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Study always room to grow and learn something new.
Time not wasted.
Updating your skills
Distractions always seems to be welcome, until last minute.
Your pure focus to complete the course with good marks/results.

© By HF-Whisper
11/5/2020 12:08PM
Mum-Happy Mother’s Day
Ongoing love and support-given to us all.
There for us always.
However, many times we all may need it.
Encouragement, comforting and advice, we shall often seek from you.
Remembering al the happy moments we have shared together, so far,
                         as mother and daughter.

With love to my mum,

© By HF - Whisper
8/5/2020 14:46PM
My dear friend Malcolm.
Always a gentleman.
Liked/loved by everyone you meet.
Caring and comforting words of wisdom, given to your closest
                      friends, in their time of need.
Ongoing support and time you give, to the ones you care about the
Loyal to those that you care about the most.
May you have all the happiness and good health, and love in the
                      world that you truly deserve.

(Happy Birthday)

© By HF-Whisper
7/5/2020 10:36AM
Is it too late?
To -change your mind?

Is it too late?
For you- to open your heart.

Is it too late?
To hear- my side of the story and reason?

Is it too late?
For me – to make you smile?

Is it too late?
For me- to make you laugh.

Is it too late?
For me -to hear you laugh.

Is it too late?
Is it too late?

Please forgive me.
And my stupidness/my pride!
For being too selfish,
To say –I am sorry…

It has been too hard,
For me-to admit,
To –myself,
That I was-and that I am wrong.
To come to terms with,
-that I needed to make that change,
To proud-of myself,
That I was wrong,
-and this time you were right,
To say those-5 letter words,
To you-that person
-I most cared/care about…

To that one person
-that has always been there –for me,
To that one person
-that understands me – 100 %,
To that one person
-that knows me better than myself.

Is it too late?
Is it too late?

Is it too late?
To go back
-to how we once were?

Is it too late?
To stay- close friends
-and not lose it all?

Is it too late?
To forget
-the harsh words we said.

Is it too late?
Is it too late?

© By HF-Whisper
7/5/2020 1:43-50PM

I will wake up to live another day,
I hope to survive another day.

I will adjust to the weather accordingly,
I wonder what the weather gods will bring me today.

I want/will meet you my dear friend,
I hope that you will join me –my dear friend?

I plan to do my usual routine,
I wonder what kind of day-it will turn out to be.

I will try something new,
I hope to learn something new.

I will be adventurous,
I pray not to get injured –from being adventurous.

I will do something kind-for a stranger,
I pray-for those who are having hardships-to soon become and have a better way of life (lifestyle) and health.

I will love myself,
to my fullest.
I pray-that you can give me the strength,
to learn to love myself more.

I want all my loved one,
to be able to enjoy and have a happy day.
I will take care of you,
if you are sick or need some cheering up.

I know somewhere - there will be a new birth,
a birthday and a death(s)
I pray for all to share this joy and excitement of love -New Birth.
To bring love and happiness- to that special person -A birthday.
The support and strength, for you to give to those, that need this the most in these times of sorrow -Death(s).

I will create a new experience,
I hope these experiences will become happy memories.

Is a day –to live in the now,
and to try to make each/and every, moment count!
Only happens once,
And just may be your last.

Remember –that life is short!
Do what makes you the happiest,
Or try to create a new way of happiness –for yourself.

Is a moment
-made of many moments,
Will become -a new memory.

So, for today,
Make your day count,
And enjoy your day.

© By HF-Whisper
7/5/2020 15:10PM
=My Heart
=My Love
=My Pain
=My Sadness
=My Independence
=My Strength

All these go to you,
As you carry,
These from me.

I will also carry yours,
=Your Body
=Your Love
=Your Anger
=Your Happiness
=Your Loneliness/Need to belong
=Your Weakness

My Heart-Your Body
My Love-Your Pain
My Pain -Your Love
My sadness-Your happiness
My Independence-Your Loneliness/need for belonging
My Strength-Your Weakness

Together =
We can help mend/heel our souls,
when needed,
We can comfort and brighten up our days,
when needed,
We can form companionship for us both,
when needed,
We can be in the same room but have our own space/freedom,
Or share a special moment,
when needed.

When two hearts come together,
As one,
There are things we can both give to,
Each other.

© BY HF-Whisper
27/4-7/5/2020 12:28-43PM
In the good bad and ugly times,
If you can take me as I am,
As I will take you are you are.

In your lowest of lows,
And your highest of highs,
And all the in between,
If you can take me as I am,
As I will take you are you are.

In all your pain,
That you are holding/have close to your heart,
And all the love you have/want to give/share or need,
If you can take me as I am,
I will take you are you are.

I will give you all that you need/and want,
Even when you don’t realize this at the moment,
My care/and love, is for you,
If you can take me as I am,
I will take you are you are.

© By HF-Whisper
Quote-'If you can take me as I am,
As I will take you are you are.'
Quote-'In the good bad and ugly times'
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