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May 2012 · 1.3k
A Dichotomous Love
v V v May 2012
There’s a place of perfect simmer
where the flame runs just so high,
never quite to boiling over,
neither still a tepid bath.
At least that’s what you insisted to me
in your frustration at my inability
to find a soft place to land between
pulses of ecstasy and re-heated casserole.
Even still you love me
like a whirlwind loves the dust,
gathering it in by picking it up,
steadying it's spin by collecting debris.
I thought we would make a respectable tornado,
together, instead I find myself
breaking loose from your gentleness
and destroying homes, alone.
If only the weather could tell us whether
we were headed for perfection or destruction.
If only the *** I stir could be a crystal ball.

If only I could love you
as much as I do.
A huge thank-you to Jamie L. Johnson for co-authoring this poem with me and for providing a ton of encouragement during an extended period of "nothingness".  Please read Jamie's work if you haven't already done so, she is an amazing poet who I admire greatly.
v V v Jan 2012
I wanted to see you where the years were kind,
inescapably etched and displayed like
smooth stones spread out on velvet;
but I wouldn't ask. I rummaged through zippers
and heavy things.

On a cool summer night we heard a hiss of
broken stars across the desert sky
and looked up in time to see one pass over head
like a science fiction rocket ship.
It was a moment with you I will never forget.

It's funny how things are settled or settling
and divided by extremes,
jealousy   -   anger   -   hurt   -  houses  -  
etched stones  -  broken stars,
stuff  you  can't  find  words  for,  
stuff  you  wish  y­ou'd  written  down,
words  that  end  up  on  gravestones.

So leave me  with my imagination and your beauty,
maybe some nostalgia as my muse, add one more thing
for sure, make my children our children
not   half - me - half - devil - children
and maybe I wouldn't have to run,
wouldn't have to start a war.

Maybe I could be happy without
your etched stones.

Maybe all I really need is a broken star.
Jan 2012 · 918
Hemispheres and Bullshit
v V v Jan 2012
I saw a woman ****** today
for an uncommitted crime,
I loved another faithfully
but didn't earn a dime,
and both are liars, he and I,
for love's no guarantee,
the price today for happiness
- - a matter of degrees.
Jan 2012 · 1.2k
I Went to See the Wizard
v V v Jan 2012
and waited an hour
while six dead deep we stood and stared.
It never used to be this way,
I used to get in right away,
but now the zombies come
and wait, and stay.

I want to tell them what they'll find
when inhibitions thaw,
that once they eat the wizard’s fruit
their eyes will see, its what I saw,

a paradise in white pill pageantry.

I cant go back, its better this way,
he’s changed my neuro-chemistry,
defied my ****** up ancestry,
  The slayer of boredom
and mediocrity mastered,

I raise a toast to my new idolatry!

to the wizard!

He who holds the key; 

my doctor of psychiatry.
Dec 2011 · 937
v V v Dec 2011
As bright as you are
I could give you the sun

and no one would know that you have it
Dec 2011 · 4.4k
Spirit(ual) Deceit
v V v Dec 2011
He used to think he had it all
and then he did -  and didn't want it anymore,
so he gave it up to climb the rocky coast inside his mind,
where days and nights were lost between
his thoughts and empty bottles.

He sat and listened to the surf collide below,
the years would pass, in time
the wind would tell him he could fly,
her voice the voice of angels with the dawn,
he stood and leapt into her arms
Nov 2011 · 1.3k
Autobiography (in 10 words)
v V v Nov 2011
A raging inner surf,
I blame it on the moon.
Oct 2011 · 1.2k
Sometimes I Miss the Shit
v V v Oct 2011
Tonight I'm thinking about how much
I love HP and all the people I've met here
and even though it isn’t perfect neither
are any of us but its pretty **** close
and funny how we're all getting along right now
there doesn’t seem to be any chaos
or drama just a lot of love flying around
and I started to compare it to my life and how
my life has always been chaotic
kinda like HP used to be
and if you’re like me
you get used to the chaos
and when things are perfect
you kinda wish they weren’t
cuz perfection doesn’t ever feel
quite right
A dysfunctional childhood makes
for great poetry a wounded heart the same
but most of us are here as survivors of sorts
finding ways to overcome the ****
but sometimes I miss the ****
even though I'm too old for it
the **** has always been there for me
and now its not and
I worry I can’t feel without it
I know what to expect from the ****
the tingle at the tip of my nose
the rumble in my gut that brings up *****
I know where these feelings come from
from infidelity and feigning sobriety
from the blistering hiss of steaming words
******* ******* and kiss my *** *****

