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 Dec 2013 Victoria Rose
Sub Rosa
It meant a greasy burger from the diner on Main st.
A sweaty drive in that noisy ford
with ice cream melting in our laps.
It meant skipping prom
to watch Lord of the Rings on your mother's couch
and never once look at the TV.
It meant reading your favorite book,
and pulling up grass by the roots
to busy our hands
and keep them from wandering places they shouldn't.
Us was the color of the stars when we lay on our backs
examining the milky way
and tracing our names
in constellations.
It meant the arguments at midnight
about the purpose of our lives,
what it meant to be and to belong,
and why the world was no musical,
and no wasteland either.
It meant the only obstacles
were curfew
and your awful cologne.
We were the music on that record
you gave me that first night out
when you took me to the cinema
and when I got home
I spun the vinyl for hours.
We were the color of the rolling hills
in the pastures
when we listened to our favorite songs
and discovered kissing
while we waited for the school bell to ring.
It meant the light always shone
and the rain only fell
when we felt like walking in it.
And it meant that sooner or later
we had to learn what it was like
to be an 'I'
after 'Us'
And we had to learn
all over again
to live without a 'We'
a true story
that began a year ago
 Dec 2013 Victoria Rose
Kyle Kind
I'm sick and tired of being locked away.
Like the bad grade you can't show your parents.
Or that piece of art you hate.
I'm nothing but a secret shoved away in the back of your closet,
Slowly rotting away.
I'm sick and tired of being left in the dark
Like you're afraid to admit to everything
And speak aloud to everyone.
I'm sick of it all.
Are you ashamed? Is that it?
Do you wish that I was someone else?
Are you afraid? Is that it?!
Just admit to it and I swear everything will be okay!
I don't want to be another skeleton locked away,
Another secret that won't ever see the light of day.
Let me out!
Let me breathe!
Let me speak what I want to speak!
Set me free...
 Dec 2013 Victoria Rose
Kyle Kind
A man loves a woman,
A woman loves a man.
From two opposite ends of the universe,
No mortal could ever understand.

The man, handsome and charming.
The woman, sweet and fair.
A pair of wings fixed on her back,
A set of horns under his hair.

Could an Angel, love a Devil?
What a silly thing to believe.
Yet, true love knows no boundaries,
It can overcome what eyes perceive.

For they are human, not deities,
Two souls looking for their mate.
If light can exist with darkness,
The wings and horns will dissipate.
 Dec 2013 Victoria Rose
a depressed moon
paired with sad stars
they fall like tears
misunderstood icy wind
he's not cold hearted
just can't comfort like the sun
but my lips are blue
my toes freezing cold
because of the wind
I can't even feel my nose
but I love the way he brushes against my arms
sends chills down my spin
and send tears down my eyes
like falling stars

— The End —