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Valentine Mbagu Sep 2013
The mystery of divinity who can understand,
knowing there is no searching of his understanding.
The understanding of divinity who can comprehend,
knowing his thoughts are beyond human imaginations.
The knowledge of divinity who can tell,
knowing his ways are past finding out.
He that turneth the wisdom of wisemen backward having made their knowledge foolish;
knowing he is the wellspring of wisdom.
He that turneth the counsel of Ahithophel into foolishness, having been the counsellor of counsellors.
He that confirmeth the word of his servants,
having performed the counsel of his messengers.
He that frustrateth the tokens of liars, having made diviners mad.
He that walketh upon the sea, having treaded upon the waves of the sea;
knowing the winds are under his control.
He that divideth the river jordan, having divided the red sea.
He that turneth acid into water, having turned water into wine.
He that maketh kings having no king to make him,
and removeth kings; having no king to remove him.
He that changeth the laws of medies and persians; having none to change his laws and commandments.
He that is the father of the fatherless,
having been the husband of the widows.
He that is the beginning and the end,
having been the first and the last.
He that is the King of kings, having been the Lord of lords.
He that is the King of glory having been the gateway of glory.
He that is the Prince of peace, having been the pathway of peace.
He that is the highway of holiness,
having been the roadway of righteousness.
He that is the overseer of overcomers, having been the unchangeable changer.
He that is the highest personality in philosophy,
having been the loftiest idea in literature.
He that is mighty in strength and battle, having great armies under his command.
He that is more precious than gold, having been the treasure of treasures.
He whose eyes are too pure to behold iniquity,
having known the heavens are not even clean enough;
neither the angels worthy to stand before him.
He whose foolishness is wiser than the wisdom of men,
having his weakness stronger than the strength of men.
He whose voice thundereth like lightening having arrayed his throne in excellency and power.
He whose paths are filled with pleasantries having his ways filled with peace.
He that contendeth with him having him to conquer him.
He that questioneth him having him to answer him.
He that hardeneth him having him to forgive him.
He that covereth him with light as garment having covered him with light as glory.
He that sitteth upon the heavens, having the earth as his footstool.
He that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, having the inhabitants thereof as grasshoppers.
He that stretcheth out the heavens like a curtain, having spreaded them out as a tent to dwell in.
He that stretcheth out the north over the empty place, having hanged the earth upon nothing.
He that knoweth the deep thoughts of man, having searched the hearts of men.
He that knoweth the end from the beginning, having been in the beginning.
He that turneth the heart of kings at his will, having their hearts in his hand.
He that calleth those things that be not as though they were, having known they were not.
He that founded the earth upon the seas, having established it upon the floods.
He that foundeth the earth by wisdom, having established the heavens by understanding.
He that holdeth the seven golden candlesticks, having walked in the midst of the seven golden candle sticks.
He that walketh upon the wings of the wind, having made the clouds his chariots.
He that maketh his angels spirits, having made his ministers a flaming fire.
He that ruleth the day by the sun having ruled the night by the stars.
He that liveth and was dead having conquered the power of death; and now liveth forever more.
He that weigheth the waters by measure, having straitened the waters by his breadth.
He that layeth the beams of his chambers in the waters, having watered the earth with rain form his chambers.
He that divideth the sea at his will, having the pillars of heaven to tremble at his reproof.
He that shaketh the earth out of her place, having her pillars to tremble at his anger.
He that openeth having no man to closeand closeth having no man to open.
He that created the heavens and the earth, having created the whole universe.
He that doeth great things past finding out, having his wonders without numbers.
He that rideth upon the chariots of fire, having his garments not consumed.
He that breaketh in pieces the horses and his rider, having broken in pieces the chariots and his rider.
He that have the length of days in his right hand, having riches and wisdom in his left hand.
He that have the key of david having been the keyword of knowledge.