I once threw a baseball through a sheetrock wall four feet from her head
and it made her doubt me just a little bit just enough
to give me that little boost a little bump you know
I've never struck a woman in her case I probably should have
but you don't need to hear that **** she’s long gone
and thankfully you're asleep  
my **** never needs to be your ****
or even our **** for that matter
you don't deserve it
and could never understand it
I would never expect you too

Its late and I'm tired but all is well
and somehow deep I know
it always will be well with you and me
wrapped up in all this peacefulness
but sometimes I miss the ****
Oct 2011 · 1.4k
Marriage and Sobriety
v V v Oct 2011
There has to be a better reason
to face each day buzz-less smoke-less sober
than simply not wanting to hurt her.
She tells me I'm a gutless feckless ******,
and if I'm not careful, wifeless,
which reiterates my point.
Oct 2011 · 2.4k
Red Neck Grocery Shopping
v V v Oct 2011
Fat footed
two ton tessies
tattooed with
tigers, growling
under bulging hips,
bustin' out shocks
on Datsuns K cars
Le Sabres, 1998
primer gray bondo
and duct tape,
taking up two spots
with a smile.

Streaky squeaky 
automatic doors
bump your nose
to make em go
1972 linoleum
grab a cart
hope you don’t
catch death
from the handle
or worse

last weeks ads
mixed with new,
who buys 10
of anything?
except beers
and smokes
fried chicken
and maybe
frozen burritos.

“Hey why’s that chicken smell like fish?
How old is that grease anyway?
Ooh there’s a ten-fer on a two-fer pack
of coconut orange sno-*****!”

Mr. I love
Jeff Gordon
mesh hat
and shirt
wants to know

“Does that ten-fer on those two-fers
mean I have to buy 20?”

I don’t know sir,
but Go! Go! Go!
Jeff Gordon #24
hours a day,
always open

“Is that the chicken-fish I smell?
Or am I smellin’ the guy in flippy flops?”

bunions and
scabby hammers
mister please
cover that **** up
asks his wife
or daughter
not sure which

“Are them white bag bar code
cheesey puffs any good? too bad
they aint got a ten-fer!”

back woods

“mama can we get ice cream?”

red neck
united nations
macaroni and
cheesey tank tops
“Why cain’t we go barefoots in here?”

pork rinds
stew meat
chicken parts
nothing tender
never lean and
never ever 
from New York.
Big beer belly
buying beer
gotta count
coin careful
cart carries
cases of Miller
not Lite
not Genuine Draft
Hi-Life and ‘Ol Roy,

“**** mister, you must have a big dog!”
Two tone
skunk hair
holds the Tussin
grabs a
“what page is my Taurus-scope on?”

power carts
powered down

“why cain’t they keep these thangs juiced up?”
basket bulging
that’s why,
two-liter Tab
Twinkies and

Time to
check out
10 items
or less
don’t matter,
checker has
checked out
bagger brags
more than bags
“I sees you folks got a kitty cat! My kitties
just love the leftover chicken-fish!”

big deal lady
we have 4 cats too
my pajama bottoms
have been worn
3 times
my hair was
washed yesterday
and yes I am
wearing slippers
but at least
they are
closed- toe.
pay the bill
ring the bell

load the car

drive away

mutter under breath,

I am so much better than these people…
I apologize in advance to my friends across the pond, and to to my American friends in the North, these visions I share may be misunderstood and/or unrecognized....As for my friends who live south of the Mason-Dixon line, enjoy...
Sep 2011 · 803
Rotisserie Love
v V v Sep 2011
She is consistent and particularly patient
when I am distant and purposely averting
the blue of her searing gaze.

I am not selfish, just fearful of extreme flame.
I cannot handle the heat all at once,
I need it in smaller doses.

On nights I feel local I try to relax,
try to enjoy her touch
soft and warm upon my neck,
hands like butter across my back
basting me with fingertips,
a slight sizzle of skin

like a pig on a spit
I keep spinning over her uniform heat,
the kind of heat I need in order to allow
the all of me to be prepared for her.

