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Jul 2013 · 546
Commissioned Life
Valentine Mbagu Jul 2013
Father,grant me a clearer vision of my mission,
To you, the world and my nation;
That there be no omission.

My life thus commissioned,
With full submission,
Paying full attention.
Defying all obstructions.
Ambitions, passions and obessions,
May be to your glorification.
To others an inspiration,
And all through generations;
Worthy to be mentioned.

And in all entirety,
Ensure that l a celebrity;
Do not sink into oblivion,
And die a nonentity.
But from obscurity,
Like sunrise;
Shine unto eternity.
Jul 2013 · 1.0k
Moment Of Love
Valentine Mbagu Jul 2013
The moment comes when you dream for love,
The moment when the present calls the future to fulfilment;
The moment when the future draws nearer.
The moment when love seeks companion,
The moment when you are ready to love;
The moment when life calls for love.
The moment when someone out there seeks your love,
The moment when someone awaits your appearance;
The moment when someone designed for you calls for your love.
The moment when you believe to find your missing rib,
The moment when you wait and feel love ahead;
The moment when you find that missing part of you that makes you complete.
many will come in disguise to love;
be not deceived by multitude of flatteries;
wait for the moment of love.
The moment when past is revealed before relationship,
The moment when nothing is hidden ina relationship;
The moment when you still love each other despite past lives;
With the knowledge that life is surrounded by past adventures.
Trust in the moment of love,
Hope in the call of the future; and
Believe in the one destined for you.
Someone who will never wish to see you in tears, or
bear to see you travail in pains and sorrow.
Someone who will understand every path you tread.
Someone you know not but believe is out there waiting for you; and
longing for your love.
Someone who awaits you just as you await him/her,
Each step taken brings that someone closer to you.
Someone who believes in integrity and honour of the body, not
defilement of the body before marriage.
Someone who believes in relationship to marriage,
someone who believes in the law of marriage,
......the law which states that.....
Marriage is honourable in all,
above all in a bed undefiled.
Someone who seeks to live for love to marriage,
when the appointed time comes;
Someone who believe that destiny will bring you both together,
when ready to meet each other.
Someone you believe can feel your heartbeat as you can feel their's.
Someone whose part of, you are and your part they are.
Someone who comes to take away the pains and memories of wrong relationships and past lives.
Someone whose heart seeks to build your's,
Someone whose character and charisma seeks your integrity and dignity.
....Before the moment of love....
Strive to make full proof of life ambitions,
Seek self asset not self liability;
Determine to accomplish your vision forlife's mission with passion.
Then seek the moment of love and relationship.
Let character and charisma build your honour and dignity.
Believe in the moment of love that moment of fulfilment.
The moment when you are sort after for your virtuous character.
Jul 2013 · 570
The Glory Restored
Valentine Mbagu Jul 2013
My friends cast me out,
my loved ones despise me,
my heart is grieved in me.
will you also cast me out?
Will you also despise me?
Will you also grieve my heart?
My soul is burdened and my heart broken,
l am a wretched sinner,
No one to speak on my behalf.
I am swallowed up in iniquity.
....cast me out and am doomed forever,
....despise me and am lost forever,
....forsake me and am bound forever.
Show me love and compassion,
have mercy and restore my days,
that my soul may rejoice again.
Plead my cause with the trinity,
and restore me back.
Let your glory engulf me,
Let me abide under your shadow,
Let me dwell in your presence.
Restore back your glory in me,
Renew your spirit within me,
Restore the joy of my salvation.
Exalt my horn like a unicorn,
Anoint my head with fresh oil,
Flourish me like the palm tree,
Plant in me a new heart.
Let my meditation be accepted.
Let my soul be glad in you.
Pour your spirit upon me.
Bring your glory down.
Let me rejoice in your presence.
The Glory Restored.
Jul 2013 · 996
Throne Of Mercy
Valentine Mbagu Jul 2013
the throne of mercy.
Oh that l be shown mercy.
the throne of grace.
Oh that l obtain mercy.
Worthy of death am l,
but have mercy lord.
Grant me help for l am undone.
Your words have l forsaken.
Your presence have l deserted.
My unbelief speaks against me.
My words have condemned me.
Let the throne of mercy be opened to my access.
Let mercy fall upon me like rain.
My heart is far removed from thee.
condemn me for l am iniquitious,
the spell of sin has engulfed me.
Judge me for l am guilty.
Turn against me for my sins are heavy.
Cast me from your presence for l am filthy.
Lord, but
where do l go from your presence?
Who will wash my sins away?
Who will grant a wretched soul like mine mercy?
