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Dec 2010 · 1.0k
Long life learners
Victor Marques Dec 2010
Long life learners understand the world

Long life learners show respect,
For the sun set.
Existence of God,
Peace for everybody.

Long life learners understand the world,
One color, one soul.
Men’s a God desire,
Wolves and liars.

Long life learners for everyone,
The society great people can ban.
God inside men’s heart,
We belong to earth or Mart?

Warmest regards
Victor Marques
Dec 2010 · 926
Snow a great fun
Victor Marques Dec 2010
Snow, snow, snow,
Gratitude and a blow.
The big white screen,
Snow I,m keen.

Snow, snow, snow,
you eye, your eyebrow,
From the sky,
Snow you can,t buy.

Snow, snow, snow,
I don,t know.
Clean like a carpet,
Snow for your cat.

Snow, snow, snow,
A perfect show.
Smiling to the sun,
Snow a great fun.
Nov 2010 · 3.0k
Victor Marques Nov 2010

The stars and the moon to  see,
Blind people smiling for free.
Horizons of orange and red in my mind,
Universe fair and kind.

The real world that universe show,
Seeds to plant and grow.
Sand of the desert   and water of the sea,
Lovely scenery, lovely scenery…

The nature in cycle rotation,
Universe as one nation.
The precision of time and your wish,
Sun set and the beach.

Men’s looking for priorities,
Students at universities.
Universe lost and unknown,
Crying all alone.

Warmest  regards.
Victor Marques
universe, precision, time
Nov 2010 · 1.1k
The rain
Victor Marques Nov 2010
The rain

Raining outside a foggy day,
Sun and snow in my site,
Thinking of a new light,
Rain to play.

Fire places with flame,
Repeat fortune,
Great  tune,
Rain with name.

Enjoy the rain,
Forget the pain.
Flowers grow slow,
Rain and a show.

A Song faithful,
Rain for a foul.
Your eyes to see,
Rain for the bee.

Warmest regards.
Victor Marques
rain, flowers
Nov 2010 · 937
Love and Memory
Victor Marques Nov 2010
Love and Memory

Images of sensitive care,
Looking always fair.
Love of sunny days to see,
Kiss under the tree.

Memory in your body,
Mirror with a frog.
Painted nails,
Memory and fairytales.

Memory with snow,
Wild and so.
Your eyes are brown,
Village and a town.

Memory with love,
Sky above.
My love for free,
Memory, memory.

Warmest regards.
Victor Marques
Nov 2010 · 1.2k
Victor Marques Nov 2010
People in a world of despair,
Fighting for nothing it’s not fair.
Politicians in a world of fiction,
Empty hearts with no mission.

Global crisis on screens,
Soup without beans.
People don’t have any hope,
Politicians can’t cope.

Different life styles,
Big paperwork piles.
They judge and condemn the world,
Looking for money and gold.

I dream about justice,
A new world like a bliss.
People have human rights,
No wars, no fights.

Warmest regards.
Victor Marques
politicians, people, world
Nov 2010 · 820
Animals and nature
Victor Marques Nov 2010
Animals and nature

Colored rainbow paint the sky,
Birds sing and fly.
Snakes waiting for a snack,
Hungry and fat rats.

The horizon with gold,
Pleasure for the old.
Living in a flat,
Horses and the sun set.

Crocodiles having a bath,
Cuckoos on the grass.
Dogs in the same lodge,
A man’s lost in the fog.

Cats sleeping on the sofa,
Cows drinking guarana.
Bees looking for the moon,
Mosquito’s to bit you soon.

Warmest regards.
Victor Marques
animals, nature
Nov 2010 · 1.7k
Harmony and peace of mind
Victor Marques Nov 2010
Harmony and peace of mind,
Start your day and look around.
Universe and abundant confidence,
Your power is immense.

Enjoy every moment and be grateful,
Don’t fight against the bull.
Universe is giving sun and rain,
You become what you train.

Say thank you for the flowers,
Love the universe and its powers.
Be nice from the bottom of your heart,
Life is unique, a single part.