She's got me close to done.
what began entirely serious, turned into a bit of satire...
Sep 2011 · 1.4k
v V v Sep 2011
20 years felt more like if
she slowed the Earth’s rotation with
the magnetic malfunction of her moral compass.
Previously published at ****** and Novocaine, December , 2012
Sep 2011 · 881
Short Circuit
v V v Sep 2011
I envy your simple life,
excitement at the prospect of rain and unexpected mail
or the extra hour of sleep you take on Saturdays,
but these small pleasures elude me, instead my mind is tangled in thought
like 7 connected strands of 12 foot Christmas lights packed in a shoebox
while I try to find the faulty bulb that keeps the bunch from lighting.
Sep 2011 · 907
v V v Sep 2011
She found me where I wouldn’t go,
hands cupped around her fragile spark,
back turned to the wind,
making my way down the path of her choosing.
Aug 2011 · 1.3k
Ewing Avenue
v V v Aug 2011
I remember the slamming screen doors,
the rattle of the stained glass monster,
and the drafty shadowed nights beneath chenille bedspreads.
I remember the sun soaked cloak room with its reek of wet woolen mittens,
the un-impeded flight down stairs in tomato basket bobsleds,
and the bouncing at the bottom in a frenzy of strawberry carpet burns.

I remember church bingo basements smoky on Friday nights,
Saturday morning sounds from her kitchen,
and a mile of sulfur dusted sidewalk in between.
I remember the damp musty smell of the low lit basement,
the passing of Black Label beer through semi-circle windows,
and the nauseating hangover from Mogen David wine kept in the cellar.
I remember hearing how they kicked in the door while she slept and beat her
and took her things, her rings, the gifts from my grandfather,
and how she stubbornly refused to leave the home my mother was born in.

A half century book ended on one end by the great depression,
which she survived,
on the other end the kicked in door
which she did not.
I remember my mother’s wavering voice when she told me she was dead,
how Uncle Ed found her sitting in her chair, rosary beads wrapped
around arthritic hands.
I remember hot on the left and cold on the right,
the smell of her sweat,
the breeze off the lake,
the creak of the old steam radiator,
and the way she slept in her chair with her mouth wide-open.
The way Uncle Ed found her.
Jul 2011 · 816
The Burning Years
v V v Jul 2011
In the midst of daily living
  random worlds collide
not every day
but often
my mind will drift
to a dreamlike state,
lost in the heat of burning years.

Today for example
I watched my daughter graduate.
She crossed the stage diploma in hand,
yesterday a pudgy cheeked toddler
with untamed curls and phlegmy laughter.

The years in-between? Smoke.
Smoldering fading fire.
Lingering scent.
Such is life.
Naivety is for the young.
It dissipates with age.

Another example tonite
my wife and I went to dinner,
her children went with us to celebrate.
A surprise party with nothing but smiles,
while yesterday I lived alone and without love
in a hateful and bitter place.

Smoldering fading fire.
Lingering scent.

A journey through the mind
like a field general re-living scenes of war,
he'll take his guilt to the grave
where there should be only glory.

Laughter brings me back.
She smiles at me.
She knows where I have been.
She has seen a different fire.

The irony of the moments is stark.

Bittersweet morning hugs,
tears and congratulations.
Comfortable laughter tonight,
love and appreciation.

What a spinning day of varied emotion,
a collision
of the lives I’ve lived,
orchestrated by a cosmic eye.

Nothing is random.

the best I can do
is take whatever comes my way.
Open the cage of time,
shoo the wings of worry away.
There is only today.

I'm still learning to live with stinging eyes
and see through the dissipating smoke.

The dissipating smoke of the burning years.
Jun 2011 · 1.2k
Bono Vox Cathedral
v V v Jun 2011
In this Cathedral you are a god,
this outdoor arena beneath a blood red sky.
You stand above a sea of melted faces
with arms outstretched and upturned
as reticent as a rood.
When the stage goes dark the beat begins
and you are one of us the wounded and resolute,
you lead us into songs of hope and redemption,
replacing silence with words of truth.

Truth as redolent as barb laden roses,
and just as difficult to hold.
A Savior that bled
the moon turning red
the darkness of night
the black of the white
the white gold and pearls
the mysterious twirls
your deepest desires  
the trip through her wires
A house not a home
the scars on the stones
your horses in flight
the drums in the night
the **** of a gun  
the glare of the sun
the un-deserved grace
the dust cloud erased
You sell what you sing like a preacher in pain

We hold on tightly until we bleed
In this Cathedral you are a god
There are very few people, yet alone rock stars,
     who have done more for Humanity than this man,
     Paul David Hewson.
Jun 2011 · 1.1k
v V v Jun 2011
Chronic disinterest
Native contempt
Velvet endeavors
Tempting regret
Instant retelling
Elephant’s hide
Plagiarized doctrine
Burning inside
Mystified longing
Questions abound
Domicile ******
Running aground
Substance ingestion
Alternate mind
Daily addiction
Hade’s defined
May 2011 · 1.2k
Praise for the Runaway Bus
v V v May 2011
A recent discussion about the obsession with Hollywood starling divorces
has got me to wondering if love is still something that anyone ever endorses.