Who will show me mercy?
If not you lord.
Grant me access to your throne.
Forgive my transgression.
Cleanse my iniquity.
Rescue my perishing soul.
Help my unbelief.
I've wondered far from thee,
Now l return;
cast me not away.
I've come to my senses,
open the heavens for me,
l am taken in sin.
My soul is captivated in sin,
my feet engulfed in iniquity.
have mercy.
I have come to the throne of your mercy,
deny me not;
but grant me mercy.
Let us come boldly to the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and help in times of need.
Jul 2013 · 798
Pains Of Love
Valentine Mbagu Jul 2013
It hurts to love and not be loved in return.
lt hurts more to love and never find the courage to express your feelings.
Love hurts when you remove the feeling, passion and romance in a relationship,
yet discover you still care for that person.
It hurts more when someone loved is needed,
someone who means a lot;
someone who matters most.
Only to discover that you were never meant for each other;
and you've to let go.
At the closure of the door of happiness,
another opens.
Though often we tarry at the closed doors;
that we don't see the one opened for us.
The best love of friends is the one you'll be with,
never say a word;
then walk away feeling the best conversation ever.
We don't know what love we're missing until it arrives.
Giving someone all your love
is never an assurance of love in return,
let love grow in their heart;
though it doesn't.
Be content it grew in yours.
There abounds words you love to hear,
never would hear them from the person you expected.
Be not deaf never to hear those words,
from the one who says it from their heart.
Never say goodbye,
if you can still try.
Never give up,
if you can still go on.
Love comes to those who still hope,
though were disappointed.
To those who still believe,
though were betrayed.
To those who still need to love,
though were hurt before.
To those who have courage and faith to build trust and relationship again.
It takes a minute to get a crush on someone.
An hour to like someone.
A day to love someone,
it takes a lifetime to forget someone.
Don't go for looks,
they can deceive.
Don't go for wealth,
it fades away.
Don't go for fame,
it passes with time.
Go for character and charisma,
go for content not container,
go for love not lust.
Go for quality not quantity.
Go for someone who makes you smile,
it takes a smile to make a dark day seem bright.
Go for someone who values you,
who makes you feel secured.
Hope you find that someone that makes you smile.
It is not always every one you love that you would be with, maybe becuase you are not designed for each other.
Nevertheless,keep believing in love.
Valentine Mbagu Jul 2013
In the multitude of counsellors; safety abounds,
ln the multitude of enemies as counsellors;
deceit abounds.
Counsellors whose heart studieth destruction with lips uttering mischief;
Enemies clothed with sheep clothings as friends;
Friends whose tongues uttereth words born in deception.
Counsellors whose mouth darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge;
Enemies made counsellors whose looks appeareth friendly,
Friends whose mouth draweth iniquity by cords of vanity.
Counsellors who utter counsels coated in corruption,
Friends whose mouth worseneth counsel by words without wisdom;
Enemies whose heart pondereth in destruction.
Counsellors whose counsel are coiled in deception,
Friends who by multitudes of words cause you to err;
Enemies whose mouth captivate tender hearts.
Counsellors whose counsel destroy the paths of relationships,
Friends whose conceit counsel to death;
Enemies being enslaved seek to enslave others.
Believe not every counsel neither inculcate every word,
........... They destroy the heart..........
Believe not every friend neither heed to multitudes of words,
........... They enslave the soul............
Believe not every counsellor neither seek counsels from multitudes;
.......... They captive the mind...........
Which counsel shall we inculcate?
Which counsellors shall we believe?
Which counsellors shall we seek?
Inculcate counsels proved by love,
Believe counsellors whose counsel are weighed by truth and peace;
Seek counsellors whose counsel are words of life.
Who shall our counsellors be?
Let counsellors who are genuine and experienced be our guide;
Let counsellors who are higher and honest be our refuge.
Hope you find counsellors whose counsels are candid;
lt takes honest counsellors to ensure your safety.
Jul 2013 · 900
The Glory Of Heaven
Valentine Mbagu Jul 2013
The glory of heaven fills my heart,
a heaven of heavens;
The glory of all glories.
A city whose builder and maker is jehovah.
A home filled with treasure of treasures.
A kingdom whose gates and stones are made of gold.
A palace where flowers dwell in glory.
A city where neither pain nor sorrow exists.
A glory not compared to the things of this world.
A city of all valuables.
A refinery where the spirit of man is refined in the glory of God.
Who can ascend into the hill of the lord and access his glory?
Who can stand in his holy palace and feel his glory?
He that have a clean and pure heart.
