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Missing you when I am the one
Who banished you
From my life
In your looks
There isn't anything to special
But it is not your face or body
That draws me to you
It's the tug of your heart to mine
For some unfounded reason
It's you I always glance back at
And I know you have the worst habits
But we are young
There's room for mistakes to be made
So we can grow
But I feel as though if I confess
I might just make a mess
Of these stitches we finally managed to sew
If I tell you my secrets
Will you take me in your arms?
Or will you cast me away?
This deliema has me restless
When I see you
I avert my eyes
Because you can always read what lies behind
The green walls to my soul
Maybe I was to scared and to young
But now ... I just want to know
That I didn't leave your mind so soon
Possibly .... That when you claimed
You .... Loved me
You ment it
I was scared back beneath my covers
By that four letter word
I've seen , I've felt it used to betray
Used to hurt
My bruised heart
Beats with a ragged thump
Do dare I risk the last pulse on you?
 Oct 2012 Vinod Padarat

I love you
Won’t you climb on down
From your niche in the sky
Wearing your golden crown


Is how I started
& you flew apart
A fleeting piece of art
You left with my heart

                  I love you
 Oct 2012 Vinod Padarat
Joe Hill
when i was young
i was told that there would come a day
when i would understand

when i would understand
what it meant to care for someone more dearly than myself
what it meant to love

i thought i knew
because i saw a few movies and i had my family
i thought i knew everything

but i was a child
and as i grew i learned that i knew few things
other than being a child

other than the golden rule
and to always scrub behind my ears diligently
and to not talk to strangers

it wasn't 'til i saw her
that i started to understand what they had told me
gradual glances and smiles

conversations about nothing
searching instead of coming across each other
seeing through eyes not to them

touching fingertips to cheeks
touching hands and being happy with existence
taking solace in each others arms

joining lips and thoughts
joining smiles and knowing that the world is imperfect
knowing that we are perfect

you're just a child
but there will come a day when you understand
what it means to love
 Oct 2012 Vinod Padarat
Kiss me like it'll be the last time
Because it might be
Hold me in your arms like I'm already slipping
Because I am
Find me in these bottomless depths
Because I'm lost
Show me a reason to live
Because I can't find one
Look into my eyes for as long as stars are old
Because the light is dying
Pick up the pieces of me I left behind
Because I don't know where they are
Plaster a smile onto my face
Because I want to feel how I look
Wipe the tears from my eyes
Because I can't see anymore
Tell me everything will be okay
Because I honestly want to believe it
What happened to me?
Who am I?
 Oct 2012 Vinod Padarat
They captivate you,
Your smile won't stay away when you talk to them, you just sit there like an idiot.
You can't help but laugh at their jokes.
You aren't afraid to be yourself around them.
You think about them constantly.
You do flips when they text you
They make everything make better...
You were thinking of someone when reading this, right?
Now's your chance, Take it... Tell them!
Don't wait till your chance is gone...
 Oct 2012 Vinod Padarat
I like it when you **** with my head
and hope we never speak again.
Call me up, please, break me down
tear me apart,
bruise my bones and body.
I feel sick to my stomach
feed me more poison in the chicken soup.
Your eyes were warm once, I don't remember
when. You fed me chicken soup you
said, "I will keep you safe always."
And my throat warmed from the broth,
and I smiled as the poison was swallowed.
As I lay in my bed,
nothing on but my faded blue bathrobe,
my mind drifts to you
as it always does.
Your lips on my skin
our bodies so intertwined
that it is almost impossible to leave
an unbearably sweaty bed.
I'll never cease the dreaming
of your old T-shirts
peppered with holes.
And the khaki pants you wore
when we first met.
I'll never let this love fade
like the colors in my laundry
I'll hold these thoughts
deep inside
and where everyone can see.
I never want to have to forget
or to have to remember.
This love will always be
Toss away sheltering umbrella,
Seek to samba triumphant in the rain.
Edit dramatic doldrums from the novella,
Relate an easy tongue of the urbane.

Call a friend as helpful lifeline,
Castle Queenside for defense,
Debate the speed of light with Einstein,
Let love be your sixth sense.

Swim out through the breakers,
Surf the hurricane back home,
Reject the quackery of fakers,
Let rain cloud be your geodesic dome.

Vilify politics of standstill,
Wink the lowlands of the moon.
Pitch an idea to the gristmill,
Sing impromptu to typhoon.
Every word I squeezed out of myself
in a schizophrenic frenzy
was dedicated to you
I only fear
because my past suspicions came true
Your worst nightmare
is now unmistakebly real,
touch it.

What thoughts I have of you tonight?
Yesterday night, tomorrow night?
Wednesday night, Friday night?
My thoughts are nothing but a fright

How cheap is my soul on flea-market of souvenirs?
Will get a broken penny, a shinny eye
Always more, never enough
A broken body, a bent heart?

A couple of hours away, a lie near
Number of minutes, word lies hidden
Doesnt matter, if far away of here
Hear me dear, while you are here?
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