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  Feb 22 alit
Mansi Francis
Your hand entangled with mine
A simple walk with you is fine.
But let’s just for once gaze the stars
Dance for hours,
With all the happy tears
Open your arm when I come near
To Search a place called ‘home’ .
I want to hinder and roam
To all the beautiful place known,
With you, that’s my very own.
Never thinking about the end,
Just remembering the time we spend.
This was written in reference to my loved one with whom I want to spend time, fulfilling all our desire.
alit Feb 22
I miss you
I just wanna leave everyone and
Vanish with you
I feel so low
This is fr making me sad
alit Feb 21
alit Feb 21
These videos have been on my mind to share with you

Copy paste the links and watch

Your pain will be a testimony
To save someone’s life
At the end of the journey of the pain that you feel
You will look back and say
I had to go through this to get to where I’m at now
Your story is not over
Your pain and suffering
Will provide a path for generations to come
Dearly beloved you are so loved words could never
Fit the description
And describe how I feel about you
God knows
How I talk about you
He never walked away
He’s always their with you
Let him in
Your heart is his
  Feb 21 alit
London Paris
It’s impossible
not to fall in love
in a lifetime
it is twice impossible
not to fall in love
with you.
I love you.
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