He whose hands are not soiled in evil.
He that speaks no guile with his mouth.
He whom the lord inputeth no iniquity.
He whose soul is not lifted up in vain glory.
a city so wounderful,
a home of other homes,
a palace from which palace are born.
Let the glory of his kingdom engulf me, and
grant me entrance to it's beauties.
Until then,
when there shall be no more earth.
When all that matters now matters no more;
the glory of this kingdom shall preserve me,
keep me blameless until his coming;
when his glory shall shine upon me,
l be lifted up above the sky.
Jul 2013 · 1.0k
Epitome Of Love
Valentine Mbagu Jul 2013
Loving begins with a lover,
a dishonourable person cannot love.
Like hunting which cannot be done by just any hunter,
loving requires ability;
like fruit for the fruit seeker.
......loving begins with a lover.....
So give the lover another option to love.
Love requires intellect just like success requires intellect. with passion and not illusion...
When you love, guide your heart with deligience so you be not heartbroken.
The hearts of many have been broken by love,
while the hearts of some have been made whole by love.
Love not to break the heart,
but love to build the heart.
When you love, don't only love;
but love with care.
Love with love and with faith;
that your love be not abased.
Love not for wealth,
for it fades away.
Love not for appearance,
for it's deceptive.
When you love,
love for love,
love for character;
love for charisma.
Love for personality,
not for mediocrity.
Love is a mystery
Jul 2013 · 2.6k
The Mystery Of Marriage
Valentine Mbagu Jul 2013
Marriage is an incomprehensible mystery,
a hidden truth kept secret from the foundation of the world.
It cannot be discovered by intelligence or insight,
but made explainatory by revelation.
Revelation reveals the mystery of marriage,
it explains the mutual relationship in marriage.
It shows the rhema,
light and
love in marriage.
The mystery of marriage is accessed through the throne of grace.
Wisdom, knowledge and understandingof marriage is made known by revelation.
The ability to see beyond the seen,
in oder to see many unseen realities of life.
Revelation unveils the principles of building a blissful marriage.
Marriage is honourable in all,
above all in a bed undefiled.
It's hidden truth is unveiled by revelation from divinity.
It constitutes a platfrom for fruitfulness in life and ministry.
It spreads the continuity of human generation.
Marriage as a divine institution,
solves the problem of aloneness.
It empowers man with resources to fulfil destiny on earth.
It is a hidden treasure not discovered without revelation.
Let revelation inspire the discovery of marriage treasures.
Marriage not only give pleasures,
help partners fulfil destinies.
Understanding kills separation and builds togetherness.
It develops unity and oneness among couples.
Understanding curbs separation in marriage,
solves marriage mystery.
The manifestation in marriage cannot be explained,
by revelation.
Marriage is a mantle not a struggle.
The man must provide for his wife,
the woman must submit to her husband.
Seek love not lust before marriage,
let character and charisma build marriage,
let love and care establish marriage.
Marriage remains a mystery till death.
Jul 2013 · 2.5k
Treasure Of Love
Valentine Mbagu Jul 2013
Nothing is found, except it is hidden,
Nothing is hidden, except it is a secret;
Nothing is a secret except it is a treasure.
you are a secret treasure hidden to be found.
you are a goddess of beauty.
When l behold your eyes l see love,
l see us in you.
When l weighed your mind, l found courage,
when you smile my heart smiles.
When you speak the burdens of my heart are lifted up.
In my dreams is you that l see,
ln my visions is you that l picture,
ls you that l capture.
When l first saw you,
l met a stranger.
As l talked with you,
l discovered a divine embodiment with character and charisma.
As l thought of you,
l discovered my friend.
As l came closer,
l discovered my missing rib.
As l walked with you,
l found my wife.
When l gazed at your beauty,
a spell of love gripped me.
I felt a sigh of relief in my heart.
You have l loved and you will l love.
Loving you means so much to me,
beholding your immaculate beauty beautifies the glory of our future.
My tears and fear is to lose you.
I am perfected in your love,
you are the tender spirit of my heart,
the one that softens my heart;
your love has stolen my heart away.
I've never been so much in love,
not until l met you.
Losing you means loss of countless memories to me,
ln loving you have l understood the worth of true and genuine love.
My soul bleeds for the moment of our union as one.
I long for the moment when we shall cleave together as birds in the sky,
singing the songs of love together as one,
sharing in an everlasting happiness.
Then shall l tell you how much you mean to me,
how effective your spell of love have gripped me.
We're not only humanly designed for each other,
we're divinely designed from each other.
My love for you is forever

— The End —