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Just wait JosΓ©! Someday your knees will buckle and you will experience asthma and your chihuahua will succumb to dog cramps and your sister will too and then your cousin will double over in dog-cramp agony till nobody's breathing on their own anymore.
big money, 300
million more than
she left you, be-
cause she loved
me like crazy,
we both
know it's
The violence of your violent behavior makes me puke like a woman on puke-friendly drugs. I can't believe anything you say, especially when you're violent. I saw you hitting someone with a baseball bat in the head at the concert for violent people. I was shocked!
that bled a lot so I told him to ******* till the bleeding stops
and he made a lot of money because people will pay
a lot of money to watch that sort of thing.

are gifts from God sent down from heaven, Disco Heaven: where
angels boogie all night because they got Saturday night fever
and their ***** are smoother than strawberry jam
coating a frozen mirror on Pygmy Day.
Please, hag Oko Yono, never worry nor doubt it, as
you tend to fret too much about ****. Just grab
my hand & break up my insect band.
Are you 115 years old and not ready to die yet? Are you a devil
worshiper who suffers from frequent nose-bleeds? Can you lift
200 pounds without herniating yourself? Do you want a
police man to father your child but you just can't think
about it without triggering your gag reflex? If you
answered YES to these questions then you are ready
to take on the responsibilities of crushing credit card debt.
Richly trip me up my Ohio mucky pup! It talks a lot in the dark, like an escaped hatchet salesman on L.S.D. It skips a heartbeat, like an escaped hatchet salesman's wife on L.S.D. It comes at me when my guard's down; when my fingers are numb in the barren Sierras; when the aborticide rate's at its highest.
Thirty-three thousand centuries before toilet paper was invented (toilet paper that's seventy-five billion times softer than a mother's kiss) hungry farmers grew corn in massive fields that stretched for billions of miles. Those were tough times back then when women with extra vulvas were extremely popular inΒ Pennsylvania's southwestern coal-mining sectors.
Weather, being what it is, can happen at any time. 1 minute you're
putting on a **** bikini and the next minute you're fighting
off 3 gonorrheal infections with Tetracycline.
I extended my left luggage finger at the airport till I got noticed by a multi-trillionaire with a large **** and big leather luggage. He was so manly in a masculine way that I swooned like a teen beauty queen who just got her ear lobes widened. "Hello **** airport babe!" He said with his large **** bulging out like crazy. I was so excited by seeing this that I confessed to being a multi-quadrillionaire. That night we made passionate "large ****" love near a dumpster behind Pizza Hut for 10 minutes.
As a quasi-gynecologist, I've been on many ***-boiling
adventures. 1 day I'm up past my eye-sockets in
shaven hair and the next day I'm performing
an intricate necropsy on a slick
chick who ain't exactly dead.
"But why are you crying?" The dentist asked Tammy. "Because, you filthy son-of-a *****, the laughing-gas you gave me is fake!" She exclaimed loud enough to make another dentist fall off the toilet with a loud crash. "Jesus God!" The hygienist screamed because she was religious: "Another dentist has fallen off the toilet again!"
Bob's homosex-themed blanket factory attracted a youthful lesbian of 30 named Donna to apply for a job. "I wanna make lesbian blankets to keep lesbians warm in Alaska," she told Bob with tears in her eyes. "Well then try this! It's our new Klondike blanket!" He exclaimed with a lot of passionate excitement in his voice.
And so we convinced our parents to loan us, for a week, the 67 million dollars that would seal the deal. By Friday I was worried a lot because I only had 50 million left and I couldn't find my Harley keys. Bob stopped by to show us where his toes had been torn off by a walrus and he was nice enough to give me 32 million bucks from his walrus-poisoning account. "Pay it back whenever," he said while limping away.
to buy the **** GUN. This amazing gun kills all living things that
are within 100 feet of you including you. You'll die comforted and
consoled by the knowledge that nothing, not even germs, can
survive when the **** GUN is used. "Here comes
my girlfriend! Watch me **** her for
good with the **** GUN!"
My grandfather managed the Doobie Brothers. He was a great friend of brothers Joe & Barry Doobie. 1 day, when the other Doobie brothers were having their toe nails pulled out to build pain-tolerance, my grandfather murdered 2 prostitutes. He never got caught, of course.
On the other side of Earth's southern ice wall is a country of men with
J-shaped penises that are frequently used to pull stuck trucks out of
deep mud. "Jesus! My truck's stuck in deep mud!" A woman might
*****. "Don't fret!" A man might advise. "I'll simply tie this rope to
your bumper and to my J-shaped ***** and pull your ****** *** out!

What happened? A family of nine were blown to smithereens. How? Their Cheerios were replaced with Cheerios made entirely out of gun powder and when the father lit his cigar the stomachs and intestines of himself, his wife and their seven children exploded. Jesus H. God!
I must hurry so that I'm not late for an important meeting
with an important man who works for an important
corporation in the ****** travesty of Ohio. I'm
going now and I'm taking a candle with me
just in case the lights go out.
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