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It was sweet
and fast.
However, the feeling will always last.
It sent bolts of lightening down my spine,
And sparks of electricity through my soul.
A gust of wind across my mind,
And a bond that seemed indestructible.
That feeling of perfection.
That feeling of protection
Making my head spin in all directions.
How could such complexity come from such a light touch?

It seemed so safe
So innocent
So lovely
However, it meant so much more.
For this light connection opened doors.
This little joke, a small playful score.
How did it turn to something so magical?

It was light as a feather
Soft as a cloud
Sweet as candy
And addictive like a drug
This small connection could only be a kiss
A true kiss;
That wakes a princess from her sleep,
Turns a toad into a prince.

A kiss that happens in dreams
In fairy tales
And fantasies
However, it was real.
It was my first real fairy tale kiss.
 Nov 2012 Vinod Padarat
all of it.
 Nov 2012 Vinod Padarat
so many things in my life have been a lie.
        i mean it's not really anyones fault but mine.
thats the thing though,
     the faults.
we all falter, and alter, and change how we are.
  but why?
        why do i always think its necessary to be someone else?
stories make me more interesting..
       but for how long?
my memory is so good because
   i got myself into a big mess and i have to keep all the lies i tell in line.
i did this with her
     (and she did this to me)
lies about telling the truth.
    what is the truth, really?
i'm not sure
    if i'll ever know.
Our hearts
Beat in symphony to each other
Years the melody
Mine the harmony
And even though we own seperate galaxy's
And our moons of different quantity
I will love you
My galaxy without a sun
Cold and dark
Until yours spit rays
On to the ice
That had held me locked
You told me
Don't be afraid
You gave me warmth
I won't be afraid
You took my love
And I gave you my heart
And we free fall into space
But we are not meant to be
For the gods will not smile
Upon our joining
So my fingertips must part
From yours
And my lips last
Brush like a shadow against yours
My tear will fall as two with yours
As long as you love me
In this unclaimed space
We'll meet again
But until then
Were my gravity
In space
Together we were a
Cosmic explosion
A planet collision
But I smiled for the first time
In your arms
I won't forget
"you're confused,
isn't that why you're here?"
he speaks in quiet tongues,
always so gentle,
but sincerity lacking
i don't want to talk about the
things that brought us here
the things that have broken us
down... in the quiet,
and in the dark,
it was always the same

i'm here because
i want to be held*

it's as simple as that
i have no other explanation
for the way things are,
or should be,
or could have been
The time was early or late - to us it's all the same/Our minds, a phone, two lovers alone and playing a lover's game.
We had made a promise not to speak or write those special words/Instead we chose to circle around them like a pair of lonesome birds.
Beyond all expectations we stayed true to our oath/Though in more ways than one it was torture to us both.
The day of our meeting was the date we had chosen/To express our emotions and melt lips long frozen.
But Life intervened and our plans were broken/Our love, it seemed, was not meant to be spoken.
Yet still a call was made and the reason why was clear/My patience had run out weeks ago and I simply longed to hear.
The melody of your voice and the thoughts in your head/And the rhythm of your breathing as you lay in your bed.
It isn't long before we start to speak of our vow/Though every fiber of my being begs to say it now.
Then a catch in your voice makes my ears perk up with glee/Could you desire to be first to say them to me?
Somewhere a clock chimes loudly four times/While criminals are out committing their crimes.
You become one of them as The Words leave your mouth/My love is now yours to take - North, East, West, and South.
I'll change and grow but there is one thing I'll always do/And it's whatever it takes to hear you say "I Love You."

For Jénay - My soulmate  
I love you honeybee
We spent years platonic, though I wanted more.
I have kept that secret, loving you in silence.
We separated ways because college came
And I felt like I lost you.

Leaves bloomed from trees, flowers began to grow
Still no word from you, trying to fight it.
Suddenly a Skype call from your strange face
And I fell back in love.

You reveal to me all the feelings you had
Shaking me to my core, mixed feelings returning
Regret replaced love, anger replaced relief
You waited how long...

Leaves have turned orange with autumn
Skies grey with the rain clouds
I have found another, affectionate
I will never forget our late fall.
Could have been.
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