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744 · Jan 2021
A Star is Born
Gene Jan 2021
She spoke to a captive world
Hearts and minds attentive
Words meant for change
A change for generations

Insight years beyond her youth
Ideals of a new narrative
One of peace and harmony
Thank you Amanda!
243 · Jan 2021
A calm in the air
Gene Jan 2021
There’s a quiet calmness in the air
thoughts of my past
keep me in this moment

For my thoughts are in great measure
a deeper look inside
memories of who I am

Searching for an answer
allusive to me now
longing for clarity

Waiting for a new understanding
what’s the objective
seeking a clearer path
229 · Jan 2021
Starry Night
Gene Jan 2021
Distant objects so very far away
A glimpse in time some would say
Their stories keep us up at night
Glimmering rays of stellar light

If you stare at one up close
You may see its rhythmic pulse
Though each one different on their own
Together they project a greater tone

Can we imagine any greater wonder
Nature’s splendor a gift to ponder
Twinkling stars aglow in the distance
Hard to fathom their mere existence

Myths and legends fill our distant past
Of a colossal cosmos, so boundless and vast
Answers to questions we seek from above
The great mysteries of the origins thereof

Alone in a desert or on some distant shore
Curiosity will always leave us wanting more
Starry night, you inspire us to dream
With rays stretched eternal, forever agleam
167 · Jan 2021
Gene Jan 2021
Alone he looked amidst his surroundings
The ambiance seemed familiar now
Had his thoughts been dismissed by some mundane routine,
waiting to be awakened ?
An ideation was about to be set free
What revealed itself was an unchained
exposed and naked now, but true
True to his thoughts, true to his thinking
Perfect, perhaps not, but
palpable and in plain view
167 · Jan 2021
Gene Jan 2021
Walking alone or with a special someone
The afterglow of a sunset seldom undone
Enlightening the senses with colors pastel
A vast and ever changing light carousel

Emotions rousing our senses anew
The power of nature in clear view
To explain its effect on our sensations
One must look to our fixations

The moment is now and the notion present
Can we absorb enough and to what extent
To overwhelm us with whimsical light
Soon sundown will turn into night

Never underestimate nature’s spell
Embrace the emotions that you compel
A sunset is a sunset one might surmise
But what beauty lay within our skies
152 · Jan 2021
Absent of confinement
Gene Jan 2021
beyond the borderline
a new frontier on the horizon
absent of confinement
my senses renewed

outer fringes explored
a margin erased
lines of demarcation blurred
my ambit extended

boundaries unlocked
the perimeter gates open
fresh tracks to be made
my excitement revived
Asking ourselves what lies beyond the borderlines of our body, mind and soul...or COVID is making me feel penned in.
144 · Jan 2021
Where are you?
Gene Jan 2021
Where are you?
I reached out but felt emptiness
Have you gone somewhere?
You were just here a minute ago
Have you been taken?
I must keep looking
133 · Jan 2021
Gene Jan 2021
It drifts tenderly without a sound
Not knowing where it’s bound
Each crystal created like no others
If only they truly had their druthers

Peaceful as it flutters about
Its everlasting beauty never in doubt
What is it that makes them so fickle?
Sometimes left to just a trickle

Unabated to some unknown destination
When will it find its final cessation?
Tender at times but also harsh
Maybe we can describe it as larsh

Melting too fast can be forlorn
But for another flake to be reborn
Falling from the sky with poise and grace
Eventually finding it’s rightful place

Wonderment abounds in this peaceful scene
Keeping our senses alive and keen
How long it lasts only time will tell
We can only hope it’s more than a spell
123 · Jan 2021
Rising Peaks
Gene Jan 2021
How swiftly they proudly ascend
Towering peaks to no end
Cragged and seemingly peerless
They remain steadfast and fearless

An alp, a ridge, a spiring horn
Nary a soul should feel forlorn
A majestic silhouette in the sky
Billowing clouds drifting by

Changing colors to and fro
Waiting for that lavender alpenglow
Could their be a greater reason
To observe the changes of the new season

Snow caps vanish as the days grow longer
Their beauty within to only wax stronger
Reaching new heights, ever daunting
Sends a chill, sometimes haunting

