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Vinnie Brown Feb 2018
Seems I found a muse
Was an accidental stumbling
Golden romper and all
With an angelic title beginning
And ending with A’s
I’ll call her AA, for she’s a lot stronger
Than any drink I’ve had hit the lips
See if they know who they are
Vinnie Brown Dec 2017
-And I told her I needed it
    -All of that as to what she is
Vinnie Brown Aug 2018
It seemed even as God’s
We found ourselves in a phase
Of making love, where love was absent.
Vinnie Brown Sep 2013
We lived on the docks
Just you and I
We grew old here together love
Saw things lovers wish to see
The laughter of children once filled this house
Now my thoughts are only what drift though the walls
We said our goodbyes and you went to sleep
You ever fiery heart setting to a nice kindling
I felt the rush of life leave your fingers through mine
Oh my love the lake is quite peaceful at this time of night
I think I'll go for a swim and let the gentle waters calm the fires in my heart
When morning comes we'll be side by side just you and I
In whatever place we go
Just know that we can have our abstract hugs and our simple concrete goodbyes
Thanks for reading.
Vinnie Brown Aug 2017
When the storms a rage and loving you is a losing battle
If I were to drown here, it wouldn't  matter
There's things you seem to do
I thought that love was never true
And everyday I'm a slave to the heartache
No, it's not heartbreak, it's an ache I crave and put everything at stake
You tore my world apart
Like it was something you had planned to do
Trying to find our love, headed back to the start
Cause giving up a love like you
Is something I just can't seem to do
Vinnie Brown Jun 2018
So, let's set the sea aflame
Scorch the coastline
Watch the tides turn charcoal black
Watching the world burn away
Hell on earth
It's how I feel
With the dope *** instrumental
Cascading us with background noise
As we eye each other from across the room
Searing one another with fevered looks
Unaware of all the others burning up
Vinnie Brown Sep 2020
I guess I use to be afraid
Terrified I'd be what I dreaded
I'd be inadequate and forgetful
It's not that I want to die
Just maybe not waking up doesn't sound so bad
Better than driving myself into what I fear
Lest my son, becomes just like me
As, I become my father
You, my love a lone star in my cloudy nights
I hope it's not too late for me
I don't want to leave
But, I don't feel you want me to stay
I'm not sure what's wrong with me
And tonight the moon doesn't shine for me
While tomorrow the sun might not shine for me
Maybe, just maybe
The ocean will sing and dance with me
Vinnie Brown Oct 2018
I have this aesthetic idea in my head
Oddly enough it always calls for me
Being dead
Vinnie Brown Nov 2015
I awoke surrounded in warmth
Just to realize it was my desires
They came back for me after all
Thought they had left me for dead
Just to to turn to ash in this burning heat
She gives me fever when she kisses me
When she allows her arms to envelope me
We have a love that a blind man can see
She's the reason I'm burning up
Can feel the smoke a risin'
I can feel the air leaving my lungs now
I'm feelin' my skin burnin up with fever
Startin to lose care in how long I live
The flames are creeping higher than ever
I'll lament for now
I've created a new circle of hell
No fire will hold me down
I'll crawl back to her.
Vinnie Brown Apr 2018
When I wake up I’m afraid
Somebody else might take my place
When I wake up I’m afraid
Somebody else might end up being me
And being me means it’s difficult to see
All the smoke making it hard to breathe
Where the worlds disappeared and all that’s left is me and I’m scared of everything.
Vinnie Brown Feb 2018
What's your poison?
What makes you lust for it's divine taste when it hits your lips?
Whiskey, *****, beer, tequila even maybe?
Maybe it's the yearning for sobriety
Just to be dragged back to drunken loves
When romance and wine called for slow dances
And maybe when the shadow settles on the place the bottles left
Your wants and desires will come rushing back
For you are an addict, troubled by emptiness
Filling voids of fiery liquids and slurred thoughts
And our minds are troubled by the what ifs
Vinnie Brown Jul 2019
I use to think
I belonged down in hell
Going to church
Where the addicts go to meet
Seeking shelter from their demons
Trading shame for amnesty
Till reprieves fell on hurting shoulders
While my thoughts eat me alive
From the inside
And my body feels like a prison
Where my soul resides
Till I wake up
And there you lay
Vinnie Brown Jun 2017
Why deny that you and I
Got swept away by the high tide
To be found lost again on stranger sides
Vinnie Brown May 2018
All these heavens are the same
They're rotting my brain, love
I think I need a change
Before I go insane, love