Warmest regards.
Victor  Marques
life, gratitude, universe
Nov 2010 · 1.1k
Victor Marques Nov 2010
Mens and women looking for grace,
Going around in any case.
Lovers   in mind,
Religion you will find.

Poor and rich fighting for peace,
Prists in God List.
Wars and hungry people  everywhere,
Religion  in a chair.

Humanity is losing the true sense,
Religion is not an event.
God's mercy for everyone,
Jesus please come again.

So many souls with no hope,
Religion and the Pope.
Children everyday will die,
Why, why and  Why?

Warmest regards.
Victor Marques
religion, children,die.
Nov 2010 · 2.9k
we will never know
Victor Marques Nov 2010
We will never know,
God made the rainbow.
We have rain and snow,
The train just go.

We will never know the whole space,
Discover a new race.
Stars like sun in everyday,
Ghosts to live and stay.

We will have a soul,
Footballers with no goal.
Mens with no feet,
Angels we will meet.

We will live or die?
No treasure to buy.
We love until the end,
We never know my dear friend.

Wamest regards.
Victor Marques
know, eternal, life.
Nov 2010 · 600
Oh...yes! Just a smile
Victor Marques Nov 2010
Oh yes just a smile,
Fill your file.
Raining outside,
Peace in my mind.

Oh..yes, just your eyes to see,
Honey and the bee.
Changing your voice,
Your way, your choice.

Oh...yes. just give,
Be great when receive.
The day is too long,
Birds sing a song.

Oh...yes just  share,
Every time  and everywhere.
Priests with no tears,
Smile and no fears.

Warmest regards.
Victor Marques
smile,share and see.
Nov 2010 · 2.3k
Victor Marques Nov 2010
I try to understand life,
The universe and all about.
The rainbow is immaculate
Fields and the lake.

Birds in a blue sky,
Roses with perfume.
Stars and the moon,
Lovers saying goodbye.

Holly water for the insane,
People that lost the last train,
Horses in a free field,
Sand castles to build.

Millions of  stones that show nature in a pure state,
Bridges without any gate,
Nature sleeps , wake up and go,
Seeds to plant and grow.

Warmest regards.
Victor Marques
nature,seeds, grow
Nov 2010 · 1.3k
Instant confidence
Victor Marques Nov 2010
When I get up I cry to the sun, to the sky!
I believe that I Can fly.
We come to world naked like a seed,
We grow with speed...

In our mind people plant ideas and give advice,
Instant confidence for the wise.
Our brain with millions of rules of discipline,
Enjoy the mountain with a beautiful green.

To believe always that dreams come true,
The universe made everything for you.
The reality can’t change, can move in your direction,
Confidence, love and imagination.

We are human with smile and grace,
Instant confidence in your face.
To love the rainbow and the butterfly,
Instant confidence up the sky...

Warmest regards.
Victor Marques
confidence, love, sky
Nov 2010 · 897
To my heart friend D
Victor Marques Nov 2010
To my heart friend D

In the silence of the night I just wait,
you dear poet D, my lovely mate.
Your heart made of blue sky,
you pain should fly.

Your sacred words broke my heart,
you penned everything with fine art.
Your soft and amazing poetry,
Will be your true love, your legacy.

Near my vines and olive trees,
I hear the sound of the bees.
The true power is like fog,
Your are in the hands of God.

One  day we will meet with the instant confidence,
The flowers will talk and dance,
My dear Poet D I wish to see you healthy and fit,
One day we will meet.

With my great respect for D and the ones that love him from the heart. We are friends up the sky....

Big heart hug.
Victor Marques
Victor Marques Nov 2010
Life and death

I was thinking about to live and die,
Nobody knows why?
W e live and without any date we felt asleep,
A new world we will meet,
Without victory or defeat.

The flowers will be living in my memory,
True love for people in my eternity.
Shadows of your soul will be around,
Nobody will talk about my background.

We will have saints all day long with no wages,
Candles and birds without any cages.
Life and death in the balance of my time,
I will survive and be in your mind…

With my great respect for all poets’ souls that died and their spirit still alive.

