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  Jun 2021 Isaac afunadhula
My teacher told me a story once,
The story of two wolves
Within each of us
resides two wolves,
Always fighting.
One all things good
And the other all things bad
So I asked who wins
She replied
The one you care to feed.
I didn't understand it then.
  Jun 2021 Isaac afunadhula
You might think I am silent.
But inside I've traveled
the whole world and back.

I've conversed with you
more than you know.
Finally what comes out
would be a 'Hi'.

My mind contradicts my heart
and my heart my mind.
I fail to get a word out
with all this commotion in.
#shy and awkward
  Jun 2021 Isaac afunadhula
I try to make sense
  of this mess
you dare call life.
  Jun 2021 Isaac afunadhula
I question life
and it's complexities
and it's idiocracy
and you question me.
  Jun 2021 Isaac afunadhula
We speak in exaggerated voices,
Of all our various exploits
but beneath it all,I hear
A thousand unshared words.
#friends.    #drifting
  Jun 2021 Isaac afunadhula
We are too complex
to be build,
by anything less
than an artist.
  Jun 2021 Isaac afunadhula
You forgot to take
The memories,
The feelings,
The emotions.

Take them too.
Something lost , something forgotten
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