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Vinnie Brown Aug 2017
Been a couple days since my breaths ran out the door on me
I've been trying to hold it in, hoping for the day you'll come back for me

Maybe I'm just being blinded by the better side of what we are
I hope, I wish, I can keep the scars you left behind, my northern star

Couldn't believe how much I bled, when the blade was placed by you
Not bleeding blood, tears, or even fears, just pain

You had a hold on my soul
Caught a case of rope burn, lost grip and let me go

I hope you'll be safe in the arms of another.
Vinnie Brown Mar 2018
His desires were that of white waters
Young and naive you
You use to try and cross
For Love was on the other side
Just to get lost in the chaos
Of a raging river
A little older and a little wiser
You said “No thanks, I’m not a fan of drowning.”
And took the bridge
Vinnie Brown Aug 2017
Builders you all are
Architects and master craftsmen
Built in black and white
Given small amounts of colors to shine
Bridges built on words
Joining a community together from around the world
All in a common goal
Express thyself
Spill the thoughts of your soul
For the next to progress farther on
And so on and so
To you poets, I beg of you
Be raw, be vulnerable
It shall make this glorious golden gate
Let's get to building.
Vinnie Brown Dec 2018
Stricken with black and white
For these brittle bones
Refuse to bend with all the ways
I live my life
With Death’s advance gambling away with my addictive tendencies
And these golden eyes shine bright
With silver hopes
Laced with tidbits of salt
Grounded in constellation smiles
Treading ever so playfully on my heart
Liplocked straight razors
Slicing through my every dream
Locked away in some far off
Hillsong forest
Benevolent to yours truly
With a guitar, bottle of whiskey
And a bullet.
Vinnie Brown Sep 2018
Drowning in sin
Watch me burn
Doused in holy highs
Nothing left but bones
Don’t look in her eyes you’ll turn to stone
I wanna go, I wanna leave
This world might just not be for me
Hell is where we might find some peace
Don’t forget to breathe
When your minds at ease
When we’re chasing highway lines
In the moonlit hours
Certain things go bump in the night
Vinnie Brown May 2018
God said I’d be welcome here forever
There was a little sadness
As I knew I’d have to cancel forever
Vinnie Brown Oct 2018
She had a tendency
To douse me in kerosene
And light me on fire
With a flicker of her eyes
And a match strike smile
Vinnie Brown Mar 2017
It's by acts and not ideas
That our hearts seem to live
And the stars are aligned
But they don't align for us

Such fragile moments we share
It's as if they were everything
Hearts so pure in this broken place
And all we are, are long lost lovers
Searching for our own saving grace

So, stay the night I promise that I won't bite
There's a lack of faith in myself
And it's becoming my own personal hell
Something calling and feeding on my loneliness
Behind this emotion lies hidden is a sensible heart burning oh so bright
Song influenced
Vinnie Brown Oct 2018
I talk a lot about Everest
A desire to escape the city
Cause’ people are kind of ******
I don’t think a lot of people would miss me
I still meant every word and I think you’re pretty
So, take me back to when love was real like in the sixties
And, I’ll climb this mountain so, I don’t feel so empty
I guess I’m asking you to wait for a moment my minds not so busy
Vinnie Brown Sep 2018
I just got back and had my beats on
Jogging up the stairs
So, steep for an apartment complex
You were coming down
Crossing paths
Locking eyes
With the lyrics screaming in my ears

“I don’t want no temporary
Give me all or nothin
Imma keep it real with you
And give you all my lovin
Girl to tell the truth
It’s been a year and I’m still crushin
Girl let’s take a ride and keep it quiet
No discussin, we can take it slow
Nowhere to go no need to rush it
And if you need me I’ll be around to keep you buzzin”
Vinnie Brown Jun 2018
I find it weird that I sleep
On the left side of the bed
Knowing that no one is on the right
Like open space, empty and heavenly
Vinnie Brown Mar 2017
To be the one she chooses so naturally
Letting her down I won't be
To all my friends, I hope you find your way
On some lonely summer night I hope to see you again
But I have to go she's calling out my name

I said it before and I'll scream it out now
She's a simple beauty and it gets me
I couldn't stop smiling like the whole way home
A thief in the night came attempting to steal the feeling that she's been giving

Deep into the night these flames
I've been looking back at the things you senselessly taught me
There's beauty we can't always keep
Learning there's some demons in stories
Whenever she calls, she'll be calling me
The moon hasn't been chasing us lately
Sometimes our love is just so child like