All these hells are the same
They're rotting my brain, love
I think I need a change
Before I go insane, love

Now, I am insane
Angels and Demons in my brain, love
Peace we can't obtain
Cause' all these loves are the same
Vinnie Brown Dec 2016
Pour me a double shot
Of ***** and bleach
Heavy on the bleach
Make sure to mix it
With your spiraling straw
Of endless lies
In the end
The alcohol will burn
And the bleach will **** all
The ***** feelings we left behind
On the road we took all the way down
Vinnie Brown May 2018
I could tell you loved the way
I looked at you
If only the people would disappear
And I could make you feel like you use to
When we were alone
I’d write heavenly and hellish love stories
Only for you
When we use to breathe in
The ocean salt misted waves
I’ve been looking for more time
Hoping to turn back time
Just to show the devil
How we lived was right
Oh, when we were alone
Vinnie Brown Aug 2017
I miss your pain
That constant loving drain
I miss your kiss
Well, I hope dear
That you don't think I'm weird
Just miss your plane
Come stay at my place
Cause I miss your brain
You're like a the best ink mark stain
I miss your kiss
Vinnie Brown Feb 2019
My confessions seem to always lie at the bottom of the deep end
These intricate caverns of guilt doused memories
With no true reason
For I have never truly felt loved
Forgotten and cast aside
By those unaware, yet cast like a skipping stone
Smooth and polished and so misshapen
As if my father not loving me was my own doing
Or unable to believe my past loves could love me
For I believed I was different and different couldn't be loved
Yet, I learned by you
That some may love the sunrise, while other's may love the sunset
And night feels just as home as day
While one can be attached to land
As the other soaks in the waves
Yet, there's sand in between
That's where our love seems to meet
Somewhere in between
And of that, all of which it is
I wouldn't trade for the world
Vinnie Brown May 2017
There are 31,536,000 seconds in a year
I wonder how many of them
I'll spend with you in mind
Burning through the minutes talking
Swimming through the hours touching
Flying through the years loving
Hey, maybe time will be on our side
Opposite of death wishes
I got a love wish
Just be my last kiss
Vinnie Brown Sep 2018
And I suppose these are hardly poetry
More mad man ramblings
With no rhyme or reason
Asked who inspires me
I could’ve said Bukowski, Poe, or even Dickens I suppose
Yet, I listed the Jamadhi’s and Nat Lipstadt
All the way to the Edmund Black’s
Even the ever infamous DelleFemine
Who I usually disagree with
Yet, they are true poets
Who’s words demand to be read
How I aspire to stand amongst you
Tall and brave
For you are the poets of my world
And I hope you’ll be immortalized
Sitting godly with words filling all the spaces inbetween
There are so many more I could’ve listed and I hope those too shall live on forever
Vinnie Brown Oct 2013
Forgive me for what I have done
There is no one like me
Fear and Anxiety rule the days
Happiness and Comfort flee the night
Place myself in a moments notice
Millions of miles from anywhere
If I share with you my sad story
We knew we'd find our way here eventually
We broke some hearts
Watched ours crumble too
Seen the disasters of lies and the horrors of truths
We learned and forgot
Best of all we let our angst out
It's easy to look away from broken things
It's better to look at all the ****** up **** in the world and fix it
We're human
Anguish is what we are
Vinnie Brown Dec 2017
She was built for the wild
Lusting for a free and wandering life
Wondering why the world can be so cruel
When she had nothing, but love in her heart
She’s a snow leopard
A ghost cat to the eye of the world
Yet, grounded in earthly constellations
It must be why I feel the way I do
I caught a glimpse of a side
The rest of the world doesn’t get to see
A shade fire blue like the sky above
It’s a pain that’s so good and wanting
Chapped lips from interlocked extremities
For the longest time I had writers block
How funny, all I needed was her
Now my Endless Summer doesn’t seem so
With her silhouette on the horizon
Wherever you want to wander Annie, I’m sure I’ll be close behind, and if you should wander far to a place I can’t seem to follow, I pray you find your way back. I’m sure I’ll be waiting.
Vinnie Brown Jan 2018
Met a girl with some pretty blue eyes
Lost in the sky fire highs
Caught up in the blue white haze
Feel the heat of your words on my face
It’s so hot, we’ve been melting down hell
And only time will truly tell
You touched down in the base of my fears
Oh, Houston do you copy? Do you hear?
As she whispered “Stay Love, its warm right here.”
And, that’s when the beauty appears
Yes, you are my lantern
The more you speak
The more I see
The more your light grows upon me
The more it grows
The closer I think you got
The closer I hope you are
To sing me back home
Vinnie Brown Mar 2017
Take what we need while there's time
The city will be up in a short while
If I'm not mistaken it's catching flames
Let us run and escape back to the beach side