Who is this divinity whose mysteries cannot be explained,
His understanding understood by searching,
His ways comprehended by human reasoning;
He is the

Valentine Mbagu Sep 2013
The stewardship of talent calls attention for everyone to discover their purpose on earth,
knowing we are created with potentials waiting to be maximized.
The stewardship of time calls attention for everyone to maximize their time on earth,
knowing we are mandated to dominate and subdue the earth.
Nothing is found except it is hidden,
every one has a talent.
Nothing is hidden except it is a secret,
every person has a gift.
Nothing is a secret except it is a treasure,
every individual has a potential.
Every one has a secret hidden treasure to be found,
ln them lives unique talents waiting to be discovered;
lf only they can discover their purpose on earth.
Every person has a destined mission to accomplish,
ln them lives voices waiting to be heard;
lf only they can activate their gifts.
Every individual has a solution to provide on earth,
ln them lives great potentials waiting to be maximized;
lf only they can exploit their potentials.
How then can talents be discovered knowing that any talent wasted will be accounted for.
How then can gifts be activated knowing that we are mandated by God to accomplish a purpose on earth.
How then can potentials be maximized knowing that we are created to impact our generation.
Let him that seek to discover and utilize his talents on earth consult God through prayers.
Let him that seek to activate his gifts exploit God's given innate ability to man.
Let him that seek to maximize his potentials on earth search the mind of God through the scriptures.
Is there any reward for discovering and exploiting your talents?
Is there any reward for activating your innate gifts?
Is there any reward for maximizing your God given potentials?
He that discovers and exploits his talents for God will receive the Masters reward.
He that activates his innate gifts will be remembered forever.
He that maximizes his potentials will leave an indelible footstep on earth.
Hope you strive to be persistent and consistent in the stewardship of talent,
knowing that much is required of you.
Endeavour to be faithful and obedient in your stewardship of talent, knowing we all owe God the accountability of our talents.
Ensure you exploit the discovery of your talents,
activate your innate gifts and maximize your potentials effectively.
Strive to discover your purpose on earth,
Seek to activate your talents and gifts; and
Strive to maximize your potentials.
He that discovers and exploits his talents on earth,
will leave an indelible footprint on the sands of time that will be remembered forever.
He that activates his gifts on earth will impact the world and his generation.
He that maximizes his potentials effectively,
will engrave his names in the sands of time and seasons of the sky.

Talent is a Mandate not a Delegate.
Talent is a Mandate not a Delegate.
Valentine Mbagu Aug 2013
The hour comes when you dream for marriage,
The hour when destiny calls the future to fulfilment;
The hour when nature requires you to settle down.

The hour when singles seek companionship,
The hour when you are ready for marriage;
The hour when nature calls for marriage.

The hour when someone out there seeks your hand in marriage,
The hour when someone awaits your appearance;
The hour when someone designed for you calls your attention to marriage.

The hour when you believe to find your missing rib,
that part of you that makes you fulfilled;
The hour when you wait and hope for marriage;
The hour when you find that missing part of you that makes you complete.

Beware, many will come in disguise for marriage;
But be not deceived by multitude of flatteries and gifts;
wait for the hour of marriage.

The hour when past is revealed before a relationship;
The hour when nothing is hidden in a relationship;
The hour when you still love each other despite past lives;
With the understanding that life is surrounded by past adventures.

Trust in the word of God for marriage,
Hope in the call of nature for relationship; and
Believe in the one destined for you by God.
Each step taken brings you closer to that special one.
Someone who awaits you just as you await him/her.

Someone who will never wish to see you in tears, or
bear to see you travail in pains and sorrow;
Someone who will understand every path you tread;
Someone you may not know but believe is out there waiting for you;
and longing for the hour of marriage.

Someone who believe in integrity and honour of the body,
and not defilement of the body before marriage.
Someone who believes in the law of marriage;
........ the law which states that ......
Marriage is honourable in all,
above all in a bed undefiled.

Someone who seeks to live for love to marriage,
when the appointed time comes;
Someone who believe that destiny will bring you both together,
when ready to meet each other.
Someone you believe can feel your heart beat as you can feel their's.

Someone whose part of you are and your part they are.
Someone who comes to take away the pains and sorrows of wrong relationships and past lives.
Someone whose heart seeks to build your's.
Someone whose character and charisma seeks your integrity and dignity.

...... Before the hour of marriage .....
Strive to make full proof of life ambitions,
Seek self asset not self liability.
Determine to accomplish your vision for life's mission with passion.
Then seek the hour of marriage and relationship.

The man must strive to acquire wealth before thinking of marriage,
the woman must endeavour to adorn herself in dignity and integrity.

The man must seek to understand the mystery of marriage before venturing into it.
The woman must be willing to submit and humble herself before the man.