And tonight I just couldn't stop smiling like the whole way home, with the smell of the rain and the sun setting like it was gold, how can I tell her that we'll shine in the street lights quintessence glow as she sees me coming home, she was a simple beauty and to all my friends I know you'll find your way, but tonight she's callin' out my name and so I on my way I'm sprinting home
Vinnie Brown Oct 2013
I'm callin' out to my long lost lover
I hear you callin' out my name
I'm hidin' under the covers
We have no one else to blame
We we were ****** up by the blame
We cowered in our corners
Confide in one another
Let's just pass the time away
Fall asleep together in our bare skin
I couldn't say it to my own face
I finally let it out and say
Way down dear, you might just grow on
Vinnie Brown Mar 2018
The city screams
And my echoes dream
I long for hope, it’s all I see
The morning brings such a longful dawn
All that we see is not a fairytale
Except all this could be
Is a miracle for us
In a flush of panic
We all forget the reasons we feel so blessed
Holding smiles in memories
Now is my time to carry you
She’s fallin’ over
So, I’ll carry you home
Vinnie Brown Apr 2018
She’s pulled to the black silver ocean
Where the currents
Clash and collide with the heavens
I seem to be caught in a swell
She is the lighthouse the sea mark
And I’m led by the currents away
I’m the navigator who never could lead
Aboard the mighty ship
One who could never sink
And you’re my only thought
If I go down the fear of the water’s amnesia
So, my memory is gripping
As the waves seem to be ripping
And your voice is an echo
Of things I don’t know
Some of stories I’ve been told
A light house, a voyage
Would someone please take notice
Vinnie Brown Oct 2017
You were born in a castle
Next to the sea
So, how do you plan on waking up next to me?
A boy born somewhere hidden in trees
Paradise is a place far from home
And lately all I ever see is everything I've ever known
I hate all the things I love
And I love all the things that don't make sense
Like loving you
Vinnie Brown Jan 2018
This trip was suppose to help
Get away from society
Feel the way of the land
Maybe get a breath of fresh air
Yet, here I lay
Realizing they caught up to me
Even hundreds of miles away
Heartbreak and torment
Vinnie Brown Dec 2016
Blue eyes and a smile to die for
You make it so hard to say no
In a dark room in cold sheets
I lost myself in your face, your medicine is in my head
oh, the habits of my heart
It's ripping me apart
You get so close
It's so hard to let you go
She told him "You're confident, I'll give you that, but if you love yourself you can **** yourself."
At times I think I'd rather be alone, but then I see your name pop up on my phone
I tell myself I like that
When I have my hands tied behind my back
It's a game just for us, and you're not the losing kind
Vinnie Brown Aug 2017
It took only but a few minutes
Finding the worn headstone
Never forgetting
Who could forget such a love
Accepting the silence
Undoubtedly one day my name will disappear
For this cemetery
Is where I've buried myself
For each one of my long lost lovers
From name tree carvings
And spoiled chocolate valentines
To the everlasting reds in the roses of dead petals
Of all the starlights in the brilliance of diamond rings
For a wise man told me
Love is narcissistic
And you only find someone to love you
As much as you love yourself
Not realizing he was wrong, until her beautiful face
Told me she loved me, just to love me
Vinnie Brown Nov 2017
The taste of the alcohol in your small sips
Wiped away my chapped lips
Arguing for innocence
Both guilty as eachother on our sins
Both creatures we know oh so well
We were warm until we went to hell
Can you tell me how this downfall began?
Cause, I know we didn’t have a plan
How long can we make this last?
Let’s play a game and pretend we don’t have a past
Vinnie Brown Feb 2018
There they are, the falling of stars
When devils and angels danced
Where the sacraments of our validations
Lie wasted upon ocean waves
Of seratonin highs
And dopamine lows
Vinnie Brown Dec 2017
So, here we sit again
In the high council above the heavens
Entangled in yet another chess match
You are black and I am white
A lot like the topic at hand
For I refuse to believe love exist
And you claim it’s all there is
I raise arguments of war, the ninth circle of hell, and pain
Yet, you claim it is all of it, pain, misery, torment, kindness, generosity, and hope
It is all Love
With each word my pieces fall
Check, check, and check
Till I feel my own northern wind
Sending shivers down my spine
Check mate
Vinnie Brown Sep 2018
And if there is one thing to take away
From all the learnings of our childish ways
It’s that we all have devils inside
Burning low waiting to shine
As other people are distractions
From our own faulty reactions
Yet, we all still hope to learn
To love what’s deep inside
Vinnie Brown May 2019
When I was a child
I use to hide away at the library
Surrounded by a plethora of words
I stumbled upon a little black book
With a red leather spine
It told me that monsters didn’t exist
And what will keep me awake at night
Are the things inside my head
Tempered words designed to melt hearts
I know it’s difficult, but crucial
Too be grateful not to miss
The anxiety and emptiness
That we all feel
And someday far away
On an ocean breeze
I’ll accept the love that I’ve always had
Vinnie Brown Aug 2017
She chose the city
Guess that's where she wants to be
So, you can guess that's where you'll find me
She's the only sight in the big apple I want to see
She's the music in our symphony
In the city she's always awake
Just a gorgeous girl, a kind the world doesn't seem to make
Here to break the rules
Just a dreaming fool
The big apple took a bite out of me
Finding out what were turning out to be
Guess that's where I want to be
Cause' she chose the city
Vinnie Brown Mar 2018
She said “Don’t forget you owe me one.”
Ninety-nine cent dreams
Maybe you can show me some
I’m up in the clouds again
If you need someone, call your friends
Clouded by all of this smoke
Seems the fires all we can understand
Your body looks like heaven
Caught up in a breeze
Riding the clouds feeling so free
Vinnie Brown Oct 2018
The coast always called
On Friday nights side by side you and I
Riding on my bike ready to disappear
There’s bout a million places we could go
Except I’d rather be here
And so, let’s chase these highway lines
Turn off the light and let the city lights
Guide us to where we think we’ll find home
Where, I’m feeling powerless
And, you have all the power over me
I just hope we’re bad enough
That the Devil rejects us
Vinnie Brown Mar 2019
No matter how hard you try
To run away from love
At the end of the night
You’ll still find yourself craving it
Come first light
Vinnie Brown Oct 2013
"Comparing them to you darlin'
They will never compare
You found love darlin' yeah.