The city is burning and the ocean is turning
All the light that you possess scattered by lakes and sea
Guiding as we dance and sway in the tattered remnants of our destroyed moonlit eve

You are my lighthouse, the sea mark
The tempest of apocalypse has created this tide
I'm always pulled to the black silver ocean
Where these currents and the heavens collide
You're so unpredictable and I'm this solid brick who's unwilling to stray
We're in this solid state where the currents can't seem to carry us away
I'm the navigator who never could seem to lead
You're the ship who was always too proud to ever sink
Vinnie Brown Aug 2017
I think I need you to help me out of this
I always seem to make a mess
There's these holes in the sky
And you're pulling in your dreams
You always ask me where my mind goes
I don't dream, I guess my covers blown
The world seems to flimsy when you dance and sing for me, I grin
Delicate like the spear head rip off the edge of an arrow
I want to run, your form terrifies me breaking my bones to bits all the way down to the marrow
A subtle smile reminds me of your interest
I want your breath drawn out and reborn again
Vinnie Brown Mar 2018
I am sorry for the man I’ve been
And I’m sorry for the man I am
I like when I bleed
Because if I’m feeling something
I’m feeling free
Numb to the fact
Your heart’s black
Cause’ you’re angelic, but no angel
More hell smitten
I take white canvas and paint it black
Pretty worded love stories
Seem to be the aftermath
With blood tones in sunsets
And a calling from the moon
We can’t seem to answer
Vinnie Brown Jul 2018
We dread that feeling of, oh, so low
So empty, broken, and never home
Let’s never venture to that horrid place
Where love has no trace
And I would cry and you would too
Neither one of us would know what to do
On the horizon comes a storm
We can win this fight, just hold on for one second more
So, hold my hand and love me true
These endless cataclysms will make us ever so confused
But, just stay right here side by side
And we shall be safe and sound
At the end when everything finally makes sense
Vinnie Brown Jan 2017
I went for a walk early in the morning, and as I made my way through the empty park I ran into a boy of seven. He asked me how I was, and I said "Not bad I guess, could be better." He kept the conversation going, and asked how life could possibly be better, and I smirked and foolishly replied with "It could always be better." He asked what I saw in the park and I looked around and said "The leaves are dead, and the sky is black, the snow and ice make today look quite bleak."

He smiled bright, grabbed my hand and led the way. As he led me down the path he softly said "Don't you think that black and white are some of the most beautiful colors, it gives you the chance to imagine and see colors unseen in this world."

