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I want to do something stupid
I want to run to a big city
Run there right now
so I can smash something important
break both my fists open on a wall

And it isn't because I'm angry
not anger here, ha, anger got boring
I want to do something to rattle it up
Shake the cold off my brain
and wake up under mourning stars

I want that crisp feeling of loss
and to feel rejected when I hit bottom
Break some hearts and wreck some cars
Watch the universe judge me
as I scream at everything that won't change

When it's all a joke that's what we do
to wake up and start laughing
We gnash our teeth and grind our boots
because we've done everything else
and it's all tasting stale now
Wine & *****: dinner of losers
A meal of people who aren't quite right

It's what I eat when I know it's gone
A bottle to hold when I can't hold you
Something to my lips that isn't yours

Yeah, that's what people want to have
To have when they're thinking about her,
because it tastes sick, just like love

It makes me stumble and thrash
so I can feel the pain in my stomach
instead of deep inside my heart

So I can feel numb, not paralyzed
So I can forget I was anything else
A million little curiosities
they pitter-patter along
day by night by foot
So many tragic stories
and strange endings

Can I watch them?
How can I not?
their busy feet slapping
the pavement so steadily
Like a happy toy drum

Look at a million boredoms
ready, grabby *******
Do I want to watch them?
Why would I?
It's a sorry dance to see
watching them scurry

A few of them know it
as they curl into bed
New dreams stab their brain
but where is room for dreams?

No, you silly fools
you're almost late for work
I'm tired of these nothings
All of these nothings
Not the goods or the bads
or all the everythings in between
Of the nothings

2 A.M. drunk is easy
the late nights with sadness
they all make me smile
But not these nothings

Even our nothing
is better than these nothings
because I look at these nothings
and I feel our everything

So I crawl up
and reach for something

But don't worry, love
it's nothing at all
Do you remember when I was perfect?
Think softly, it wasn't so long ago
You wanted to hear my voice
You wanted to hold my heart

We were both the joys of each other
There were no meanings but you
Our goodbyes had no pain
Our greetings were still sweet

Pale nights had splendid color
Vibrant mornings were a symphony
Every moon sang our love
Every star was in our eyes

We gazed at sadness from our island
Like a strange creature we couldn't know
Even fear stood afraid
Even loss felt sorrow

I want to forget that you are perfect
I saw it back a year and this morning
I want to hear your songs
I want to hold your soul
First poem ever submitted, not just to this site, but anywhere!

— The End —