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 Jul 2015 Rainbow
 Jul 2015 Rainbow
I could never understand,
why all the dolls I had
when I was little,
were so pretty.

they stared at me,
through glassy eyes,
eyes with the most
dazzling pigments.

their tiny dresses,
sewn by a few threads
and idealistic whims,
fit their skinny bodies perfectly,
exposing a carefully crafted figure.

their painted lips curled up,
into an everlasting smile,
and they seemed to mouth
'what is fat? what is imperfection?'

I also could never understand,
why all the girls wanted to be,
not just like the dolls,
but be a manifestation of those dolls.

do they want
to not have a single thought in their heads,
except the desire for perfection and admiration,
for people to think that they're beautiful?

do they want
to blink behind vacant eyes,
with lashes curled?

do they want,
to have constantly worry,
about having a fold of fat
on their skin?

there is a reason,
why dolls are unmoving.
they have to be controlled,
by a superior force,
guiding their actions.

is that who you want to be?

I can assure you, my friend,
I may not be a beauty queen,
and I may have some fat to my name,
but I am not a doll.

And I am **** proud.
 Jul 2015 Rainbow
 Jul 2015 Rainbow
shut them out,
clog my ears,
I cannot listen.

the words,
they attack me,
choke me,
wedging themselves within my core.

I cry,
I scream,
I take those words as truth,
and drown as they push me,
past the deepest darkness.

but as I hold my breath,
I tell myself that
even though I may be a wounded gazelle,
I have the heart and will of a lion.

and somehow,
I poke my head out of
the web of pain.

though the words,
continue to float around my head,
taunting me,
prodding my nerves,
I remember that
I am a lion,
and I will perservere.
 Jul 2015 Rainbow
i feel like crying
but i'm not
only on the inside
 Jul 2015 Rainbow
 Jul 2015 Rainbow
sadness is more
than just a tear
you wipe away
Like a stubborn flower
I'll bloom
but only in time
This is what happens when i give you my heart
wrapped up in paper and ribbons-
it's delicate
and gifts are made to be kept
you dont just wake up one day
and recover
but you can just wake up one day
and choose to recover
 Jul 2015 Rainbow
Far out, and beyond, and within, the Diamond Jubilee is the Diamond Sutra.

The Diamond Sutra.

There were so many moments, back whenever it was, when I would stop and listen to the nothing that corrected itself thru my earbuds-- bloodflow, cloth-blank losers in a wanna-wantnot trance.

It was eons in the making. And so am I.

What is it you wish to do with your life? Find a happy little wife or a burly, gunsling husband, something to get married to so-as to reinforce the stereotypes? (becus stereotypes are the comfiest thought-houses to live in, hm!)

Do you wish for money money and a jobby job with Bishnu arms to paint the 'bigger picture' at quadruple the speed only two hands ever could?

I wish for tears! Tears and frustration and suicidal thoughts, with reprieve to mind-explosions every time I see or hear of something beautiful. Something aching and *****, little silver fish crawling in the soup I made with the blood and sweat of all my friends' indifference.
 Jul 2015 Rainbow
Mary Oliver
Have you ever seen
in your life
more wonderful

than the way the sun,
every evening,
relaxed and easy,
floats toward the horizon

and into the clouds or the hills,
or the rumpled sea,
and is gone--
and how it slides again

out of the blackness,
every morning,
on the other side of the world,
like a red flower

streaming upward on its heavenly oils,
say, on a morning in early summer,
at its perfect imperial distance--
and have you ever felt for anything
such wild love--
do you think there is anywhere, in any language,
a word billowing enough
for the pleasure

that fills you,
as the sun
reaches out,
as it warms you

as you stand there,
or have you too
turned from this world--

or have you too
gone crazy
for power,
for things?
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