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Michael Verdant Sep 2015
I wish I could tell you what it's like
To feel this way, so lost and alone
To have every cell in my body
Ache for affections most unnatural.

I wish I could make you understand
What it's like to jealousy and longing
Pulling at my limbs
Hoping to tear me in two.

If only I could make you see
My world through my eyes
How foreign and scary
And how wonderful you are to me.

If only my world wasn't so lonely.
If only there weren't such a vast ocean
Within the three feet between us
Michael Verdant Jun 2015
Drift now, to the safest place
Where you no longer bear the cold
Of the one you love not caring for you.

Where the burden of your failures
No longer holds you down
And is as far away as opening your eyes.

It's  where loneliness turns to warmth,
Hurt turns to solace,
And the agony of longing
Turns into a mending embrace.

The fare is free, the journey is short.
All you need to do, is close your eyes
And go to sleep.
Michael Verdant Apr 2015
Mrs. Scarlet stalks down the street, into Doctor Blue's office, her affair gone unnoticed.

Doctor blue gazes as the elegant Lady Violet leaves the office, his love unrequited.

Lady Violet scoffs at the commoners inside Mr. Green's gym, deeply missing her late husband.

Mr. Green vigorously instructs a cardio class, trying desperately to forget his divorce.

Ms. Orange puts her all into the cardio class, in hopes that she'll catch the eye of that special someone, perhaps that of Mr. Yellow

All is well with Mr. Yellow. His depression will stay at bay as long as his meds are handy.

Citizens of a spectrum of secrets.
I found a few old notebooks while cleaning today. One of which contained a brief short story about people and their secrets.
Michael Verdant Mar 2015
The gun shook in his hand,
Finger brushing the trigger ever so lightly.
The barrel felt cool against his temple.
It was strange, considering that soon,
A white-hot piece of metal
Would bore into his skull,
And explore the expanse of his brain.
He wondered, what would the bullet see,
Before it's explosive exit
Through his other temple?
Would see the faces of everyone he loved,
Who didn't love him back?
Would it see the shame, dissapointment
In his father's eyes?
Would it see the pain of losing a friend,
Due to no one's fault besides his own?
Would it feel the frozen blackness
Of complete Isolation?
Would it finally be the one
To understand the wretched feeling
Of loathing his own existence?
These thoughts ran through his mind,
Pioneering a path for the bullet.
The gun weighed a thousand pounds.
With his last ounce of strength,
He pulled the triger, and freed himself.
Michael Verdant Mar 2015
In my mind, I'm caring for roses.
Reds and pinks exploding
Into dynamic poses.

Sweet aromas dance through my nostrils.
While the vines say "thank you",
By extending their tendrils.

But my hands tell a different story.
The bush lashes out,
Leaving fingers pricked and ******.

Not a single rose in sight.
They've all receded,
Asleep in their longest night.

Sometimes a rose or two will bud.
Blessing me with affection,
Making me think I am loved.

But then it pulls back from the embrace
It digs it's thorns into my flesh,
Reminding me of my place.

It rips away my skin, flesh is exposed,
A burning, raw, painful sensation,
A wound never to be closed.

I know I'm no reason to make room.
But I'll keep tending to this bush,
In hopes that a real friendship will bloom.
Michael Verdant Mar 2015
To you, my sweetest of poisons,

I hope you know I loved you.
Sometimes I still do.
Your presence gave me warmth
Your words gave me worth.
I looked into your eyes and found home.
I watched you smile and my heart leaped.
Then I told you how I felt,
How you were different than the rest to me.
And you didn't care!
Our friendship was unchanged
Maybe that's not true.
It was stronger.
My love for you had grown,
But in a different direction.
It was in a weight class all its own.
Stronger than platonic,
Different from romantic.
I loved you, yet couldn't have you.
And I was completely happy with that.

Though you were the sweetest poison,
You were poison nonetheless.
A distraction placed in my path.
But you didn't know, how could you?
You found a gem,
I was sent a trial.
And like any poison, no matter how sweet,
You threatened my very life.
I knew of the danger, but I didn't care.
I wanted you in my system.
Simply put, you felt good.
Talking to you, being with you,
It all just felt so good,
In a way I had never known,
And have yet to know again.
But it all collapsed around me,
A curtain weighed down by reality.
I would die if I kept you.

Rehab was awful.
Sometimes I still go through withdrawal.
Thinking of the sweet bliss you gave me,
Replaced by a dull numbness.
I've known many poisons,
But you were my sweetest.
Michael Verdant Feb 2015
A ball of white heat
Burns in the center of my chest.
It sends out a ripple
Of frustration and anger,
Of joy and satisfaction ,
Of longing and pain,
And though daggers fly between us
The ball of heat is only temporarily injured.
Soon it resumes it's burning display,
Perhaps even brighter than before.
This heat will only continue to burn.
To sear my flesh and melt away my bones.
Yet despite this knowledge,
It continues to burn.
It burns hotly in hopes of being matched
In hopes of being shared,
In hopes of finding a home,
In two bodies, instead of one.
These hopes I know will fall short
They will go on unanswered,
And unreciprocated
Because who this flame burns for
Is fireproof.
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