Picturesque may even understate
But truly one can only adulate
For natures way is not for us to perceive
Take it all in and just believe
116 · Jan 2021
Gene Jan 2021
It rises up amidst the distant mountain
An awe inspiring sight hard to ascertain
Shadows forming behind the tall pine
Wafting needles beginning to shine

Stars that glimmer now about to wane
A full moon beams without much strain
Black and white turns to shades of grey
Tones that change until the new day

Its lunar features remind us at last
Of cosmic events to a distant past
Craters litter its long barren surface
Forever dormant, absent of malice

Night hawks arrive in search of a meal
The moonlit night brings an awaited zeal
Ruminants graze under a glowing aura
The fauna at one with the abundant flora

Moon glow brings out such a different sense
Mysterious, mystifying and emotionally intense
A lifetime spent marveling its eerie wonder
Time is of the essence for us to ponder
108 · Jan 2021
Whispering Winds
Gene Jan 2021
The beauty of nature ever present
May it heal us in times of discontent
The whispering winds sing a song so clear
Of bygone peoples who once lived here

Walking slowly amongst the pine
Helps us forget the present social decline
The whispering winds speak louder of late
Is there a message of our looming fate?

You can hear clearly now if you listen
Look to the sky for the trees a-glisten
The whispering winds teach us so much
The call of nature shall ever keep us in touch

If we yearn for a new perspective
A walk with nature is often effective
The whispering winds may not be heard by all
You must first exhale before you hear it’s call

We seldom cease to realize
What lays right before our eyes
The whispering winds sway limbs to and fro
Listen closely and you too shall know
105 · Jan 2021
Gene Jan 2021
Undulating clouds that were once so distant
Arrive overhead in what seemed an instant
Never ending swirls of a malevolent wand
Clearly the winds presence was now at hand

Shades of grey turn, light ash to dark slate
Is it the storm’s warning of our looming fate?
Animals become alert, edgy and restless
The incessant crow cawing now breathless

There’s a smell in the air of oncoming rain
A chill in the bones, the foreboding storm plain
Aspen limbs quaking and cedar a spruce
Calm now cedes to squally, a storm to induce

Scared rabbit looking for an elusive burrow
Nary a moment, time lost to dig a new furrow
The Robin’s first instinct to return to the nest
Chirping welcomes her home to be with the rest

The ground moistens, the clouds unleash now
Quenching a thirsty branch, limb and bough
The storm’s fury gives way to clear sky
Nature’s spirit looking us in the eye
102 · Jan 2021
Meandering Stream
Gene Jan 2021
Slowly creating it’s own serpentine
Left then right and then in between
Swift headwater or slow moving bijou
The stream seems to wander, nary a clue

Ducks landing in a secluded backwater
Frantic thrusting wings, feathers a tatter
Birds of all sorts gather, big and small
A grand avian sanctuary answers the call

The willows follow as the gentle wind leads
They all dance together, even the reeds
Some would say a harmonic progression
Together as one, on the edge of obsession

A dorsal fin pierces the water surface tension
Leaving silt below to it’s own suspension
The rainbow trout shows off it’s green and blue
An amazing display of tint, tone and hue

The lazy stream meanders with a certain calm
Mesmerized we watch without a qualm
Rippling water with it’s soul soothing voice
For serenity and peace, no other choice
102 · Jan 2021
Morning Light
Gene Jan 2021
Colors shift from soft to bright
Reminiscent of  that mesmerizing  firelight
Emerging from the darkness to meet the dawn
Glistening dew clinging to the lawn

Stars that glimmered begin to fade
But the new day has not yet been made
Hummingbird just passing by
In search of that sweet nectar far and wide

Birds trilling for one and all
Hoping in others for that melodic recall
Coyotes yipping in the distance
Perhaps a rabbit is their next big chance

Leaves in the trees lay deathly still
Winds will arise later but not until
Skies will turn from dark to light
But not before the day becomes forthright

Colors shift from soft to bright
Emerges the daylight from the night
Clouds transform to a new color scheme
Pastels without boundaries it would seem

— The End —