Then rose I of state dormant.
Bedighted th’ heavens with th' hue of vermillion
As the gilded eye was nascent.
Though, accompanied was I
By remnant oneiric;
Of dreamward plane not wholly departed,
Wherein upon me was bestowéd office of the omniscient,
Tasked to engender th' kosmos’ existence.
Anew awoke I, ‘twixt nebulous skies and earth verdant.
How the folly of mind within me occasioned ideas magnificent.
Thus, betook I to greet this humor pensive
Anon succumbing to accustomed dreariness.
Alas! With weariness absconded and sight restoréd
My surroundings I deduced upon th’ opening of mine eye.
‘Twas th’ darkest of environs, so still and silent
Void magnificent that nought beareth.
How th’ learnéd souls and minds creative
Were but forms nonexistent
With whom I, the Creator, was to endow life.
Yet, ere th' orbs’ and th' suns’ conjuring
Did I ponder my preoccupation
As regards th' prolonging of my future creation.
So thus, ‘twas light I conceived
To oppose th' blackness abounding
Force primordial to sustain th' galactic bodies.
Thereafter came th' divers planets
Each of varied size and surface.
Was I behooved to further th’ formation expansive
Thus, came th’ astros’ and comets’ construction.
Lo! Beauty ethereal begat I, the omnipotent.
Once interminable space replete with nothingness;
Motionless state that predated all physics;
Now, awesome domain governed by law complex.
Though, fecundity had ceased not
I then betook to th’ creation of th’ seas, and th’ flora, and th’ creatures ambulant
And th’ boundary to discern th’ divine of mortality’s constituents.
And upon termination of tasks titanic
Sought I rest
As all beheld the marvels of my work.
I soon was stricken by drowsiness and betook to sleep
Most content with myself, the universe’s artisan.