Heartbreak is universal
We all feel it
The hardest thing is to see the one we loved
The second hardest thing is accepting who we are
The third hardest thing is finding love again
Always comparing someone to who we loved or love
You can't make someone love you
You can't make their heart feel something it won't
Love is like buildings empty and haunted and they'll eventually fall down
Love is great and we still stand tall
Vinnie Brown Sep 2018
I have seen, heard, and tasted
Many things in life
None of them quite compare to you
Vinnie Brown Jul 2017
When it comes to your love, tell me who's the most consistent
When you need love, I'll always be persistent
Keep me at a distance
Just ask and I'll be home in an instant
Wasting all of this time
The thing is, I don't mind
Vinnie Brown Aug 2018
It was many moons ago
A long long time from now
You were with me
I was with you
Lost somewhere not many people get to
Off just a little by heart
With constellation eyes
In fragile moments
Cracking at the core
Begging for something to say
Vinnie Brown Jun 2018
It wasn’t until I was lost out at sea
Under the cotton candy skies
That I realized how lonely the oceans were
It must be why I like it so much
Relating to the lapping tides
As they push farther inland
Searching for something
They can’t seem to grab
Vinnie Brown Aug 2017
Saw you in the summer
Your face came to life
You could be my lover
Oh, baby we're falling so deep
Only took a couple lifetimes
Take our bodies higher
I saw you in my dreams
Middle of the night
You told me we're all we need
Together let's go
Your voice and sound set my soul on fire
The girl guys hope to meet by running into
Whoever you are
Just hope you take my body higher
Vinnie Brown May 2018
She asked “What of Courage?”
As if personifying it
Would deepen her own belief in it
As she knew we all feel so cowardly somedays
But, she was tired of feeling tired, even more so of feeling small, for her heart screamed of adventure, lost somewhere in the ocean of it all
She has a lot to learn though
Such as tomorrow when she wakes up
And makes her morning coffee
That walking out that door and living life
Well, that’s pretty courageous
For the world is really big and she might just be small after all
Vinnie Brown Nov 2018
Tonight is the first time
I’ve written in weeks
It’s all sort of fragmented
Disjointed and dislocated segments
Bound and squeezed together in moments
Of sheer chance diluted by pedigrees
Of ever elevating time spans
Spent sleeping or wishing for sleep
Like seeing a pretty face for the first time
Attaching the backstory myself
Sort of like a shock culture moment
Like when you realize not all stars
Are quite like each other
With ocean waves crashing about
Forcefully until nothing, but peace
Resides in the moments we find ourselves