Big heart hug.
Victor Marques
Victor Marques Oct 2010
People colored with no break,
Different mind, different faith.
Jewls of the horizon up the sky,
Identity to sell  or buy?

Children from so many places,
No home, no laces.
Wars with brothers,
Soldiers with mothers.

Identity of the humble ones,
Be yourself because you can.
Words of globlality,
Identity of  you and me.

Identity of the people that you don,t know,
The world will blow.
Identity of the ones that love and care,
I will stay and stare.

Warmest regards.
Victor Marques
global, identity of mind
Victor Marques Oct 2010
O Zé-ninguém da minha escola

Olhos tristes e sempre meigos,
Faltam-te doces beijos.
Hesitante e por vezes calmo,
Sentes o belo salmo.

Rouquidão dum velho pastor,
Teu sorriso encantador.
Resposta por vezes certa,
Galo que te desperta.

Insegurança desmedida,
Rosto facetado pela vida.
Incompreendido nesse mundo teu,
Tens o carinho que Deus te deu.

Tens o nome de António, de José,
Percorres o País de lés-a-lés,
As tuas vitórias são grandes conquistas,
Que não são sociais ou políticas.

Victor Marques
Oct 2010 · 1.7k
Trás-OS-montes e Alto Douro
Victor Marques Oct 2010
Alto Douro e Trás-os-Montes

Alto Douro e Trás – os-montes,
Terra minha bem portuguesa,
Vinhedos e frescas fontes,
Traduzem sua pureza.

Friorenta no Inverno,
Terra intolerante.
Na Primavera morna,
No verão escaldante.

Horizonte tão belo e tão teu,
Ninguém to rouba, Deus to DEU.
Pôr-do-sol que se deita com vales sonolentos,
Douro, Tua teus encantos.

Vindimadores que colhem cachos maduros,
Azeitonas que dais azeites puros.
Pescadores dos rios Douro e Tua,
Uma saudade que é nossa e sua.

Victor Marques
Victor Marques Oct 2010
A vida que nos conta histórias

A vida que nos embala,
A flor que não fala.
O vazio que tenho no peito,
O respeito que é respeito.

A vida que nos enrola,
A modéstia que assola.
A humanidade do ser humano,
Seja grande ou pequeno.

A vida que conta histórias,
A recordação tem memórias.
A dignidade de quem é corajoso,
Seja ateu ou religioso.

A vida que nos acalma,
A tristeza de alma,
A sensatez de alguém humorado,
Viver não é pecado.

Victor  Marques
Oct 2010 · 1.8k
A treze de Maio
Victor Marques Oct 2010
A treze de Maio

A fé de milhares de peregrinos,
Oram ao Deus menino.
O aroma das rosas, flores benditas,
Deus nos honra com suas visitas.

Em prece suplicante,
Passam nos locais sagrados,
O caminho nunca é fatigante,
Quando os passos são compassados.

Cânticos suaves, hinos de amor,
Todos em seu redor,
Virgem Maria, nossa Mãe!
Teu regaço é feito de bem.

A treze de Maio apareceu um dia,
Vistosa, brilhante nossa Mãe Maria.
As giestas já estavam floridas,
Francisco e Lúcia colhiam as preferidas.

Victor Marques
Oct 2010 · 1.6k
Os campos floridos
Victor Marques Oct 2010
Os campos floridos

Campos esverdeados, giestas amareladas!
Cumes de montes perdidos, pedras maltratadas.
Árvores que exalam perfume,
Fogo que arde sem lume.

Campos que avisto solitário,
Searas de trigo ao toque do vento,
Paisagens celestes de momento,
Ervas deste santuário.

Um céu azul desolado,
Paisagens do passado,
Coisas sem sentido,
Um roxo comprometido

Campos que se vão embora,
Primavera os namora.
Verão quente, Outono doentio,
Inverno intolerante e frio.

Victor Marques
Oct 2010 · 1.6k
Nasceste para mim
Victor Marques Oct 2010
Nasceste para mim

Nos altares sagrados pousam brancas pombas,
Nasceste entre as mais belas flores.
A tua frescura enlace das minhas loucuras,
Rouxinóis com penas de várias cores.

