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Mar 2021 · 55
Interior meaning
LannaEvolved Mar 2021
To try isn't necessarily negative, but it implies an attempt, the possibility of doing something fully.
But to intend to do something and mean it, now that creates a much stronger result, the kind that reveals the inner depth of your vision come to life.
Mar 2021 · 60
People merely reveal
LannaEvolved Mar 2021
The perspective of what we see in another implies people's characters are transparent at all times.

Is it so, that we can truly change or have we always been who we are, and is it that other people have brought out those sides that show who we are not, but who we can be when surrounded by what is not meant for us whether that be unhealthy, undesirable, or simple errors in judgment that perhaps later turn into misfortunes over time...
LannaEvolved Mar 2021
Your truth is raw. It does not accept cards.
Pay it forward with your own and the other will receive it in full.
Mar 2021 · 232
LannaEvolved Mar 2021
A beautiful painting in existence.
Is the artist in his or her reality
In as many moments as you need to get it right.  
To be in order to create the destiny of where your work needs to be for you and you only.
Listen to your intuition. It knows.
LannaEvolved Mar 2021
Allow your true Essence to bloom through the flourishing of your great self.
LannaEvolved Mar 2021
The choice is you and the will through me
Choice + Will = Love
Mar 2021 · 80
Feel the treasure
LannaEvolved Mar 2021
A treasure never hunts
It feels
Mar 2021 · 96
God is prayer
LannaEvolved Mar 2021
To be a supernatural being is equal to the ultimate of God’s love.
Mar 2021 · 128
LannaEvolved Mar 2021
I am not what happened to me.
I choose to be what I have become.
LannaEvolved Mar 2021
Learn to be at rest upon life’s shores
Follow your intuition when being fierce with it’s current.
Do not harm it, but correspond with it.
Then you shall find within it, a peace you never knew.
Throw the rocks you find back into burbling waters
The trees will overlook the act as your
friendships do
Let it be that you find a piece of hope
in your faith that carries you through..
LannaEvolved Mar 2021
We come from separate lives
And we feel the separation in them

But when we find home...

Home feels the most comfortable peace
Tasting the best kept promise
Mar 2021 · 221
Your loving truth is yours
LannaEvolved Mar 2021
As you have allowed me to see:

"Don't be overwhelmed by it all, be catapulted, capitulated!
By the greatness that it brings, that it gives and that you give to it.
Be pulled by it, not through it.
A lesson for us all, artist or any one else.

Keep traveling the journey of life as your truth revealing itself to itself through your own growth and learning.

With love
Mar 2021 · 86
Trust in the Universal
LannaEvolved Mar 2021
The Universe is real. Knowing that helps make me anchoring me down.
Mar 2021 · 103
Mental clearance
LannaEvolved Mar 2021
There is always something on your mind until you train it for what you wish it to be. Security comes from listening to the music, inviting your higher power as
God helps focus and feel love from yourself.
LannaEvolved Mar 2021
Staring into the abyss is staring into yourself.
Your craft is your presence, your temperament is your greatness bringing to you all of what you know, your perception of all of your truth coming from within you and reflecting as your mirror towards others. #bebeyonddoubt #beyourfullself #bethelove you find in the depths of that abyss that may look like demise at times.
I have and still I rise. #Riseforyou#Risingforyourvisio
#Riseforyourancestors so that they can recognize how you have become through them the spirit of entrepreneurial life.
#Iam truly blessed to be me.
#Beyou #Befree
LannaEvolved Mar 2021
Be valued. Not simply liked or else you will never know self-respect which attracts only a love that is pure.
What is real can only be what we feel.
It will find you. Trustyourself.
LannaEvolved Mar 2021
Learning about the celestial body allows for an understanding of the advanced emotional body.
We have an eternal life force that preserves our senses’ persistent accuracy.
LannaEvolved Mar 2021
Be a man or woman of value through a love to create. That will never leave you. πŸ¦‹
Mar 2021 · 60
Artist Manifesto Part 2
LannaEvolved Mar 2021
When you deeply feel the gratitude in what you have created, you remain unconditional in your thinking of what you can achieve through your art and within your life.

β€œI am learning everyday how to be able to keep the peace within me and disallow noise from the outside world to seep through as a barrier to my inner knowingness and emotional freedom.

I know what's meant for me, and so it sis strong enough to avoid illusory beliefs that aren't real or people who attempt to harm my emotional and mental vibrancy or my safe space within.”

We are creating each of these moments every single day and so it is up to you to work towards their development.
Happy fluttering πŸ¦‹. You got it.
LannaEvolved Mar 2021
Art has the ability to name through the body. The mind is a part of the body.

We are something more outside of the physical body but all creation starts as a frame which lies in the physical body.
Mar 2021 · 58
Creating is creating
LannaEvolved Mar 2021
Synchronicity is a beautiful form of gentle ******* which is needed for internal freedom. Mind, body, and spirit. πŸ’œ
LannaEvolved Mar 2021
Thoughts become things and those things become true only when you can imagine your own heaven and exist in it.
Mar 2021 · 233
LannaEvolved Mar 2021
Part of work as actors and as artists is a calling to be: Beings of empathy with a strong fascination with the deepest parts of human experience.