Let love not lust lead to marriage.
Let character and charisma constitute a creed for marriage.
Marriage built in love and understanding will blossom forever.
Wait for the hour of marriage for it guarantees happiness forever in marriage.
Valentine Mbagu Aug 2013
I never taught true love really existed,
until the first day l set my eyes on you.
My heart stopped beating for a moment,
my attention suddenly turned towards your direction;
though l didn't speak to you but knew within me that,
that missing part of me that makes me complete has been found.

I tried to concentrate but failed to get my eyes off you,
then l was convinced that my missing rib has been found;
knowing fully well that we have a great destination together.
I walked away hoping that destiny will bring us together again,
though passionately admired your personality and beauty from afar;
believing that nature has it's own way of fulfilling destinies.

The moment you appeared before me again,
there arose a special feeling of love and happiness never experienced before.
When I followed the stars of heaven,
they brought me to you knowing we are created for each other to be together.
Then l knew we had a special bond,
for my heart acknowledged you as the chosen one.

I was convinced to speak to you despite inner resistance.
You prompted a love word out of my mouth,
even when l knew that l couldn't your smiles drew me closer and made me speak.
Your character and charisma drawned me into loving you,
then l knew the moment of love had finally come.

As l talked with you,
l discovered a divine personality with character and charisma.
As l thought of you,
l discovered my friend.
As l came closer,
l discovered my missing rib.
As l walked with you,
l discovered my wife.

Besides my weakness your smiles gave me strength,
knowing my heart was strong with you.
I knew my heart has found a place with you,
a place of solace and love unexplained;
l now give you my heart for my spirit agrees with you.

I was taken by your smiles which soon became my light in darkness.
You came into my life and quenched my fears with your character.
Your voice is all l hear when thinking about you.
I watch your memories like movies in my dream.
Your glorious face beaming with smiles runs through my mind all day.

The memories of your character and charisma gave me hope for our future.
The thought of your personality sealed my admiration for you from the moment we talked;
for my feelings of loneliness were erased by your smiles.

When you are close to me,
my worries are forgotten for your voice provides me with scrumptious meal.
Your voice alone captivates the inner spirit of my heart,
transforming it into the realm of love.
Your voice is the highest form of magic,
it's spell captivates every attention.
You are a full moon shinning through the cloudy night sky,
which glitters like the stars of heaven.
You are a priceless treasure worth contesting for.

I have never experienced such intense feelings l have for you before.
I searched for love and discovered you as the best among the rest.
At the gaze of your beauty nations pause to behold your glory;
even the hands of time stop in honour of your beauty.

In the dark cloudy night,
your love brightens my day.
With you there is nothing to resist knowing your love drawns me to your heart.
My thoughts of you are like rain drops on flower,
which waters the roses and the flowers of heaven.
My thoughts of you are like a rainbow in a splashing waterfall,
which runs down the centre of the ocean.

Grant me the honour of being my wife,
so we can live together forever as lovers created for each other.
Valentine Mbagu Aug 2013
Nothing is found except it is hidden,
nothing is hidden except it is a secret;
nothing is a secret except it is a treasure.

In me lives an unveiled waiting gifts,
the gifts that makes me gifted.
In me lies an awaiting voice to be heard.

.......wisdom for seekers of light.....
........light to those in darkness......
My potentials awaits to shine like a light on a dark world.

I seek me a quest for me,
l seek to discover me for me;
and my being.
The quest for me never ends,
until my light shines in darkness;
the search for me continues,
until l am discovered.

With a heart of anticipation will l look beyond the present.
Better to die searching than to live undiscovered,
or defeated.

Till then when my gitfs are made manifest,
when l shall shine brighter than the stars,
my gifts and ambition shall guide me.
My passion and faith shall keep me,
until my talents are manifested.

I continue my quest for the gifts hidden to be unveiled.
l am the Gifted One.
Valentine Mbagu Aug 2013
My heart is broken for the love you took away,
knowing my heart belongs to you.
My spirit is wounded for the love you took away,
knowing my spirit agrees with you.
My soul is bruised for the love you took away,
knowing we are meant to be friends together forever.

My heart have never known love,
not until l met you.
My spirit have never known kindness,
not until you came.
My soul have never known comfort,
not until you came.

The first time l saw you your smile attracted me to you.
Though l feared to speak to you but l admired you from afar.

Now whenever l sleep is you that l dream of.
Whenever l think is you that l think of.
Whenver my heart beats is you that it beats for.