When grocery stores peddle the Hollywood gossip of constant unfaithful behavior,
The Star and the Globe and the National Enquirer all sell like they’re offering salvation.

No wonder its normal when people don't notice the pulse of their marriage has flat-lined.

So when did it start that 'in love' is a prison and the moonlight brings nothing but lonely?
And why is the suffering in silence accepted and all of the torture seem normal?

If the one whom you live with is hit by a bus do you howl at the loss as horrific?
Or is death a fulfillment, reprieve from the anguish of all that you worry eternal?

To be honest with self, I must simply confess that the latter was always my longing,
then longing got lucky while she was out walking,

a bus hit that ***** and kept going.
May 2011 · 1.8k
A Frigid Woman
v V v May 2011
Beware the frigid woman
who can lean upon the stars
but never gather light
or comprehend heat.

She hides what to reveal
would turn her lover’s eyes away,
the scars her daddy left,
the guilt thrown at the pews,
the touch of too many,
the touch of too few.

For strangers she
will fly the moon, for you
she comes home tired
to sleep on nails.

A master of conditional love
she heaps her baggage on the ones
who love her most,
the only truth she breathes.

She never goes to where
you'd  take her

she only commits to

and stacks of Bibles do nothing
to bring forth truth

I tell you this much

the light across the dawn is more
than just the sun
and everything you give her
will rust.
Previously published at ****** and Novocaine, December 2012
Apr 2011 · 1.3k
v V v Apr 2011
I call myself a poet
but not today.
Today I blow smoke
into March winds
and powder the sky
with exhale.
Chaos my muse
has gone away,
she’s left me here
with deck chairs
and wind chimes,
cigarettes and ash,
the epic poem
I planned to write
will have to wait.
Wait for the wave
of self-loathing
and remorse
to come along
as inspiration,
it always comes,
its just
a matter of time,
but not today.
Today i sit.
Today I smoke.

Today I exhale
what tomorrow
I breathe.
Mar 2011 · 5.9k
The Dream of Captain McVay
v V v Mar 2011
His nights are restless, endless dreams
of young men climbing ladders.
The ones who stop to fix their vests
are left below, row after row
there seems no end, distorted faces,
silent screams through bottle bottom glass.

Twenty winters wishing that
the dream might finally end,
he tilts his head and looks at God
above his bed, a crucifix upon the wall,
his Jesus hangs and bleeds for sins
of lesser men but for him there is no comfort,
he can't escape the scene of drifting death
and flotsam, sailors drinking blood
from swollen corpses, greedy
in the eyes like the sharks
that encircle them.

When daylight comes
still no relief, he sits among
his salty sheets and chokes
on waves of guilt. Deceit
will always be his master,
every day no different
than the rest
today he’s had enough,
the dead,
they will not cease their torment.

Twenty winters waiting
but the dead won’t go away.

The boys who stopped to fix their vests
The man with gaping wound in chest
The burning wreckage going down
The screams of those who soon would drown
The oily water thick as mud
The utter chaos, flesh and blood
The rabid thirst he could not quench
afloat in pools of human stench

He goes outside and lies upon
the grass, a Navy Colt revolver
in one hand, a toy soldier in the other,
he puts the gun against his head
and pulls the trigger.