Beijo os teus lábios toda a vida,
Bendito Outono que te trouxe.
Olhos castanhos tão doces,
Nasceste para mim minha querida.

A lua dorme sem minha companhia,
Os anjos cantam vestidos de branco,
Nasceste para mim com alegria,
Tão suave é teu canto.

Vejo-te neste espelho aberto,
Os pecados eu sinto,
Amor terno, distinto,
Nasceste para mim no deserto.

Victor Marques
Oct 2010 · 2.0k
Eu, tu e o mar
Victor Marques Oct 2010
Bandeiras levantadas pelos prisioneiros rendidos,
Salteador que não conhece o perigo,
Alheado do mundo vivo,
Corais do mar já esquecidos.

Conchinhas falam ao teu melhor amigo,
Solidário com o amor afável,
Pesaroso dum penar louvável,
Conhecedor do pouco conhecido.

Sentimentalista de sentimentos firmes,
Orador que ora com fraca voz,
Navios feitos de casca de noz,
Lago com bonitos cisnes.

Pintor de laços sentidos,
Flores que o campo nos deu,
Algas do mar que Deus acolheu,
Eu, tu e o mar envaidecidos.

Cordiais Cumprimentos.
Victor Marques
Victor Marques Oct 2010
Amor meu que só tu sentiste,
Infância rude e atribulada.
Arca de Noé naufragada,
Ambições dum menino triste.

Viagens que se perdem num labirinto,
maltratado pelas ocas canseiras.
Aventuras passageiras,
Coisas que eu sinto.

Trago na alma uma acesa chama,
Areias que o sol não queimou,
Mares que sua brancura o vento lavou,
Sinónimo de quem ama.

Victor Marques
Oct 2010 · 1.9k
Victor Marques Oct 2010
Nas angústias nobres e sonolentas em que se tudo se fecha e acaba,
As areias, as pedras das vinhas feitas do nada.
O sopro agrestes das vides refinadas pela tua coragem,
Voltamos ao Douro e á tua imagem.

Penduro minha mágoa na armadura de uma videira,
Nas entranhas de meu ser e junto á cabeceira.
Deus deu-me uma materialidade sem sentido,
Grito do amor e do gemido.

As pedras das calçadas que amaste até demais,
O chilrear que já não ouves dos pardais.
Eu sei que meu pai está no paraíso,
Tem Deus como Abrigo.

Cordiais Cumprimentos.
Victor Marques
Father, wines, vines
Victor Marques Oct 2010
Antonio your name,
Agriculturist, grape grower.
Gotten passionate for the land,
For the Douro, Mounts.

That love that is not locked in,
He  sleeps in the hill, the mountain range.
He harvested sadness in the Colonial War.
He loved the Douro and Portugal.

He showed the land that joys would bring to it.
He  loved their children and wife Maria.
He planted grapevines that looked at the covered with star sky,
He  made  his wine with immaculate love.

The grapes are a love for all the life,
He  looked  for Rio Douro e Tua,
In  the memory of a people with glory,
With that tear that I feel now.
I comfort me in the duriense horizon,
Today, tomorrow and always.

Victor Marques
love, douro, Father
António, father,
Victor Marques Oct 2010
António teu nome,
Agricultor, vitivicultor.
Apaixonado pela terra,
Pelo Douro, pelos Montes.

Aquele amor que não se encerra,
Dorme na colina, na serra.
Colheu tristeza na Guerra Colonial,
Amou  o Douro e Portugal.

Semeou a terra que alegrias lhe traria,
Amou seus filhos e sua esposa Maria.
Plantou videiras que olhavam o céu estrelado,
Fez vinho com amor imaculado.

As uvas são um amor para toda a vida,
Deus nos ama até na despedida.
Olhou para o Rio Douro eTua ,
E na memória de um povo com glória,
Com aquela lágrima que eu sinto agora.
Me conforto no horizonte duriense,
Hoje, amanhã e sempre.

