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Aug 2024 · 47
God is Lord
Bright koketso Aug 2024
He's without no BB
Eternal He never expire
He's without best before
Neither does He retire
He made all the neutrons
He consist of no matter
So did He create protons
He's infallible without atter
He's alpha without mother
He's omega without rivalry
He's the creator without father
He's above all the laws of gravity
Everything seen He glued
He's the author of all atoms
From the beginning He ruled
He's highest without bottoms
Aug 2024 · 60
Ancient of days
Bright koketso Aug 2024
Let your mame be revered so high forever and ever
Let worship and praises from the lips of every saint
Oh! Holy One, your name be above all, non can say never
Your name reigns, whose name no one can taint
Let your name be praised in truth and spirit
Let every knee bow before thy throne, oh! Lord
Let every mouth profess that you are the light
You are the ancient one, forever you remain God
Oh! Jehovah, same as yesterday, today and forever more
Let every tongue sing hymns before thee Father
Eternal Father, there's certainly non after and before
Oh! Almighty God you are equal to no other
May your name be forever be blessed and worshipped,
Aug 2024 · 62
Unfair he plays
Bright koketso Aug 2024
He gives you ever will and desire, except peace
He's an enabler and entices when you accept his gifts,
He profess hell as joy, to the addicted as mind ease
Gives your desires, then dumps you in the deads
He promises reign, while dooming your deeds
All the gifts hang from the body its one of his seeds
Not realizing amongst the paint and piercing he feeds
Through circular beats, he entices soul with the reeds
Brings misery and the vulnerable choke of the weeds
God whispers in your mind what about me, I have your needs
In your youth, un- knowing, God freed thee at your teens
Yet, you chose the voices of misleads for keeps
To adulthood satan still wants to play as your soul weeps
Desire and lust exceeds which results in breeds
He rips your soul apart and bleeding speeds
Hopelessly, envy, addiction within it bleeds
Under his spell societies stumbling in the threads
In your choice made, have you chosen God or misleads
Aug 2024 · 59
Fallen petals
Bright koketso Aug 2024
A thing of beauty is a love forever
Its tenderness amplify loveliness
It can never pass into nothingness
Virtue,how frail and rare—it's temper

To the meek , it sells eternal bliss
Purity, Snowy it remains
Supreme, lacks not it stays
Genuine, how real—deeper than a kiss
Love is genuine
Aug 2024 · 92
The return
Bright koketso Aug 2024
We've entered the storm
We'll be caught sleeping
There will be fear & weeping
We'll be separated and shorn
Everything shall be torn
We've entered the storm
The hidden will be seen
Our lives will testify the sin(s)
Concealed brought to the light
Caught without faith but sight
We've entered the storm
Where deep lures for deep
For his commands and laws keep
How narrow is the leap
But sifting is too cheap
We've entered the storm
So was Jonah for three days
Let's resound our praises & ways
Let's look up & lift our heads up high
For our redemption draweth nigh
We've entered the storm
This lamentation covers with chills
Eventually fills with drills & wills
Whatever the scourge is held
Let's call for mercy & be sealed
The lord will gather & bring to renewal
The earth shall pass but his word eternal.
Coming of the lord is sudden
Aug 2024 · 72
Psalms of vanity
Bright koketso Aug 2024
Vanity of vanities! a persuit of wind,
What profit hath a man in his toil!
All is vanity! Life and death rewind
Dust thou art, and thou return to soil.
All flesh is as grass—Isaiah 40: 6
As the flowers of the field fadeth;
So was Abel's wither within six verses!
Flowers fadeth, likewise grass withereth!
We brought nothing in this world,
And it is certain we can accumulate non￾
All things are wearysome and wild,
There's nothing new under the sun!
Tomorrow is unknown, nor promised!
Life is as vapor, appears for a while
And then it vanishes in the mist!
All is vanity! All is scripted in the bible!
Trust no Future, howe'er be pleasant!
Let the dead Past, bury its dead!
Act, — react in the living Present!
Let your hearth within, God o'erhead.
Vanity vanity under the sun

— The End —