Twenty winters

Twenty winters

In memory of Charles B. McVay,  Rear Admiral US Navy, commanding officer of the USS Indianapolis, sunk buy a Japanese torpedo, July 30, 1945 III
Mar 2011 · 1.0k
v V v Mar 2011
For those who long to hear,
silence screams like nicotine
addiction, the conscious void
an empty space where
all desires must be satiated
and everything evil
is revealed in a tide of
Mar 2011 · 1.1k
v V v Mar 2011
Her heart was beating mightily
he told her that he loved her
he loved her more than all the rest
she loved him just as deeply
she told him now her dreams had come  
he said he understood her
he felt the same, the years he threw    
away were now behind him
they walked along the rain wet street    
he held her hand so sweetly
they didn’t rush, they felt complete      
their love was all that mattered
he said the world could not destroy      
his love for her, his angel
then rain came down like corduroy    
in a straight and soft arrangement
Feb 2011 · 769
The Flag is Half Full
v V v Feb 2011
Sometimes I notice
when flags fly half mast
and mostly ignored
by the people who pass,
but lately I wonder
about who has died,
the families who loved them
and how much they cry,
or don't cry for that matter
maybe they smile
all the while anticipating
a big fat insurance check.
Some mourn the loss,
some mourn the life,
others anticipate.
v V v Feb 2011
He walks across the great expanse as if a ghost.
He walks alone and out of place as two by two
the joggers pass and barely glance as if its normal

to behold a ghost.  What they don’t see defines
his life, the tortured demon voice inside his head
that taunts and teases all day long and
tells him he “ain’t spit” and “ugly is forever”.

He’d been neglected all his life but now that he’s
become a man he thought the love he sought
would save him from the way it was when he
was young. His problem now is wrapped around
his backward thought that love is his to find and take
instead of his to give and share, if only he had
learned this in his childhood.

He slowly mounts the rail between the ocher beams
on Golden Gate and looks at murky water far below.
His clothes are black, his hair is long and black,
his skin as white as snow. He stands ***** while
looking back to see if one might lend a hand but
no one does.  He smiles a smile and turns around and
then as if he’s been cut down he leans, unbending,
and falls.

            A hundred miles away a mother knows her child
is dead.  She bows her head in shame and cries,
the why at war with guilt. A part of her is gone,
a part she can’t deny or blame as someone else's fault
instead she hates herself for never having loved the boy,
but even more she hates the hurt.  If only she had
fought the urge to drink, if only she had loved him half
as much as that crazy **** she used to smoke, the ****
she called her ‘crystal blue persuasion’. If only she
could turn the hands of time and rearrange the things
that mattered most.

A flare is dropped to mark the spot where he went in,
the flaming red a beacon on a bay of mother’s tears.
Another soul engulfed in grief is gone, the deed is done.
A crowd is gathered at the rail to point and stare
as boats approach the flare where men with hooks
will pull him out while mother drinks 100 miles away.
Inspired by the 2007 documentary "The Bridge", and written
in memory of over 1200 troubled souls who have committed suicide by jumping from the Golden Gate Bridge since it opened in 1937
Feb 2011 · 1.4k
Dead Bones Don't Die
v V v Feb 2011
The skeletons my father keeps in his closet
are not my own,
those bones would be far too obvious.
The demons he fought I've put in the ground,
the bones his daddy gave him,
the ones I said would not be mine.

But dead bones don’t die,
at least the bones that pass from fathers to sons,
instead they fester and stew
and boil below the surface
where barely a sound is heard.
Meanwhile my boys are busy digging them up.

Its true
boys tend to dig and get *****;
my boys dig up bones
and drum them on my door.

I worked so hard to break the cycle,
to raise my boys without the pain,
to protect their fragile hearts from heartache,

I kept telling myself to keep the dead dead,
but its hard to do when the dead don't really die,
instead they lie about the absence of pain,
the pain I knew so well,
the fear that motivated me to be something more,
to push myself beyond
what I thought I could be,
to a place where I might be a man.

But here at the end
my boys are still boys drumming up bones,
no fear, they expect the world to be easy.

I have learned that fear can be a great motivator.
It worked for me
but not my boys
I never gave them anything to fear.
I gave them boats with oars
and straw to make brick
and lots of love and plenty of hugs
and always told them I was proud of them

but I never gave them fear.

Now my boys fear nothing
but expect everything

dead bones don't die

they just look different
Published at Pyrokinection, June, 2013
Feb 2011 · 4.2k
The Church has Sold its Soul
v V v Feb 2011
The Catholic church
endorsed the world today
for a dollar ninety nine.


Every iPhone owner!
sinner, saint or stoner!
Come now have your sins forgiven!
forgiven if you spill your guts,
if you just confess,
then watch technology do the rest.
Absolution for you and me!
Send your sins across the sea!
your sins will fly up through the sky
encrypted on waves to reach the almighty,
the Vatican! the Pope!

A man of God appointed by the church
yet is he any different than you and me?
We know he sins the same as us,
the book of Romans says its so,*
and do you really think his tall hat
and flowing dress can make him
any more chosen than us?
Can he really hold back lust?
Will he not eventually turn to dust
Just like the rest of us?
is he really any different than us?