I can't seem to get you off my mind,
knowing my heart belongs to you.
I can't seem to move along without you,
knowing we are meant to be friends together forever.
I can't seem to stop thinking about you,
knowing my heart beats for you.

My passion for you eludes the illusion of lust.
My love for you can neither words nor speech explain.

Never did you give me the chance to express my feelings for you.
Never did you allow me to tell you how much my heart desired you.
Never did you give me the opportunity to tell you how much you meant to me.

We were friends together hoping to be forever,
now you break up the news to my heart.
We were to be together forever as friends,
now you are leaving me.

Kachi you have broken my heart by taking away your heart from me.
Kachi you have bruised my spirit by separating yourself from me.
Kachi you have wounded my soul by bleaching our friendship.

My heart is in pains for the love you took away,
knowing you quenched my fears with your smiles.
My spirit is in sorrow for the love and care you took away,
knowing your smiles were my comfort.

The tears of love in my heart you alone can wipe.
The pains of love in my soul you alone can stop.
The wounds of love in my spirit,
your smiles alone can heal.

Kachi come back for l am worthy of your friendship.
Kachi hear my heart beat for we are meant to be friends forever.
Kachi comfort me with your smiles for you beauty radiates upon my soul.

In my memory will your personality be engraved forever,
though you are leaving me.
In my heart will your smiles be encrypted forever,
knowing your smiles gave me comfort in distress.
In my spirit will your beauty be cherished forever,
knowing you are my goddess.

It hurts to know you are leaving me lonely,
knowing my heart seeks solace in you.
It hurts to know you are leaving me desolate,
knowing your smile gives me comfort in distress.

Whose smiles and beauty will comfort me?
Whose character and charisma will adorn me?
Whose love and friendship will cheer me up?

Though we are not designed for each other,
but we are designed from the same destiny as friends.

Come back Kachi for my heart belongs to you.

Though our friendship is new,
but my heart remains your abode.

Come back Kachi let not our friendship be entangled.

There goes my heroine away with my love,
will there ever be a friend like her?
There goes my goddess of beauty away with my heart,
does she really care about me?
There goes my friend away with her smiles,
does she know how much my heart desires her every minute of the day?

Will she ever come back to me,
knowing we are to be friends forever?

Come back Kachi for my soul desires your smiles.
Come back Kachi for my heart desires your friendship.
Come back Kachi for my spirit adorns your beauty;
knowing you alone can stop my heart from crying for love.
I dedicate this poem to my beloved friend JENNIFER OKOYE ONYEKACHI.

She means so much to me but l doubt if she cares about me like l do for her.

In honour of her is this poem written, to show her how much my heart beats for her though we can't be together.

Kachi come back for your smile means so much to me.
Valentine Mbagu Aug 2013
The understanding of the stewardship of time calls attention to the accountability of time.
The knowledge of time management promotes the accomplishment of God's purpose for man.
The understanding of the time enhances the fulfillment of life ambitions on earth.

Learn to number the days while applying the heart unto knowledge;
knowing any time wasted cannot be regained.
Redeeming the time demands the knowledge of time management,
acknowledging the fact that the time is short.
Understanding the time curbs procastination in every area of life;
knowing that procastination is the killer of destinies.

Be accountable for the time spent with the understanding we cannot turn back the hands of time.
Be conscious of the time spent with the knowledge that time is man's greatest treasure.
Beware of the time spent with the knowledge that time waits for no man.

Let us seek to understand the time while applying the heart unto knowledge.
Let us strive to redeem the time knowing the days are evil.
Let us struggle to fulfil the time while our mission on earth lasts.

Who then can understand the time,
knowing every minute counts.
Who then can redeem the time,
knowing the days are evil.
Who then can fulfil the time,
knowing we are governed by time.

He that acknowledges the time can understand the time.
He that understands the seasons can redeem the time.
He that comprehends the mystery of time can fulfil the time.

Let him that seek to understand the time,
seek the counsel of counsellors.
Let him that seek to redeem the time,
strive to understand God's purpose for man.
Let him that seek to acknowledge the time,
Struggle to heed the principles of time.

What then is the reward for understanding the time?
What then is the reward for redeeming the time?
What then is the reward for fulfilling the time?

He that understands the time will accomplish God's purpose for man.
He that redeems the time will make a difference in his world.
He that acknowledges the time will achieve life ambitions on earth.

Hope you find time out of every time,
knowing we all seek to redeem the time.

Time is a Treasure not a Leisure.
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