He stopped and instructed me to close my eyes and so I humored this little fellow, and he started to count down and as he did so I started to feel a warmth growing inside, when he instructed I opened my eyes and there she sat, a beautiful girl with a book in hand bursting at the seams with colors I've never seen.
I wanted to try something a little different, and write a short story.
Vinnie Brown Sep 2018
I suppose I just didn’t hear you
The waves were too loud
But, I definitely could read your lips

“Don’t get attached to me.”

But, the sun was setting low.
Vinnie Brown Dec 2016
If I could I would feel nothing
The world is cold and life's not fair
Honestly I'm just looking for a human crutch

The ******* creed reads let's just **** no strings attached
Get in the car, I'll drop you off at home
I don't expect any text or calls on the phone

I'm okay, I just sold my soul to a beautiful devil
I've only ever killed once, my heart was the victim
It's all good I wanted that

If I had a heart I would probably stop taking you back
If I had a heart I'd paint that ******* black
And I'm sorry I'm so weak
Because if I only had a heart I'd probably give you all of me
Vinnie Brown Jun 2019
With the sun at it’s peak
The feel of the blood and sweat
Trickling down your vibrating arms
Ragged breaths and aching muscle
Vision narrow from your helmet
Feeling the sweet crimson nectar
Drip into every crevice of skin folds
Wrinkled from age
As you tighten your grip
For the overwhelming onslaught
That life may be
Clad in gold
Fighting for life with reckless love
For we may not be able to earn it
And we surely may not deserve it
Yet, we shall undoubtedly give ourselves
Vinnie Brown Oct 2017
Let’s find ourselves lost on backroads
Star searching for lost love
Interlocked fingers upon shooting stars
Kisses remembered for years passed
Let’s just forget tonight
That I am me
You are you
Let’s just do what lovers do
Vinnie Brown Mar 2018
It use to be so **** different back then
We were kids and now
We’re suppose to be women and men
There’s so many things
We need to start to understand
That we’re not queens and kings
And we should prepare for the end
Like hitting one another’s phones up when we feel all alone
Hands up to the ceiling
Please mind our business
This is where we hide our feelings
You all know how it is
No expectations that’s just how we’re livin’
Understandin’ that not all of our crimes will be forgivin’
So, count your blessings  and never start to question
Anything that you can mention that’s what time it is
Vinnie Brown Mar 2014
I've got your melody in my head
I feel like I'm singing it wrong
Then again there's nothing worse
Than being addicted to a bad love song
Vinnie Brown Feb 2021
I am attempting to find balance
The balance of all things
For I am an unbalanced man
But, for you I wish to balance the world
As Atlas I hope to be strong
Undeserving as I am
I dream of your love
If I've lost it
Or if I've just finally found I've always had it
Baby steps is what it takes
As I'm inching towards our future
On my tippy toes, hoping you'll help me along the way
Vinnie Brown Sep 2018
It’s hard to explain what it’s like
The smell of the air
The heat waves over the crowd
The fresh cut grass
A flat beer and a hotdog
Maybe a pretty girl or two
All of it ever so trivial
When it comes down to just us
Toe to toe in a 12 round boxing match
Except our punches come at 90 MPH
Who will win?
I suppose it’s always a beautiful day
For some baseball
Vinnie Brown Dec 2016
I told my mother I would quit, that I'd grow up someday
What can I say?
As long as I'm still breathing
I promise you I'll be falling in love every evening

You're a song and every last note is carved into my heart
A melody ruling my mind and breathing
All of our emotions form this symphony

Don't you know you have this little magic thing you can do?
It wipes away the monochrome hue
And fills this world with a color when you laugh beside me