How ironic he receives a royalty from
a symbol of the fallen world,
The Apple
computer company,
payment for our absolution…

...So the world fell
by the fruit of a tree
and now expects to be
redeemed the same way.

The truth is not in a man.
the truth is not in the Apple.
The truth is not in the white smoke rising
from the stacks on Sistine Chapel.
The truth cannot be dried up.
The truth cannot be cured.
the truth is not the Pope's to smoke,
To believe it is absurd.

If you want to know the truth,
the truth is in the blood.
The blood covers everything.

Including what is written here.

*Romans 3:23 Galatians 3:25-26
Galatians 4:17 Hebrews 4:14-16
Feb 2011 · 3.2k
Purple Fog Nothingness
v V v Feb 2011
I continue in darkness while
supposed light shines in the distance;

distant and unattainable
beyond a purple fog on its hands and knees
feeling its way through the night
like an angel of death.

Where is the light so many refer to?

I’ve died a thousand deaths but only seen
the purple fog nothingness creeping like
a rising river

tumbling over sand bags.

I have not seen light.
Published at Pyrokinection in January 2013
Feb 2011 · 728
The Darkness Bleeds
v V v Feb 2011
I cannot contain darkness when
the sun doesn’t shine.
I can barely contain it while it does.

Like a coward he will not fight me.
Instead he’s in the brush
and firing rounds from fifty yards away
while I stand here alone,
an easy target on a **** line
watching, waiting, weary of
the fire he brings yet
I never see his face.

the day will come
when I will be consumed,
the veil will fall
and what I hide will bleed,

reveal the angst beneath the guise like
a ***** king behind a mask of gold;
his kingdom knows the truth
but looks away.

A thousand masks cannot contain his pain.

How difficult it is to pretend
to have it all together,

even harder
to fight an enemy not seen.
Jan 2011 · 816
Flaming Out
v V v Jan 2011
Our love was like
a matchstick in a snowstorm...
...the sizzle snuffed before
the phosphorous flare
was finished
Jan 2011 · 655
I. Love. You.
v V v Jan 2011
I wish
I could love you
as much as
then maybe
you’d love me
as much as
Jan 2011 · 791
Everything Ends up Blue
v V v Jan 2011
The pills I take at bedtime, blue as starling eggs
are supposed to hatch the inner me, crack
the thin blue shell of my social maladjustment,
instead they make me feel like ****
but I take them anyway.

Its not as if another color can make it any better
red or green or yellow doesn’t  matter
they all ****, I get **** results anyway.

the red make me angry,  
the green make me nauseous,
the yellow turn me coward,
afraid to leave the house.
The blue? They bleed
their color In everything I do.

These ******* pills are such a crutch.
I wouldn’t be surprised if pills were made
from dead men's bones, stolen from graves
and crushed into dust then blended with color,
red, green, yellow and  blue. Don’t forget
the blue, especially the blue because in the end

everything ends up blue,

blue as the pills I take at bedtime.
Blue as starling eggs.
Jan 2011 · 1.4k
The Madness in the Hollow
v V v Jan 2011
Question those thoughts that
pop into your head uninvited,

shattering the silence.

Random revelations while
walking, reading or driving,

shocking zaps to the back
of your head like bullets
from a book bin building,
cleaving your skull,
exposing your brain.

Question them all…..

Are they directives from above?
From deep inside your ghost?
Your soul? Where do they come from?

Study the darkness of your pupils in a mirror.

Look deep and long.

The answer is in the hollow.
Jan 2011 · 814
Shut Up!
v V v Jan 2011
Your overabundance of meaningless words
are scattered around me like fluttering bugs,
they're wearing me out with their badgering buzz
and making me sick of forever with you.
Jan 2011 · 811
v V v Jan 2011
I have heard it said that the saddest songs are the most beautiful
and I have been drunk in the truth of these words.

Magnificent highs from dark verse, cruel electric addiction
euphoric bliss and shivering waves of arm hair *******
spawned from subtle cymbals and bruising bass.

this new addiction is a beast
and affliction is inevitable
once the luster is lost,

and its always lost,

longing replaced with needs never satiated.

but still I try,

there's a hole in my heart as big as the sky
its filled up with ice then songs make me cry

I’m just a tweeker
in search of a musical high
Dec 2010 · 665
My Breathing Heart
v V v Dec 2010
My heart is like a great lung
breathing in and out, fulfilled
in the filling yet lost in release.
In and out all day long,
even in my sleep
euphoria and anguish dance
a metered dance of
dizzying steps I call delusion.
Dec 2010 · 829
v V v Dec 2010
You spew words without thought,
I swallow pellets of denial
choking down so many I no longer
see the white elephant stomp
around the room,
only the ever present doom
and endless bouts of nausea.

