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Morning air as I breathe you in  
I open the treasure chest of hope  
This moment on the mind says  
God is with me and I am free
In this quiet moment of reflection
I find a world of peace      
The river, the earth, the simple rose,  
all grown in the womb of my Father's love  
Blessed thoughts of gratefulness
I find the meaning of life, as I know it
Inside this poem the caress of Him
who gave me the gift to write
Morning air as I breathe you in  
I come to know why the stars don't dim
Its because of Him, isn't it ?
Soft, lilting sounds
Almost hypnotic in their tone
Laugher rolling down green hills covered with grass
Giggles and the Wizard of Oz
Magic everywhere one looks

Times with a friend playing cards
Traveling down the yellow brick road to other places
Different places, new adventures

Spring is warm and soft like Primavera
Flowers perfume the air with their scent and perfume

The time of season has started where the air is clear
Nights are cool and nature wakes up once again to the start of a new year after the cold dark winter

Time of renewal
The Season is Coming
Can’t you feel it?
The change?
The light is different?
Less intense
The air is getting cooler
Calming breezes
Crisp nights
Colors coming
Reds, yellows, oranges and golds
Trees showing their best
Apples abound
Smells of cider and cinnamon
Sweaters in stores
Fall coats
Warm socks
Hot chocolate
Apple pie
Bright colors
Hypnotic scents
The season is upon us
It’s coming
Softly, she ventured into the violent night of May,

Where pitch-black winter soaked her bones.

The sea, full of teeth, bit and insisted as she stood there, unmoving.

It was full of music and empty promises; she let the vastness of the agonizing waves drown her rotting body.

The sharp smell of air reeked of bitter billet-doux.

It had been her three hundred sixty-five attempts to be silent; barefoot, she waited and waited and waited.

Under the moonlight, she appeared as a ghastly ghost.

For a moment, she wondered, “Only the wicked remember the sea’s harshness and stay”—a woman personified as storm, mirroring her rage.

She is a twisted soul; death sighs at the sight of her.

The moon exhausted its entire being. “She is full of herself,” he whispered into the dark, corrupted sea.

She imprinted the sands with her unnerving gravity—she walked, and walked, and walked,
Haunted by her visions and dreams, terrorizing the melancholic earth.

Months passed—it was now September.

She’s restless; all she could do was remember.

She kept bathing in the black sea, passionately driving herself to madness.

She kept being pulled and pulled and pulled,

Until survival was no longer an option—her hair slowly being grappled into the lake of fire.

Her last remaining thoughts were of long-forgotten, enchanting, sweet eyes of his.

She dreamed of him—those big, witchery eyes of his.

She remembered, and so the sea deciphered her yearning and pulled her in.
I’m sorry, I can’t help but remember.
It’s early
On a Saturday
The city is quiet
Not many people out
There’s a stillness to it
The air is clear
Shops not open yet
It’s the beginning
Of another day
Soon the quiet will leave
Replaced by people and noise
But for now
There’s a little bit of heaven
In the quiet and peace
Early morning
Don’t take it personal
Illness is terminal
Turned us
Something else
From the non-verbalize
Still running
Around the unyielding wheel’s
Torturous fortune
Inside a vivarium
Social distortion
Where trickle down
Keeps us appeased
And whatever they feed us
Much sooner diseased
Ever farther from freed
We are just pets in hands
Of the gods of greed

— The End —