use it to delete you out of mind.

i can't easily fall in love with someone,
once i did,
i am really in trouble,
there has nothing can help me out,
i have been trapped,
by my own heart because in love with wrong person.

if one fine day comes,
which you are already mine,
i really have to slap my face to awake
that it might be happens in dream.

i don't know,
which is worst,
either you,
or my uncontrollable heart,
nothing is more miserable than feel this way
i still don't know when and how is it going to be end.
440 · Jan 2014
Sue Jan 2014
it's too loud,
all you just want to do,
is lay down under the blanket,
there has two option for you;

close your eyes,
when the wind blow your face,
hug your body,
when its getting colder,

stop the fear,
have your cup of tea,
read your favorite book,
play the sounds of the sea.
414 · Jan 2014
Sue Jan 2014
its been awhile,
i'm too busy
mending dear self,
even right now,
there's nothing make me calm,
depression that never gone,
i'm staring at the moon,
until it goes
climbing to gather with the stars,
i wonder if
there's anyone looking at the moon,
right now,
wishing a beautiful happiness,
like the moon is lighting
like the stars is sparkling,
and wondering the same thing.
411 · Jan 2014
i'm curious, is that hurt ?
Sue Jan 2014
i'm curious,
is that really hurt
when you've to walk away
when you stumbled upon your loved ones like a stranger?
when everything you want to do is
to hold his hand in a second'
when everything you want to say is
"i miss you so badly"
when everything you want to do is
hug him so tight hopefully he won't leave you behind.
is that hurt you a lot?
i'm sorry but i never experienced love in my life.
381 · Jan 2014
Sue Jan 2014
i'm so sad that i can't stop writing,
nobody knows
how it kills me inside,
they will say that they're understand,
while they're not truly understand
what '****' that i'm having right now,
give me strength God,
this is so heartbreaking...
my heart beating so fast,
like there's no way to make it stop.
368 · Jan 2014
Jan 12,2011
Sue Jan 2014
Still waiting for that day,
patiently be faithful to you,
naturally happens,
i never asked for this feeling.

i like you,
i don't know how to confess it,
our friendship means whole world to me,
sometimes, i want it more
but sometimes, it's an adequate,

i wish,
i love him more than he loves her,
no other than him,
he such a good guy
that i have ever met,
i should forget about him,
i am so flattered to be his friend,
i really appreciated it,
and its enough.
368 · Jul 2015
Your Glances
Sue Jul 2015
I still remember
The look on your face,
When we first met,
And the glances you gave,
Made me hard to breathe.
Those beautiful eyes
Are like a prose,
And everything about you
Is like a poetry,
make me lost,
And drown in the sea.
360 · Jan 2014
Sue Jan 2014
Sometimes ,
i forgot how to smile.
There's only pseudo smile,
If i could buy the most beautiful
and sincere smiles i would rather buy it
than the other stuff,
Sometimes i didn't actually tell what i am feel
and i didn't tell what i want
Unspoken feelings that nobody would even knows or understand,
i just let it keep inside.
352 · Jan 2014
Sue Jan 2014
it just early of the year,
and this time i feel like
past was better than now.
everybody looks world away,
and i'm here crying silent tears,
i'm all alone,alone by myself.
345 · Jan 2014
Sue Jan 2014
i want him and i can do nothing
i'm so sad that i'm shaking,
i'm so sad yet i don't want to crying,
i want to feel how to feel loved by him,
i want to hold his hand,
i want to see he is smiling
because of me,
it was my daydream,
and i'm so sad
i'm really sad.....
340 · Jan 2014
Sue Jan 2014
you know
when it comes to love,
you want to do a lot of things to approach her
that you're asking a lot of question,
because you think that,
you must to do that
you must to do this
just to show how much you love her


have you ever know ?
we think..
that it'd be mean a whole world for us
for you to understand us,
notice every silly things about us,
yes ! it might take time
but if you willing to show how much you love us,
you would never care to looking forward.
we think its a good thing to for you to know,
how good or bad we are by yourself.

little things that you know
would surprised us
we feel appreciated.

to approach a girl
it's okay to start it as a friend,
there's nothing wrong.
good luck guys ! xoxo
339 · Jan 2014
Sue Jan 2014
i've nobody,
i don't know whom
should i expressed this feeling,
this unspoken feeling.
i'm so tired,really tired.
338 · Jan 2014
when you..
Sue Jan 2014
when you started to be with someone else,
he's coming back,
when you started to forget everything,
all memory appeared,
when you're ready to love back,
he's with someone else,
and maybe,
when you're die,
he still doesn't appears.
327 · Jan 2014
Am i..? hmm i don't know.
Sue Jan 2014
i remember those feelings towards you,
when all i need was you,
when you don't even cross in my mind,
yet you're in my dream,
i don't know
what does it signs ?
and you're come back
and i'm hoping the same thing
like before,
when we were too small
we played sport together
by any chance,
i did stupid things
just to stay closer with you
i don't want you to go away
even an inch,
and now that's what i want.
by any chance,will you give me a chance.
can we try this ?
if we want to stay closer with someone,remember them almost all the is can be called love? am i giving myself a second chance to fall in love ?
308 · Jan 2014
have you ever know ?
Sue Jan 2014
you know
when it comes to love,
you want to do a lot of things to approach her
that you're asking a lot of question,
because you think that,
you must to do that
you must to do this
just to show how much you love her


have you ever know ?
we think..
that it'd be mean a whole world for us
for you to understand us,
notice every silly things about us,
yes ! it might take time
but if you willing to show how much you love us,
you would never care to looking forward.
we think its a good thing to for you to know,
how good or bad we are by yourself.

little things that you know
would surprised us
we feel appreciated.

to approach a girl
it's okay to start it as a friend,
there's nothing wrong.
good luck guys ! xoxo
272 · Jul 2015
Sue Jul 2015
I told him that i like him
He ran away quickly
Like a child had a bad dream
I laughed and smiling
Try to be brave
And keep moving
Dont want anybody
Notices im sad
And lonely
Try to act cool
When I'm actually dying.
These 2 months are beautiful
You gave me butterfly
When my tummy is full
Try to figure out
What should i do
Not seeing your eyes
For today or soon
I hope
Everything is coming back
just like that first time
You smiled and said thank you.
I thought i was rejected but he was just shy.
270 · Sep 2014
Sue Sep 2014
leave me roses on bed
kisses on forehead
maybe im not rad
but that night
i was so sad
268 · Jan 2014
Sue Jan 2014
the moment when you're sitting alone,
listen to slow songs,
and appear this couple,
laughing,fighting,staring each other
and do silly things in front of you,
You were just put on fake smiles,
like you're really happy to see their happiness,

On that time,
all you want to do is
lock up yourself in the dark room
and crying silent tears and asking yourself,
"where on earth the day that you have been waited for?"

— The End —