I ***** entitlement on the undeserving
they accept it without consideration.

like a drug mule who swallows a thousand pellets
before eventually succumbing to one,
I return again and again and again
to a dream that will not satisfy.

this insane **** would make a martyr proud.
Dec 2010 · 891
My Cavernous Heart
v V v Dec 2010
My heart is like a cavern of large familiar rooms,
with many more dark and unexplored beneath them.
To venture forth and see what lies beneath
is mostly painful, its hard to go without a push,

a life event, a heartbreak or such.
It is then I am launched through tiny crevices
searching for the way back to familiar,
further from the surface yet closer to the center
or beyond, to deeper, darker, thinner tunnels
leading to Hell; or China.

It is not the surfacing in China that bothers me,
at least I know I'd walk on solid ground,
instead I worry about weakened walls,
hollow spaces from digging and searching
collapsing into nothingness,
falling into emptiness,

a freefall in utter darkness for eternity
with no sound except the sound of hell approaching.
Dec 2010 · 1.2k
Freight Train
v V v Dec 2010
Mother thunders toward the bedroom door;
a great steam locomotive huffing and
puffing on piston churning hips,
head of steam and flashing lights
sweep a red warning.
I heed
but she jumps the track,
and suddenly I am beneath
the cold wheels of her wrath,
flailing away,
flesh and bone grinding in the dust,
while her shrill whistle blows.
Dec 2010 · 2.5k
A Swirling Memory of Loss
v V v Dec 2010
She placed a scarf in my hand
on a cold and rainy day,
lavender lace
laden with the scent
of Oscar de la Renta.
That would be
the last of us,
I lost her on that day.

She always had a penchant
for fine fragrances,
I always had a penchant
for elusion.

I ran to hide my secrets
in a place I couldn’t be loved
and zombied along for
two decades and then some.

when women pass in
crowded halls or shopping malls
their trailing wake radiates
a breezy scent,

a swirling memory
of what's been lost,

a stinging pain
for that which
slipped away.
Dec 2010 · 1.3k
The Book on David
v V v Dec 2010
I’ve read the Psalms of David
at least a hundred times,
today a revelation,
he must have lost his mind.
He went to fight a ten foot giant
with nothing but a sling,
in faith?
Or retardation?
Yet chosen to be king!

I guess he was bi-polar.
Just a *****.
Like apes or dogs with no restraint
and always wanting more.
He saw her bathing on the roof,
her alabaster skin,
the beauty of what wasn’t his
became a sin to him.

But I can’t believe she didn’t play
a part in this affair,
like girls in low cut sweaters
that get ****** when people stare.
The end result?
Its all the same
when someone winds up dead,
and all because
a crazy king
forgot to take his meds.
Nov 2010 · 786
v V v Nov 2010
I live in my skin
acutely aware
and suffer a voice in my brain,
a demon or such
who’s there to deceive,
his goal is to make me insane.
He leaves those alone
who don’t seem to feel,
those zombies who live in a dream,
He mocks their dull lives
and simple retreats
while I bear the weight of his beam.
His whispering thoughts
are constantly there,
they haunt and they curse late at night,
while zombies asleep
on opposite sides
of chasms are dreaming they’re right.
To narrow the gap
of this great divide
I must find a place in-between,
to build me a room
with comfortable chairs
and settle my soul with routine,
The problem it seems
is “see-saw syndrome”,
there’s no stopping once in the air,
I get to the point
where I might find rest
then freefall back down to despair.
Nov 2010 · 653
Only These Extremes
v V v Nov 2010
To simply say in words
     I love you more today
     cannot express the truth
     of how far I have come

there are only these extremes

Under the universe of forever
     the many ways I love you are
     like stars that can’t be counted,
     a black velvet sky
     scattered with diamond light
     as far as the eye can see

Into the depths of eternity
     the many ways I love you are
     like ocean floors uncharted,
     a vast unknown world
     dark and mysterious
     as much as the mind can believe

