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 Jul 2013 Ugo
Joe Butler
Fleeting memories
A crushing weight
Thoughts swirl
A chaotic dance
Morbid and morose
I shudder
Lock the door
My heart is closed
I am empty streets
And howling winds
An onslaught
Of indelicate ideas
Leaves rushing
As water
I am bleak
I long to crumble
And return to dust
To spread out
Into the vast blackness
Vacuum of the infinite
I am all
I am nothing
Existence is illusion
Dreams are more real
I do not sleep
For I fear to wake
So I remain
Ever here
Ever there
Never here
Never there
Ensconced between
Light and dark
Good and evil
Life and death
I despair.
Souvenirs fugaces
Un poids écrasant
Pensées tourbillon
Une danse chaotique
Morbide et morose
Je frémis
Verrouillez la porte
Mon cœur est fermé
Je suis rues vides
Et vents hurlants
Une attaque
D'idées indélicats
Feuilles précipiter
Comme l'eau
Je suis triste
J'ai longtemps à s'effriter
Et retourner à la poussière
Pour étaler
Dans la grande noirceur
Vide de l'infini
Je suis tout
Je ne suis rien
L'existence est illusion
Les rêves sont plus réels
Je ne dors pas
Car je crains de réveiller
Donc, je reste
Jamais ici
Jamais il
Jamais ici
Jamais il
Tous les deux
Enclavée entre
Lumière et obscurité
Bien et le mal
La vie et la mort
Je désespère.
I wrote this and felt like translating it into French as well as an experiment. I've been watching a lot of French new wave cinema from the 1950s and 1960s so I wanted to see how it looked and sounded in French. Plus it just fit the existential tone of the piece.
 Jul 2013 Ugo
Tana Young
 Jul 2013 Ugo
Tana Young
I'm a puppet with a missing string
The string that is gone is the one that led to my heart
Yes, past tense
That thing is a old brittle piece of history
It's not even in my vocabulary

People pity me
As if, I'm desperately lost at sea
I guess I just cannot see
See, the reason for their weeping
I have never felt more utterly free

"Always follow your heart."
The biggest lie in humanity
The emptiness and numbness
Pure bliss
There is no other way I would rather spend my eternity
 Jul 2013 Ugo
Talking To Myself
 Jul 2013 Ugo
..What can I do about it?
You could be a better person
What’s that supposed to mean?
You know exactly what I mean
Please spell it out for me
Okay, okay but how?
It starts when no one’s looking.
But - I can do it when everyone’s looking
*That is called a mask, my dear..
 Jul 2013 Ugo
Bad Fruit
 Jul 2013 Ugo
In a matter of seconds

I was crying

Without warning

I was curled up in a ball


My demons

Gnawing at my insides

Spitting out rotten flesh

Like I was the bad fruit

Thrown aside

To decompose

To waste away
 Jul 2013 Ugo
 Jul 2013 Ugo
The first thing I do
when my eyes open
is to remember
that I'm still alive
and that I didn't
dose off to blankness

You, my friend, might want
to leave forever
but I realise
that time is very
valuable and
it has to remain
a gift you each hold

People say, there are
places to go and
people to meet, so
why on earth would you
want to escape now

(5 syllables in each line, again)
but yes, I do wake up thinking I could've died last night through sleep and never realise I did which is heartbreaking for myself as I haven't made the best of life yet. I often get sad when I think about life, as I fear where to go after
 Jul 2013 Ugo
It all started one summer. It was a summer full of boundless love and mischief. Things were happy and easy, but non-committal. It was one of those times when you just felt happy to exist and that’s what it was. But nothing is ever permanent. He was leaving for college in the fall, moving half-way across the country, thousands and thousands of miles away. And it was the summer before her senior year of high school. Things weren’t complicated yet. But lofty anticipation is frightening and there was always something that held them back. They knew it couldn’t last. They knew their romance would soon come to an end. So they took it as it was and that seemed to be okay.

They spent their time venturing out. Each day was a new and different adventure. What else could they conquer with raw feelings and attraction? Kissing under the sun and loving below the moon. Every time one spent time with the other it seemed something of a dream to them. Summer dug its fingers deep down into them, brightened up their insides until their blood stream glowed golden. It guided the two lovers down the ***** paths of youth, carefree mis-happenings, and daydreams. Their heads were dizzied as they’d drift away with each other whilst sitting under a tree in the mid-afternoon.

He left and they were both sad but only for a little while. He will always have a special place in her heart, and she in his, but they were young and reckless and maybe that’s all they were supposed to be. They kept in touch by writing handwritten letters back and forth for the first few months he was away. She thought about him a lot. She was always at the back of his mind. He didn’t come home over Thanksgiving like he said he might. So her heart ached a little. About a month or so passed and he was back but things had already become complicated. Maybe even awkward. They were both sad, slightly bitter, but what else was there to do? It was over before it was ever anything, a lost cause from the beginning. Right? But it seemed a desperate hope kept bringing them back together, making their paths cross again and again. He went back to California and she carried on her mundane existence. Time passed. He finished his first year of college and she had graduated from high school. They were two completely different people than the summer before. Things became even more complicated, even more destructive.

They were reunited yet again and with liquor on their breath and old feelings wilting in their hearts, they got lost into the night with each other. The folds of the sensual darkness took them in and nurtured them only to poison them the next day. And the following days. And the following weeks. They would go weeks without talking. She even left the country for two weeks and they never spoke a word to each other. But things aren’t that simple and nothing ever ends that easy. He was scared and she was desperate for his affection. And still, something kept pulling them back together despite them trying to avoid the other. It was incapable of being ignored and brought with it a great deal of anxiety on both ends of the chain. Things were tense. They weren’t airy and simple like they were before.

Things are heavy now, there’s too much baggage. He says she is too good for him, that he doesn’t want to be with her because losing her is inevitable. He is consumed with self-hatred. He told her he hates himself too much to ever share any of himself with anyone else and it made her so sad. She said to him, “I just wish you could see yourself the way I see you,” and he just blurted out that he was in love with someone else. He apologized. It was someone back in California. But he still loved her, he was just confused and rightfully unsure as to how to go about addressing that. Her heart was weak as it dropped to her stomach when he said, “Can I kiss you? It’s okay if you say no.” And of course she said yes. And so he did. And then he left.
A "short story" about two friends of mine.
 Jul 2013 Ugo
Brian O'blivion
 Jul 2013 Ugo
Brian O'blivion
and watch it burn
 Jul 2013 Ugo
Brian O'blivion
tracing circles within circles
on a blue eyed afternoon
concentric breaths inhaled
on a current laced with bloom

into August morning tides
where the pull is slack
inside memories’ fading weight
receding half past black

how thoughts flicker in a circular motion!
how breezes cut the vernal flow
hyacinths whistle their devotion
of God’s reflected glow

perfect circles of a hometown summer
born of heat and light and haze
perfect circles in the ether
spherical stay the solstice days
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