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 Oct 2012 Vinod Padarat
I was planning to give you my heart, I trusted you again.
How could I be so dumb, so ignorant?
I should have already known what would have happened.
I was caught up in your lie, and that little disguise.
Do you not know you’re breaking my heart again?!
I still love you, do you not want me to?
You were my first love, the one I wanted to give my all to.
I genuinely forgave you, I nearly ran back into your arms.
You don’t know how much I missed you.
I was a fool, you have left me jaded and torn.
Lying on my bathroom floor, in tears holding back my old habits.
I can’t withstand it any longer, the pain is too immense.
I feel like I’m drifting away, I’m detached from everyone.
You apologized for everything you did, then went and flirted with her.
You called me baby; I miss you calling me that.
I missed everything about you; you’re killing what’s left of my heart.
But don’t worry; no one has to know.
If anyone asks, I’m fine.
If I looked after the earth,
I'd burn it in passionate flames.
Bones inherit the soil,
not left a soul to claim.

The scent of rotting flesh,
brings essence to the finish
Life becomes extinct --
& so has the world within it.

Rich in confinement,
I slowly grow deranged.
Soon am I to join them,
hearken shrieks of the claimed.

My name is a song to them,
lost to genocide's insanity.
The voices in my head would claim;
"It's soon to be your fantasy."

The grand rite performed,
& all has been fore-said.
I am to dine and dance --
with the souls of the dead.
We both lost who we were
when we lost each other
an identity crisis of sorts
you grew a beard
I grew out my hair

When you turned away
we turned on each other
a 'look at me now' game
you went into a depression
I went on a rebound

Now neither of us smile
we took each other's with us
now no one else compares
to the love we had
or the hate we have left
© Cassie Mae Writings 2012
 Oct 2012 Vinod Padarat
It has been a while
since I first saw your face
and since I saw you last
you had me dancing to
the tune of your charm
walking on featherlight feet
barely touching the ground.

I still feel the emptyness
left by your essence
you filled the space around
and now am alone.
hard to face the truth
that you are forever gone.

I buy your favorite flowers
lay them by your grave
walk your favoured route
and feel you by my side
then am not so alone
your touch on my shoulder in the sun
your kiss on my lips in the wind
your desire in the storm
though you are gone you are here.
 Oct 2012 Vinod Padarat
see, i did have you right the whole time
broken promises of a three
all i wanted was to be in your arms
broken promises are all you ever gave to me
break the skepticism
your first love will always break your heart.
And so I've really ****** up,
Driven us too far apart.
I've been apologizing for days,
And now I can't even sleep.
Please come home,
Please come back to me.
Sorry, super poor quality. It's 5:30 a.m.
You can love me or loathe me,
Agree or disagree,
But you can never erase me.

I drive you,
Rein you in or rip you apart,
I encroach your mind with my conniving hands,
Yet you haven't the strength to expunge me.

However you might shut me out or restrain me
But in the end you succumb and I win.

I give you the hope to live,
The backbone to prop yourself up in despairing times,
The happiness to rejoice.

Call me friend or fiend,
Your fort or your facade,

Nonetheless I'm your past,
Will be your future and I'm here right now...
I'm undeniably your conscience
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