Victor Marques
amor, douro, Pai
Oct 2010 · 792
Only one race
Victor Marques Oct 2010
The world could be a better place...
No countries, only one race...
No borders, only tropical trees...
NO oceans, only one sea..." by Mr. Victor Marques
Oct 2010 · 614
Victor Marques Oct 2010
I had a beautiful dream last night,
Jesus still there,
without frontiers, and prayers of love and care!
God with candles in a very cold night,
Still wait for presents in my sight...

I had a dream of loving everyone every day,
Christmas with lights, the sun, the rain..

God bless you all.
Big hug.
Victor Marques
Victor Marques Oct 2010
I was thinking why I write poetry?
To be a part of me.
I write in French, English and Portuguese,
I write because I need.

I was thinking who will read my poetry?
Only me, only me...

I write for the beauty of the universe,
Because I enjoy and relax.

I was thinking who cares about poetry,
People that you will never see.
I write for the day and night,
I write because I like.

Warmest regards.
Oct 2010 · 1.4k
How many times a day
Victor Marques Oct 2010
How many times a day,
You look back and say:
"I was so bad to John,
I can,t be unkind."
John went to paradise,
Peace he will find.

How many times a day I cry,
Don,t say no because you lie.
It was not true what you said to Evelyn,
You are not fat, you are slim.
She is on rigorous diet,
I love you I can bet.

How  many times a day can you have ***,
And you have been waiting for the next.
Did you make love with Elisabeth?
No, I haven,t as much I have expected,
I don,t have enough  cash.

Victor Marques
Oct 2010 · 745
Jesus still there
Victor Marques Oct 2010
I had a beautiful dream last night,
Jesus still there,
without frontiers, and prayers of love and care!
God with candles in a very cold night,
Still wait for presents in my site...

I had a dream of loving everyone every day,
Christmas with lights, the sun, the rain..

warmest regards.
Victor marques
Oct 2010 · 1.1k
Live and die
Victor Marques Oct 2010
One day we will die,
We will stop lie.
Thoughts for gain,
People with no name.

The birds will fly,
One day we will die.
Secrets that will be free,
I will die for you and me.

Games will disapear,
No stress ,no fear.
One day we will die,
Say thank you, say goodbye.

Warmest regards.
Victor Marques
Oct 2010 · 749
You or me?
Victor Marques Oct 2010
Be gentle to everyone,
Life is great fun.
Tell lies and pretend,
You are human so you can...

No regret , no fear,
Play , handle a tear.
The world, the paradise!
Love and be alive..

You love to eat sweets,
Get fat and fit.
We are on the jungle,
I love you my friend.

Warmest regards.
Victor Marques
Victor Marques Oct 2010
Imagine the world that you can,t see,
The beauty for free.
Be glad and happy always,
We will have days after days.

Imagine water for the flowers,
Clocks with no hours.
Fields with joy and fun,
Life again and again.

Imagine holly hands,
Music without bands.
The silence of the night,
No war, no fight.

Warmest regards.
Victor Marques
life, universe,positive
Oct 2010 · 1.1k
Love feel
Victor Marques Oct 2010
Seeking a paradise in your arms tight,
Look at your eyes without a fight.
Memory of the sea near the sand,
Feeling your soft hand....

Walking in the same gardens where roses grow,
Yours lips kiss and go.
Hug me with your love up the hills,
Love is to feel...

Beds that can,t tell you nothing anymore!
See faces, knock at your door.
Romantic in an old fashioned way,
Love is to feel I will say.

Birds that will always sing,
Faithful in your dream.
Lonely nights without any break,
Love is to feel great.

Warmest regards.
Victor Marques
Oct 2010 · 887
Living on earth
Victor Marques Oct 2010
Living on earth

Painted in the same tile tears and smiles,
Christians and Anglicans running for miles,
Politicians talking always true,
Captain without any crew….

New generation can survive and cope,
Lovely people with hope.
Guardians of our sky helping poor men,
Living on earth could be a great fun.

Advanced technology with cosmic positive sense,
Men and women with the best performance,
Together with the instant confidence,
Our sky will move and dance.

