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Valentine Mbagu Jul 2015
From a distance, your beauty a spell captivated my eyes
A slave became I to you, as I starred at your charming a humble eyes,
An epitome of a flawless goddess, oh my silence unheard calls for your presence
My longing a heart aches at the days of your absence.

Words could not my mouth speak, thus my pen became my voice
At the rise and set of the day, memories of your smiles made my lonely a heart rejoice,
Be-holding the sun and rain, thoughts of you runs through my mind
Seeing the cloud change, reminds me of your personality a special kind.

On that day when I first saw you, my heart melted as I starred at your elegance a fragrance
My eyes glued to your beauty, thus your beaming a smile became glorious a radiance,
Your beauty a rare gem sort my tender arms to embrace
An emblem of purity, your beauty glittered as I gazed upon thy face.

In my heart will you forever be engraved, as I hunger  for your affection
My restless thoughts longs for your unwavering attention,
An ecstasy was my feeling when my friendship you accepted
Your radiant beauty my idol, oh my heart your smiles makes affected.

Lost in the spell of your elegance, I longed for your fragrance all day
More than any fragrant, your beauty a fragrance became the perfume I spray,
Your voice so tender stirred up the ocean of my heart
Enslaved by your beauty, my heart wished to cross always your path.

I long for the day of our union, when upon the altar we shall stand
Then with ecstasy, I shall put my golden a ring on your hand,
Forever till eternity, shall we in harmony live together as one
Until then, I wait for you as I cherish your existence like none.
Valentine Mbagu Jan 2015
Too late I realized that I've loved you so
Much more that I shouldn't have let you go,
But if only you grant my last request I ask
That you please keep me somewhere in your heart.

As I watched you go, my heart stirred again
Such that deep down my heart, I felt so much pain,
Be-holding my tears like raindrops fall, I gazed back at you
If only I could turn back time, I'd long to build an empire with you.

If you by chance knew I never meant to turn you away
Would you ever come back to me to stay?
Though it hurts, still I hope you grant my request I ask
That always you keep me somewhere in your heart.

I knew I was too blind to know your feelings
Too late I realized that I never found love appealing,
I feel sorry that I made you live in pain
Always I ask that you turn to me again.

Does your heart ever keep my memory in your heart?
I long that you return someday_ again never to part,
If only you'd understand the agony of my bleeding
Return to me, I wait for your love as my healing.

Now I realize how much my heart longs for us together
If you only grant my last request I ask, that you always keep me in your heart forever,
And if you think is not too much to ask
I hope that you keep me somewhere in your heart.
Valentine Mbagu Jan 2015
Alas, a year long awaited has unveiled her veil
Her beauty, a flower eager to bloom, to unfold her petal,
Her fragrance, a sweet smelling savour out to prevail
Her pride, a new born that comes with a golden medal.

A dawn of a new year that beams like sunlight
It breaths at a peak that unfolds a feeling of better things ahead,
It's heart beats and dances to the tune of moonlight
Her ego, a new year that surpassed the test of time to tread.

It's a new year that bids the heart of all to rejoice
Her hands extended, reaches out to the heavens above,
It's abundance of rain falls like water with many voice
Her heart a cistern of life, a heart that is as pure as a dove.

An epitome of new history it is, a new year waiting to unfold
It's grain a field so green as green could ever be,
Her feast a taste, a best of new year never untold
A new year it is, that is as fertile as fertility can ever be.

It's a new year, a 2015, a new born
A year that births the pearls and treasures of many Ireland,
Her rhythm a rhyme of music never torn
A new year that rests on the treasures of many land.
Valentine Mbagu Dec 2014
Here breaths Paris the city of love
A citadel that protects the love of many a lovers heart,
An ancient tower standing tall like the heavens above
A city that bonds together lovers heart never to part.

A beautiful city that dresses the bed of couples honeymoon
A honeycomb that attracts the heart of many a lovers taste,
An oak that shows forth her beauty like the beam of bloom
A city of grandeur that nurtures lovers heart to her best.

