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Valentine Mbagu Jul 2013
The glory of heaven fills my heart,
a heaven of heavens;
The glory of all glories.
A city whose builder and maker is jehovah.
A home filled with treasure of treasures.
A kingdom whose gates and stones are made of gold.
A palace where flowers dwell in glory.
A city where neither pain nor sorrow exists.
A glory not compared to the things of this world.
A city of all valuables.
A refinery where the spirit of man is refined in the glory of God.
Who can ascend into the hill of the lord and access his glory?
Who can stand in his holy palace and feel his glory?
He that have a clean and pure heart.
He whose hands are not soiled in evil.
He that speaks no guile with his mouth.
He whom the lord inputeth no iniquity.
He whose soul is not lifted up in vain glory.
a city so wounderful,
a home of other homes,
a palace from which palace are born.
Let the glory of his kingdom engulf me, and
grant me entrance to it's beauties.
Until then,
when there shall be no more earth.
When all that matters now matters no more;
the glory of this kingdom shall preserve me,
keep me blameless until his coming;
when his glory shall shine upon me,
l be lifted up above the sky.
Valentine Mbagu Jul 2013
Loving begins with a lover,
a dishonourable person cannot love.
Like hunting which cannot be done by just any hunter,
loving requires ability;
like fruit for the fruit seeker.
......loving begins with a lover.....
So give the lover another option to love.
Love requires intellect just like success requires intellect. with passion and not illusion...
When you love, guide your heart with deligience so you be not heartbroken.
The hearts of many have been broken by love,
while the hearts of some have been made whole by love.
Love not to break the heart,
but love to build the heart.
When you love, don't only love;
but love with care.
Love with love and with faith;
that your love be not abased.
Love not for wealth,
for it fades away.
Love not for appearance,
for it's deceptive.
When you love,
love for love,
love for character;
love for charisma.
Love for personality,
not for mediocrity.
Love is a mystery
Valentine Mbagu Jul 2013
Marriage is an incomprehensible mystery,
a hidden truth kept secret from the foundation of the world.
It cannot be discovered by intelligence or insight,
but made explainatory by revelation.
Revelation reveals the mystery of marriage,
it explains the mutual relationship in marriage.
It shows the rhema,
light and
love in marriage.
The mystery of marriage is accessed through the throne of grace.
Wisdom, knowledge and understandingof marriage is made known by revelation.
The ability to see beyond the seen,
in oder to see many unseen realities of life.
Revelation unveils the principles of building a blissful marriage.
Marriage is honourable in all,
above all in a bed undefiled.
It's hidden truth is unveiled by revelation from divinity.
It constitutes a platfrom for fruitfulness in life and ministry.
It spreads the continuity of human generation.
Marriage as a divine institution,
solves the problem of aloneness.
It empowers man with resources to fulfil destiny on earth.
It is a hidden treasure not discovered without revelation.
Let revelation inspire the discovery of marriage treasures.
Marriage not only give pleasures,
help partners fulfil destinies.
Understanding kills separation and builds togetherness.
It develops unity and oneness among couples.
Understanding curbs separation in marriage,
solves marriage mystery.
The manifestation in marriage cannot be explained,
by revelation.
Marriage is a mantle not a struggle.
The man must provide for his wife,
the woman must submit to her husband.
Seek love not lust before marriage,
let character and charisma build marriage,
let love and care establish marriage.
Marriage remains a mystery till death.
Valentine Mbagu Jul 2013
Nothing is found, except it is hidden,
Nothing is hidden, except it is a secret;
Nothing is a secret except it is a treasure.
you are a secret treasure hidden to be found.
you are a goddess of beauty.
When l behold your eyes l see love,
l see us in you.
When l weighed your mind, l found courage,
when you smile my heart smiles.
When you speak the burdens of my heart are lifted up.
In my dreams is you that l see,
ln my visions is you that l picture,
ls you that l capture.
When l first saw you,
l met a stranger.
As l talked with you,
l discovered a divine embodiment with character and charisma.
As l thought of you,
l discovered my friend.
As l came closer,
l discovered my missing rib.
As l walked with you,
l found my wife.
When l gazed at your beauty,
a spell of love gripped me.
I felt a sigh of relief in my heart.
You have l loved and you will l love.
Loving you means so much to me,
beholding your immaculate beauty beautifies the glory of our future.
My tears and fear is to lose you.
I am perfected in your love,
you are the tender spirit of my heart,
the one that softens my heart;
your love has stolen my heart away.
I've never been so much in love,
not until l met you.
Losing you means loss of countless memories to me,
ln loving you have l understood the worth of true and genuine love.
My soul bleeds for the moment of our union as one.
I long for the moment when we shall cleave together as birds in the sky,
singing the songs of love together as one,
sharing in an everlasting happiness.
Then shall l tell you how much you mean to me,
how effective your spell of love have gripped me.
We're not only humanly designed for each other,
we're divinely designed from each other.
My love for you is forever

— The End —