You can always tap into the unconscious and that is both yin and yang. You can't hope to be in touch, your mind's subconscious will naturally make it a part of your living. Negativity is just a result of lack and lower awareness and that is also low power or no power.
You can avoid conflict I believe, but not people's emotional reactions towards you, which may indeed exude less than positive energy.
Mar 2021 · 56
Visualizing the Dream
LannaEvolved Mar 2021
Follow your efforts instead of wishing for a dream.
Create a vision for yourself instead of
seeing it as just a dream.

Visualizing is more than hoping for a dream.
It is about taking yourself through the process of cultivating your passion for theΒ Β dream you will start to create through the opportunities you already trace each day.
Mar 2021 · 79
Affirmation of Self
LannaEvolved Mar 2021
You are powerful. You’ve done amazingly well for yourself and you always will.
See your worthiness, feel your importance, and pitch the self-doubts.

The world needs you right now.
It is still a place full of magic that bends to our dreams. You are loved.
You are important. You are valued.

If you need something, anything, ask for it. And if someone asks you for help, give to the best of your ability or try to find someone who can.
Feb 2021 · 72
Creative DNA
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
If you were to reflect each day on what mediums you used today, how would that affect your Art, your movement, your writing, your expression?
How did the source of expression illicit different feelings and movements for you?
Feel curious and invited into awareness of your own perception preferences and those around you.
Feb 2021 · 485
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
Contributing to a conversation about what I call: balancing the emotion with a perceived reality, which can also be claimed as an illlusion. #Traumahealing #lovingwhoyouare #mentalhealth #buildingrelationship #managingperceptions #consensualrealities
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
Flowing movements, striking poses, loving thoughts.
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
Creativity is more than a modality of use, it is your entire personality diving deep into a new world that you yourself are making to improve, to change, to renew, and to reveal first to yourself and then to others when you so choose.
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
Music is harmony’s way of expressing both its gratitude and its pain.
It never allows you to suffer without a listening ear.
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
Dance movement is the felt ****** expression of frosted foam gliding through any corner of a room with its heart wide open and its strength grounded in the planting of each step in solid critique.
This is being in motion of the soul.
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
Let what is within you make you and then set you free. In love. In life.
That is your art speaking to you in cascades of clear water. Perfectly paced.
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
Our moments are the reflections of ourselves not yet pinned against the creations that we seek to create in life and in the worlds we experience every day with those whom we know and do not yet know but are soon to meet.

I would not change my experiences or my destiny for anything as this has been the very thing that has allowed me to create and manifest the best for me.
See this as a truth for you and not once doubt it and it too will come to cross your path.
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
Make sure to be happy for your work no matter how you feel about it some days.  
Remind yourself to Be grateful for your ability to be in the moment and take away their greatest teachings.
For that is all days are, reflections of ourselves within them pieces, not yet finished, carving themselves out of the tasks we stage together, and not yet pinned.
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
Acting is about intelligence. It is knowing more than your work. For you are the job and that is to be intelligent without relying on your rational brain to save you.
Your mind will always have an answer, but remember, the spirit led connection you create with your partner contain the wanted or the unwanted result.
Only the responses you have for yourself hold the power to change it.
Keep them light, intentional, and free.
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
Learning about more than just your craft is your craft. It can never die. Therefore, Be committed to your own growth and internal well being.
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
I physically feel my imagination expanding upon my creativity today the more I tap into my unconscious explore and allow myself to make clear and subconscious choices.
I feel my own intention literally taking place in my brain. I invite you to love it.
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
Writing are the thoughts of a playful insightful vision, big or small, stored inside the secrets of its Universe made to effect, swayed to absorb, felt to come alive.
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
Painting is the silence of thought.
Color becomes the freedom of its vision.
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
Learn from what you live in relationship to others.
Every person brings a unique gifted value to your life even when you can’t see it.
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
There is no reason as to why one is, that is the function of their chosen reality. To be who one is without knowing is being real. One is because one must be real. How real they are is another matter.
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
To feel better automatically you have to live like you are at your best in your body.
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
<3 Before you find your soulmate, you must first reach your own soul <3

Art is the deepest dwelling place to discover it with both intent of chance and spontaneous action on your side.
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
I am only rich because I embrace the opulence of nature in all its beauty, as it lends me mine in all that is possible for me through God's choice manifestations. 😊
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
I am one of the greats because I have finally aligned with my truth.
The faith of my destiny has come to me through the shards of worth and Assertion for the vision and the goals I set forth.
This is the fate I celebrate everyday.
Live it.
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
Your work is to learn how to be mindful ofΒ Β the inharmonious balance that equates to a mismatch between words and actions.

Your inner and outer life is developed through a skill set of curiosity, creative altitude, and intentional integrity.
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
Think of the word unify for a moment.
It is the unification of fusing both emotion and belief that brings forth self-selected power.

You are consistently revealing this in all you share and do.

However, Faith and Inaction is the essence of result.
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
Feel every emotion in your body taking place. For this inner wisdom is guiding your senses to do even more seemingly impossible greater things.
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
Every unwanted feeling we feel is constructed through the mental energy we place on those who make an attempt to corrupt our truth and our true nature.

That is how we in turn begin to develop patterns of behavior, where our heart shifts towards a certain way of being and becoming. The best part is we can choose and leave the past. It does not own us.
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
Everything you choose can and will showΒ Β up for you. Any form of struggle- emotional or physical harm comes when we lose who we are.
We can only get it back when we are authentic in our deliberation to intentionally find ourselves through the art of our own personal β€œcreator identities”.
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