A city that retains her honour as the heart of lovers den
A land of love spiced with romance, soaring her fame to the heavens and skies,
A nation that forms the desires of many a heart every now and then
An un-wavering city that pampers the face of lovers heart with smiles.

A city that is as beautiful as herself the city of light
A tower whose arms forms the comfort city of many a lovers heart,
A legendary city that holds the breathe of lovers heart so tight
An empress whose beauty waters the isles of lovers path.

A citadel of light that is as bright as the morning sun
A city that leaves the legacy of love to her offsprings un-born,
A magnificent tower that causes every travellers imagination to run
A volcano that erupts the love skills of many a heart to storm.

It's Paris the legendary city of love
A city that forms the base of love amongst all cities,
A beautiful empress whose heart is as pure as a dove
A pageant city that teaches all hearts the basics of love ethics.
Tribute to my Dream Country, Paris the City Of Love.
Valentine Mbagu Dec 2014
Alas it's christmas the season
A special season long awaited for,
A period where celebration booms the season
It's such a complete jubilation to the core.

A beautiful season that is as bright as the risen Christ
A christmas in whose eyes the aura of ecstacy is cherry,
A season of merriment that sprouts a sharing feast
It's a moment that breaths, and causes every heart to merry.

It's christmas the season, its presence calls for sharing
A season where we bond with each other,
A special period that bids all hearts to be caring
It's such a time for peace and harmony together.

A season to show love, with a heart full of compassion
It's a Christmas worth celebrating the life lived,
It leaves an aura of ecstacy and appreciation
A season that harvests the land of every seed.

A Christmas that comes every 25th of December
It's such a season that paints it's air with love,
The season it is to always share and remember
It's a season filled with sharing a love so pure as a dove.

Alas it came, the season we celebrate Christmas
A time where every heart wishes to be merry,
Yet again it's here, always a season to be cherry
Today again and always, l wish every heart a happy Christmas.
Valentine Mbagu Dec 2014
Together we've loved each other
Though we're parting now,
Still my heart longs for us together
It hurts but don't forget our vow.

I weep and weep, yet still feels your emptiness
My lips sealed calls for your heart where l was engraved,
The sound of your laughter unheard, causes more grief than loneliness
Your absence hurts more, that l groan to be caved.

We've lived together loving each other
Though we're parting, it hurts more than ever,
Even still, my heart bleeds until now
Though it hurts, please don't forget our vow.

The one who brought alive my dying heart  
Alas goes away turning her heart clutched at me,
Do you maybe realize how grasped you hold my  breathe?
Still, I wish you don't forget the memories of me.

I lived with the memories of none other than you
Since it was we parted ways and you went away,
Though it hurts, still I need you to pull through
I hope someday you come back to me to stay.

Does your heart ever feel my sad monologue?  
The words that causes more pain than pain,
It's your absence that hurts when l call for dialogue
Always as usual, l think of you again.

I've never forgotten you even for a moment
Though our love has parted, please don't forget me,
I still wish that we make an atonement
Even now and always, I still hope you come back to me.

We're meant to live to stay with each other
It still hurts that I've to live without you,
Though we've parted, seeing you in pains hurts more than ever
Still today and forever, I've never forgotten you.
Valentine Mbagu Dec 2014
Tears like raindrops falling down my eyes
As the thoughts of your memories flow,
A day without you causes more cold than ice
As the longing of you falls like dew in snow.

Our love calls out for each other in the wind
It forms the cloud and the air we breath,
I look at you from afar in my mind
You whose love ask never to be forgotten till death.

My tears, my sad memories forms the rain in the sky
My love whose love l miss,
I draw your memories from afar and near-by,
Thoughts of you makes me live in pain like this.

A day lived without you causes more sadness than pain
It's hard that your absence hurts me again,
As l draw your memories from afar and near-by
My tears, my sadness forms the rain in the sky.

I always draw your memories from afar and near-by
Your absence felt forms rain in the sky,
My love whom l miss
Yet again l live in pain like this.

Though it hurts, though it's sad; l think of you whom l miss
I always draw your memories from afar and near-by again,
Yet again I live in pain like this
Again today and again, I live in pain.
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