So, please my love let's go and make the most of today
Our time is precious or so they say, and I just want to spend it all with you
Vinnie Brown Apr 2017
Always try and trust
what's deep inside
You beautiful girl
Vinnie Brown Mar 2018
There is no plan for my life
That I can seem to follow
So, I don’t have time for all of these games
And, I do not plan on staying the same
Cause’ I’m gonna be better
Things will get better
Better when you see me next
Vinnie Brown May 2018
She shot a black bullet
Inlaid with golden hopes
Filled with white lies
With a little dash of cherry blood
I don’t know how to explain it
You showed up at the right time
With the hot lead corroding my mind
You’re a part of my head like sweet crime
Don’t be afraid baby
There’s another bullet in the chamber secretly
Vinnie Brown Oct 2017
What if I outgrow you he asked
I’ll run the rivers dry
Drink the firestorm scorches
Paint the sun black
Destroy the moon for the ocean tides
Plant new forest for the earth to breathe
Burdened and burning
I’ll make deals with angels
Vanquish demons
For just a moment by your side
For growing is a blessing
But, you’re a curse that I need
You’re more than a blessing I deserve Annie Cuddie
Vinnie Brown Jul 2017
I can see blood in the water
I can write anything honest
Is anyone else trying to bring love back?
Still find myself fishing
Sadly, there's a couple things I keep pent up
Alone in my room with nobody around
Gather the thoughts
Just keep wondering why we fought
It seems that's the generation's way
It's just what we believe we were taught
Join me, be the change
Refuse to be the same, cause let me tell you
This generations ideals on love is not my ******* way
Vinnie Brown Jul 2017
I can see blood in the water
It's none of the worlds business
How she's got me loving in the morning
Singing in the pouring rain
Finding it perfect in the palm of your hand
So, pardon my manners
Something about you
Turns me into a savage
If I'm going to be honest
I'll do what I need to
To always please you
My dear
Vinnie Brown Sep 2018
She told me blood moons
Meant destruction
How funny as we seemed so inclined
I quit strumming
Just to comment on your legs
How they’d looked so good
But would look better over my shoulders
Eyes a flutter
Bitten lips
Back locked up
Frozen in time
With the moonlight
Razing our shadows
Just for the night
Vinnie Brown Sep 2018
And a man on the street told me
“Tread lightly, red sunrises bring heartache.”
What myths and such fantasy
Yet, here I sit at daybreak with bloodshot eyes
The blood red sun
Cascading everything
Vinnie Brown Sep 2017
I know you hate me
And your imperfections are quaint
And I'll probably fall short
So, break right
For your love, I'll always wait
When you have a turn
I'm all yours on all fours
I'll drive you crazy
You'll always return
They never teach you growing up
That loving is such a bloodsport
Cause' things get so ugly
But, were still a team
We sometimes break from within
That's why you're stronger
And that's how you always win
Fighting love's war
Written at 3:45 AM, when you seem to be the only thing that just won't let me sleep.
Vinnie Brown Sep 2017
For she is more than skin and bone
To the waves and shores of a mind
To the feelings of fire and flood
Better she can be, as can we all
As moments of torture
Nature and nurture
Caressing of a light on fire
For even in the dark
She is a torch
Body glows and heart throws
Vinnie Brown Apr 2018
Remember the feel of the sand beneath us
And the smell of smoke between us
When we laughed like kids
Dancing in a burning room
Alight with bonfires burning in our chests
And flames flickering in our eyes
As summer was fading fast?
Vinnie Brown Apr 2020
The crashing waves
Ripping tides
Ocean's begging for peace of mind
If this is paradise
Why am I burning
With the words you carve through mine
Am I a dead man walking
For I seem to be just talking to myself in the night
And when I'm feeling so low
The clouds won't seem to part like they're made of stone
For your emotions take precedence
Even when I'm bled dry, from being the bad guy
Vinnie Brown Apr 2018
She recalled the burning heat
Seeping off their foreheads
Pressed together, consoling the other
As she whimpered “Are we okay?”
Brought to knees on a battlefield
Of shattered hearts and
Desecrated morals built in hope

He memorized the details of her face
Pale stricken with beautiful streaks of dirt
Ragged and tired from the many battles
Driven off the endless battle waves of
Angels and demons in the pursuit of love
His soft breaking whisper
“Let’s just see if we can survive tonight.”

They both hoped they’d make it out alive.
I’m not sure I like the title
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