Warmest regards.
Victor  Marques
Oct 2010 · 1.6k
life as a gift
Victor Marques Oct 2010
Life as a gift

Just close your eyes and forget the pain,
Love every seed and grain.
Clouds of blue sky that God gives away,
Live your life every day.

People stressed in despair,
Life is not fair.
Beauty of natural light and sun with rain,
Lovely picture of an old train.

Miracles that happen in front of our eyes,
Shadow of faithful lies,
Life of mercy and angles in peace,
Life as a precious gift.

Warmest regards.
Victor Marques
Oct 2010 · 2.2k
Douro Valley for you and me
Victor Marques Oct 2010
Douro Valley wine Trip

As far as you can see,
Douro Valley for you and me,
Terroir covered with colored terraces up the hill,
Baron Forrester was made of God Will.

Vines flourish in schist as in paradise,
English friends here you can find.
Treasures that nature give to us for free,
Douro Valley for you and me.

The trains and boats near the river for trade,
Port wine is divine and so well made.
Love for people with great hospitality,
Douro Valley for you and me.

The harvest time without an end,
Douro valley loves you my friend.
Lost horizon that you can see,
Douro Valley for you and me.

Warmest regards.
Victor Marques
Oct 2010 · 1.1k
Dear D
Victor Marques Oct 2010
Dear D,

I wrote this poem for you my dearest friend.

Your heart is  made o care and love,
Tears and miracles that God can solve.
The human race is there to survive,
We love you and want that you stay alive.

My vineyards and olive trees,
Will pray for you and me.
Horizons of gold that you will see,
Just fly and be free.

Life is a big wave  near the sand,
You D   my dear friend.
Poets will write and your spirit is the only one,
You are my friend and an humble and wise man.

Big heart hug.
Victor Marques
Victor Marques Aug 2010
Deus, Nossa Senhora e Santo António

Acredito em Deus com amor, convicção,
Rezo com a fé do coração.
Na estrada da vida e da sorte,
Deus nos dá a vida e a morte….

Virgem Maria, eterna Mãe e companhia,
Me iluminas com luz resplandecente,
Durante a noite e o dia,
Hoje, amanhã e sempre.

Santo António, de Padova , Lisboa saudosista,
Dos doutores Deus te abençoo,
Amor do Teu Deus te santificou,
Doutor celestial meu predilecto,
És meu Santo com afecto….

Tua linda catedral,
Te toquei com encanto divinal,
És santo com doce ternura,
Tudo por ti tem cura…

Victor Marques
Aug 2010 · 1.9k
Sinto a tua falta
Victor Marques Aug 2010
Sinto a tua falta

Perplexo com a cumplicidade, com a intimidade que nos liga,
Misto do amor, de uma saudade vivida.
Anestesiado pela sensação multicolor,
Paciente na cama do amor.

Pertinência dum amor sentido,
Porto sem teu abrigo,
Cadeia com grade prateada,
Musa multifacetada…

Pastoril é o quadro do meu pensamento,
Lençóis soltos ao vento,
Teus olhos com a maré alta,
Sinto a tua falta.

Victor Marques
Aug 2010 · 1.6k
Penso em ti....
Victor Marques Aug 2010
Penso em ti

Noite mal dormida sem sono nem vontade,
Calor do teu beijo dá felicidade,
Açucena flor campestre florida,
Estrela do céu esquecida.

Tu tens magia sem censura,
Pinceladas nos teus olhos,
Boca sem sede com eterna brancura,
Candeia acesa na noite escura.

Pareces uma onda sem espuma,
Uma borboleta e até coisa alguma?
Um horizonte que não se abraça,
Uma nuvem que nunca passa.

Tu tens a melodia eterna,
Pureza de água cristalina,
A serenidade de uma donzela enfeitiçada,
Fazes parte de mim e da minha caminhada.

Victor Marques
Aug 2010 · 1.8k
Quando te conheci...
Victor Marques Aug 2010
Quando te conheci…

Quando te conheci na noite solidária com o vento,
Perdi-me no teu calor, no teu encanto.
Quando te conheci teu cheiro me apaixonava,
Deixava-me ao teu abandono e mais nada.

