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Together we experienced so much happiness on our trips to Scranton to see the Joe Biden Museum where dreams come true. You were so funny when you imitated old Joe. I almost skipped the last trip because I had diarrhea.
You took my Toyota apart and then you refused to put it back together again and then you punched my sister so hard that her ****** toes curled up, but I still love you a billion times more than hyper-fat girls love themselves for some mystically-mysterious reason that only God could figure out even though it would take Him 6 months to do so.
crapped-out on the crapper while crapping, he & his boys
enjoyed widening the lower port-holes of Memphis
skanks. "I'm a 'skankaholic'!" Elvis proclaimed,
according to several skanks.
For Palmerston North woman Val Burr, 71, the parole hearing process is one she’s used to. She dreads each August as she once again faces begging a panel of people not to let her daughter’s killer out of jail.

On September 15, 2002, 16-year-old John Wharekura knocked on the door of Tanya Burr’s Hilda St. flat and asked her for a piece of paper and pen, supposedly to write a note for a friend in a neighbouring flat.

When the 21-year-old turned, he went inside and stabbed her 15 times. At the time, he was one of New Zealand’s youngest killers and had an undiagnosed psychosis.

John Wharekura was 16 when he killed Tanya Burr, making him one of New Zealand's youngest killers at the time. Photo / NZME
John Wharekura was 16 when he killed Tanya Burr, making him one of New Zealand's youngest killers at the time. Photo / NZME

He was freed in 2018 following his 14-year non-parole period but recalled the following year after problems with adhering to parole conditions and his mental health. He has since been convicted of assault offences in prison.

In 2021, he was charged with wounding with intent to cause grievous ****** harm relating to an assault on another prisoner. The Auckland District Court confirmed to the Rotorua Daily Post no conviction was entered because he had an insanity defence.
Before Johnny Pencil invented the first pencil, writers had to **** zebras to acquire pure zebra blood to compose love letters to maidens with budding *******. These love letters were often sad. Here's one: "I had to **** a zebra a few minutes ago to write to you even though you're fat and fugly. Did the zebra deserve to die? Time will tell." A century later it was divulged that the letter's author was George Washington's grandfather, Hector Z. Washington.
Ronald Reagan's resilience to dath, I mean death, caused him to live for many years. His woman Nancy also lived a long time till she predictably crapped-out. The Reagan children are alive now, enjoying twice-daily bowel movements and generally having a good time.
I describe my baboon as baboon-shaped. Her name's Babs, which is
short for baboon. Sunday I pushed her to the library where we were
given a library balloon. It had snot on it, the balloon, because the li-
brarian had the Shanghai flu. I'll take my free-book-borrowing busi-
ness to Havana, Cuba, where snotty librarians are chippy chipper &
well & they never trim their dry quims & they're not bound for hell.
When Sheila Moon Glow was twenty-seven she had a large wart removed from her brother's nose. The money that it cost came indirectly from the Sheila Moon Glow Endowment for the Arts. After a brief recovery her brother went on to develop several other warts on his ****. Sheila made available money to have them frozen off.
vagitarius: Ill-defined term, possibly referring to the zodiac
in some way , a contraction of ****** + sagitarius, a woman
born under the sign of ******? A lesbian from birth?
If I could just have 17,000 last wishes before I die, wish number 14 would be to visit the timeless death machine with my new friend cackling Kammy Harris and just after pushing her in I'd run like an African American as fast as I can.
Will veterinarian-approved treatments prolong my dog's suffering? Yes, veterinarians are like you and me except they are forbidden to use toilet paper by law, so instead they simply jump into Lake Michigan after each bowel movement. Can a veterinarian have *** with a woman? No, veterinarians are unable to do that. If I marry a veterinarian, what will our children look like? Dogs. Will a veterinarian ever be the president of Urugay? No. Veterinarians, although they're like you & me except when it comes to toilet paper usage, are intellectually inferior to all people, except Haitians.
WIKI: The Wonderland murders, also known as the Four on the Floor
Murders[1] or the Laurel Canyon Murders, are four unsolved
murders that occurred in Los Angeles on July 1, 1981.[2]
Many things. Gynecology isn't just for dentists who like women. It's for men who enjoy big-game fishing and bowling-pin setting. It's for ex-lesbians with bullet scars on their butts.
Good old-fashioned colon cancer. He was just sitting there on a park bench when he died. That's so sadly tragic. What about his wife? She's in a mental hospital coping with traumatic stress. Her brother just turned into a woman. He was just sitting there on a park bench when he turned into one. A woman? Yes, a real woman with all the features of a woman except for a womb and the accompanying parts. That's terrible. Can he have babies? No, because he has no womb yet. Yet? Yes, he's going to get an experimental womb-transplant from a male monkey whose prostate gland will be hormonally transmogrified into a structurally-accurate womb. It's amazing what doctors can do these days: changing monkey parts into non-monkey parts; switching babies at birth as if by accident; cooling the tempers of militant homosexuals with soothing words of regret.
A birthday gift! I put a lesbian in a box & nailed it shut for you. For me? You're so nice. I know. I drilled air-holes in the side so the lesbian wouldn't suffocate. You are so wise. This is a wonderfully-thoughtful gift for any lesbian.
Jesus! How Paris has changed since my childhood! I fondly remember accompanying Father to the rabbit presser to have oil squeezed from our bunnies. Oh the squeals they'd make! 100 bunnies rendered seven imperial gallons of top-quality lepus (rabbit) oil. Papa would always relent and allow sister & I to rub rabbit oil on each other's rabbit pouches. What great fun that was! "Well kiddies," he'd say in his grand French manner, "Mama will surely burn your toes off for rubbing each other's throbbing pockets with bunny oil!' We'd all fall down in hysterics at that and then roll into the nearest open sewer and drown.
I felt older than dynamite yet younger than fire crackers as you rubbed my thighs with silicone puddy. It was a smooth day, abounding in spittle, muco-pus & phlegm. My mother bought a donkey named Clem. He used to ride tourists to the bottom of the Grand Canyon when he was feeling well: ******* freaky chicks in purple leotards. Why? Who can tell?
& No Longer Pro-Life | Tulsi Gabbard… via @YouTube
I LOVED YOU FOR SEVERAL MOMENTS LONGER THAN I SHOULD HAVE - Your Turkicoid features are more Mongolese than I recall them to be even though I'm youngishly youthful and prone to falling off the Empire State Building a lot. ​​There were 2 famous writers named Winston Churchill. The first one is virtually forgotten. He died in Winter Park, Florida in 1947. There's peace when you're strait-jacketed in a padded cell. It isn't peace that men should seek, it's justice.

— The End —