Over the surface of infinity
     the many ways I love you are
     like care-free country roads,
     a safe pathway home
     breezy with summer scents
     as near to my heart as the wind

Within the confines of my soul
     the many ways I love you are
     like an innocent child at play,
     a pure joy of life
     lost within a fantasy
     as free as the Grace he receives
Nov 2010 · 1.1k
v V v Nov 2010
I don’t intend to die
before my time
but often
feel the sting
of dead intentions
Nov 2010 · 1.2k
I Need You
v V v Nov 2010
Like anchors
need a stormy sea
like windows
need a wall
Like stuntmen
need a hole to see
where barrel
meets the falls
like hairless heads
that need a hat
like chess games
need a pawn
like bright stars
need the shepherds
to announce the
birth of dawn
like windswept plains
need summer rain
like bitter
cuts the sweet
like coursing blood
needs purple vein's
continuous repeat
like roadside stands
need fresh picked fruit
like music
needs the mind
like no more striving
in pursuit of
love I cannot find

because I found you
JK  November 2010
Oct 2010 · 1.3k
Always the Bells
v V v Oct 2010
Old men in dresses wave hands across baskets
casting magic spells on sausage and oranges
then hocus pocus over horseradish root as
thick as a forearm, potato-peeled later
we'll garnish meats with mystical power.

They expect us to kiss the ****** feet of
a God immortalized in plaster while granite
saints stand watching a procession of misty-eyed
martyrs shuffling down the aisle like sheep,
and all the while the bells are ringing.

Always the ringing of bells.

Bells rung by boys standing still
ring like angels.

The old men hold crackers up to the light,
then more bells and drinking of blood
and finally its done. They waddle down
the nave casting incense in a metronome spray.

The boys follow behind the hypnotic smoke,
their bells have been put away,
pall bearers of the crucified Christ
they lead us not into temptation,
rather deliver us out the doors
and into the street,
redeemed and safe behind
the hedge of numbing ritual.
JK November 2010

Memories  of growing up Roman Catholic. My grandmother believed in having the priests "bless"  food  at Easter. I always found that a bit odd...
v V v Oct 2010

I sometimes dream I’m burning down
the bridges I have crossed,
the ones I’ve built
with words and deeds
that haunt me for no reason,
where paranoia rages
to the point of desperation,
and in my dream I’m wiring up
the bridges for destruction.

I strap them tight with dynamite
then light the wick,
the sizzle’s quick,
ka-boom! And they're exploding.
I sit and smoke a cigarette
and watch them fall completely
while listening to the music of
my past mistakes dispersing.
The sound is heavenly.

I close my eyes
and tilt my head
to take it in,
I feel at peace,
I fall asleep
or so I think,
instead I find I’m wide awake
and standing on the other side;
I haven’t crossed at all.
I’m still parading guilt around my head.


I sometimes see beyond my view
and catch a glimpse of spirits,
its usually when I least expect
they cross my field of vision.
A peaceful ghost,
an evil ghost,
they both exist,
I’ve seen them come
from places where we’d not survive
and minds could not conceive.

I’ve witnessed them in houses through the years,
in houses seized by hell
where every corner walked around
a chill ran down my spine
and creaking walls
and darkened halls
would prompt a quicker step,
those houses where
the shadow beasts and dancing trees
once filled my heart with fright.


But not this house,
I have to say the spirits here are kind.
I cannot lie
I’ve often tried
to find them here,
in sleepless nights,
in midnight gloom,
in shadows cast
across the rooms and porch and yard,
surprisingly they can’t be found,
at least the ones who seek to strip the soul,
they seem to stick to houses
that are far removed from me,
those evil houses without love                                                             ­                                                                 ­                
and far away across the fields of dreaming-
on other sides of bridges.
Oct 2010 · 713
Roads like Scars
v V v Oct 2010
The roads I drive to work
are scarred -  all of them
like the people who pass me,
they think themselves important
they all lie
these roads
are patched and worn
and trying to look whole
the lines  scraped away, replaced by
intermittent ******* painted over scars,
mistakes that can’t be hidden
but I feel them
when I cross their grooves and ridges
like malice and envy -
open your eyes dipshits!
don’t be afraid - hell
my whole life is a mistake
without which I wouldn’t have words
slow down and feel the roads you’re living on
or at least look at them-
In memory of Charles Bukowski, American poet, 1920-1994
Sep 2010 · 547
You Are...
v V v Sep 2010
constantly talking
and spewing stupidity
in all that you say
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