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Riding around town with all the windows down street musicians not getting Rich on Tips share their rich new sound ladies  glisten as they listen and walk
Flares of new seasoned smiles a clue to their passion for fun
We review  their fresh summer  fashion
Knowing  they noticed that  Inspirational Sun
Bobby O
This explanation so necessary likely won’t qualify
This situation so contrary  contritely won’t satisfy
A Dickensian nod prods the worst of confusion
Concurrently claiming Best expected solution
Yet simultaneously indicating this said logic visits delusion
There were and are many days I prayed we could fasten connection juxtaposed as if to achieve balance warped with the wounds of rejection
A passionate Yin and a Yang of fires warmth and it’s burn
A scarred heart first filled with a hope that soon  turns to hoping to learn
To run and to hide is the choice rated only
A directioned path to abide
If I didn’t fear lonely
Bobby O

I know, i recognize, i realize, i can't deny. My heart skips a little beat,
Sometimes i struggle just to breathe.
Never before did i believe that  the love that i now feel is the reason why, why we dare to hope and dream, that the best that  life can bring can humbly be achieved when we find love.

I thought i always knew about love,
It's in songs and lot's of books.
I tried and tried to live without love,
Selfish was the road i took.
U taught me life was all about love,
A fact too many overlook,
Now life's defined by ur love,
Opened my eyes, im glad i looked.
Bobby O
Magic of Words
The freedom to survey, the challenge to convey starts with first light each day
Noticing of course that it's a therapeutic force
a personal source of delight that carries from dawn to twilight
Rage rage against  unfair moments, pave pave the way for fair ascent. Make a difference if I can , learn from Queens and honored man. Write write, disperse it or lock it w a key, just interact w this universe and find your destiny.
Bobby O

Shaking out tensions , I exhale ,Drifting now with shuttered eyes, In mere seconds appears my prize    Her beauty postures a Truth  unmatched , she reaches out from the peaceful vision in my mind
A gentle touch, indelibly attached In reality and in dream , My soul now joyous in a forever bond captured by her Love Supreme.
Bobby O
Robert Oliva Sep 10
A Warning left unheeded
Circled back to extract a toll  When and where nonchalance staked it’s imbedded presence is difficult to know
Worse yet was WHY
Fastened to Duality Gripping desperate each extreme
A manufactured reality
A one lane scene of encroaching beams
It’s hubris and its ego it’s mistakes that feed a stubborn ugly thing  it’s a tornado we saw coming Strangers stare , aware of destruction that it brings
Bobby O
Robert Oliva Sep 9
A poem, an optimistic tome, came across my eye, it included and insisted on some rules we all should live by. On your sleeve the rested hopeful heart should reside, carry nothing you must hide , fueled by rule apart from flimsy cliche’ no Dionysius wine in vessel clay shall steer your mapped traveling way, Gaining altruistic sense sparks a bettering afore a gifted granite strength to breach New day. Live Long, Live Strong, Let Strengthened Heart lead til Life’s Last Tragic Play
Bobby O
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