Quando te conheci, não entendi mas senti,
Aumentar o amor e a saudade,
O destino não tem amor nem sentido,
Tem a fragrância do desconhecido.

Te recordo com primazia,
Alegria que em mim se sentia,
Te conhecer sem apelo nem agravo,
Me contento com o futuro e o passado.

Victor Marques
Aug 2010 · 1.6k
Flor Florida
Victor Marques Aug 2010
A flor colorida

Não te dou sandálias para caminhar,
Suspiros de embalar,
Horizonte sempre apaixonado,
Afecto bem guardado.

Ai a neve branca da montanha,
Carinho nobre e desmedido,
Amor descomprometido,
Desejo rejuvenescido.

Caminhar sobre o mar,
Barquinho com velas sem navegar,
Amor eterno como o paraíso,
Dar um beijo, um sorriso.

O céu está estrelado,
Carícias do passado,
Primavera sempre envaidecida,
Flor florida….

Victor Marques
Aug 2010 · 1.6k
Terra linda
Victor Marques Aug 2010
Terra Linda

Os coqueiros, as paisagens esverdeadas,
As águas puras, cristalinas, abençoadas.
O sol que aquece, afugenta ilusões,
Aquece a pele, mas não os corações.

Pobreza com simplicidade confrangedora,
Mundo de supérflua riqueza,
Cultura enriquecedora,
Mistura de mar e natureza.

Corpos esbeltos e danças ritmadas,
Nas areias deste mar deixei pegadas,
O céu lindo, esbranquiçado,
Sorriso lindo, rasgado.

Victor Marques
Aug 2010 · 1.2k
O Meu Vizinho
Victor Marques Aug 2010
Chapéu branco, bem tratado,
Bigode preto e bem pintado,
Trazes na boca sempre as mesmas palavras,
Falas de azeitonas e tuas enxadas.

Tratas a flor como se fosse uma criança,
Dás-lhe água com abundância,
O teu olhar é meigo e nobre,
Casa humilde, casa de pobre.

Aqui é teu lugar preferido,
Monológos sem sentido,
Sentes teu belo fado,
Paraíso nunca sonhado.

Sentimento humilde e terno,
Para ti o céu é inferno,
Falas das coisas tuas e do teu meio,
E deixas-te ao simples devaneio.

Victor Marques
1992 was written this poem
Victor Marques Aug 2010
Meeting new culture, new nation,
Feelings and thoughts behind imagination.
Country with peace and hope,
With friends we can cope.

The captain of Pia 785 flight,
Believes in God as a light,
I Was sitting in a window seat,
I came for a friend that I can't quit.

I saw eyes with care and peace,
That nobody can't miss,
People with noble heart you can see,
Country with respect for you and me.

Pakistan touch my poetic soul  that shines,
We learn with so many different minds,
Lahore has so many treasures to see,
Like a bird I'm free...

To all my global friends.

Warmest Regards,
Victor Marques
Aug 2010 · 3.1k
Im In Lahore... Pakistan
Victor Marques Aug 2010
You have friends in the same war,
That you have never met before.
The world isn't the same anymore,
I came to Pakistan, to Lahore...

People playing everywhere,
Clouds in the air,
I looked for smiles and faces,
I found laces...

People like the Queen,
Simplicity that I Have never seen,
Windows open in Pakistan light,
I wish prosperity in their site.

Humanity is all about love,
God is looking for you,
The sky is above,
What can I do?

Warmest regards.
Victor Marques
Jul 2010 · 1.8k
Victor Marques Jul 2010
Ansiar por ti no nosso doce leito,
Lúgubres as noites de cansaço,
Amar-te do fundo do peito,
Vivo no teu regaço.

Teu calor que tua doença cura,
Sentimento puro e forte,
Amar-te com meiguices e ternura,
Enlace da nossa sorte.

O barco sem velas nos conduz,
Carrocéis que rodeais  o ermo.
Amar-te com palavras feitas de luz,
Por ti estou enfermo.

Juntar ao teu meu coração,
Sofrer com excelsa mágoa,
Amar-te com gratidão,
Minha musa bem amada.

Victor Marques
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