Probably won’t make tons of sense, it’s more or less me just ramble things I’m thinking good, anyways. Thanks.
Vinnie Brown May 2017
It feels so impossible to let you go
Biochemically addicted to you
I hope he's something special for sure
That the day shines a little brighter when his name pops up in your phone
I'll undoubtedly sit myself down
Dissect everything there is about myself
Till I can find the piece that you saw that said I couldn't be it
I won't get rid of it no, I'll study it and I'll learn from it
I'll try as carefully as I can to piece myself back together afterwards
Maybe editing a few set points here and there
There always seems to be in every scenario that one person has to take a step back for another to go
I suppose I'm just taking a seat for now
Hopefully someday I'll get to where I want to be
Today though? Well, today it sort of feels the worlds crashing all around me
Vinnie Brown Jan 2019
It seems that I'm not the only one
Who's feeling what were all feeling
I find myself catching news
That we all need a little bit of healing
It seems that we're testing the waters of the deep end
Just reach out your hand to mine
For some hearts just need a little bit of solace

In these crazy...times.
Vinnie Brown Nov 2018
And oh, how we search
For humbleness
In such unhumble ways
As if by nature
Designed for want
Never if by necessity
Vinnie Brown Mar 2019
Waking up in my own bed
It’s still been a while
Since I’ve felt like I’ve been home
Am I getting closer to knowing
Where we belong
For now
All I see is lonely people
In crowded rooms
Vinnie Brown Apr 2018
Well, it looks like what the kingdom
Said was true after all
We were doomed from the start
Look at us, we didn’t even come close
He murmured to himself
As he sat slouched on the throne
Arms dangling over the rests
As the glinting finery casts shadows
Down from crown in hand
For there sat a king
But, she was gone and he felt
Vinnie Brown Aug 2017
She turned and giggled
As she watched a boy struggle
To button his cuffs
As she helped
He couldn't help, but admire her perfectness
The bareness of her shoulders
In a miraclous red dress
The lightness of her cheek bones
From perfectly applied makeup
She had her hair in a style he'd never seen
She was always so adventurous
Finally looking up after the job was done
To lock eyes with a lover
Lost in nothing, but a moment
As he kissed her not caring of the perfect red lipstick on her lips
Vinnie Brown Mar 2018
My self esteem been in the dirt
I don’t know my worth
I’ve been at my worst
Can’t explain my hurt
So, I write another verse
Seems I can’t shed this curse
Vinnie Brown Oct 2017
What if I outgrow you she asked
I’ll uproot mountains
Part oceans
Reach the outter limits of space
Swim in hell’s fires
Make deals with devils
**** angels
I’ll burn
For growing is a curse
But, you are such a blessing
I’m more a curse than a blessing my dear, but I am all yours
Vinnie Brown Nov 2017
I think the reason we fall into cycles
Is because we need one another
Like the sun and the moon
It just seems like we keep missing though
Maybe one day
We might get lucky enough
That we might just eclipse
Vinnie Brown Sep 2018
And just for one time
I want to feel like the dangerous one
While you’re chasing me
Weakened staring at my jawline
As I’m watching the city lights
With you not in mind.
Vinnie Brown Jun 2017
And for a second
He opened himself up to a dark world
Because her love
Seem to make it just a bit brighter for a lifetime
Vinnie Brown Oct 2018
Start to hyperventilate
No, I’m not seein’ straight
Knees begin to wobble
Cut my brakes, and lock the throttle
I couldn’t stop it if I wanted
Shadowy silhouettes
Make break into sweats
I’ve been dazed and confused
Since the day I met you
I’ve maybe lost my head
Yet, I’d do it all again
Perhaps I’m losing my my mind
There’s just something about you
That’s left me dazed and confused
Something about your eyes
Under certain influence
Unable to walk in straight lines
Build me up and leave me here in ruins
Either I’ve seen the light
Or I’m losing my mind
Just dazed and confused
About a girl or my come and go depression? I don’t know, you tell me.
Vinnie Brown Sep 2018
All of this just might be the same
Regardless this is quite the feeling
Of being insane
And when the day arrives
Where all my poems are dead
And I’ve decided to use words
To **** myself instead
Drowned out in black and white
Laced with colors brought about
By your imaginations
Where you can taste
What’s exactly inside my head
Both in hell and maybe even heaven
Where we’ve lost control
Of our not so holy souls
Vinnie Brown Nov 2017
It’s going to be a ****** day
When she realizes
She shouldn’t have to bargain
And make deals
For your love
Take a note from the reckless
She will figure it out
Sooner than you’ll be ready for
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