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82 · Sep 2021
Janna B Sep 2021
I love that you always want me,
it eases a sore that is deep.
Should it be this way -
is it healthy?
Reassured desirability.
Or am hiding from healing the grief.
81 · Mar 2021
Wall to feeling
Janna B Mar 2021
I rang, all business,
no feeling in my voice.
I could hear you,
guessing, trying to understand.
But I wasn’t there this time —
emotional wall up.
Your actions aren’t with me.
I wonder how long my wall
will stay up this time.
Janna B Jul 2022
Snippets of happiness
Full rose heads,
chicken sounds and tickles
grins and giggles
on the trampoline.
Playing shops with you,
cuddling close,
cooking food with heart.
Breathing new life
into me.
79 · Jan 2021
Heart match
Janna B Jan 2021
A beautiful day;
fourth date.
Good company,
smiling eyes,
winery, views.
Kissing, holding.
He’a so careful for me,
so kind.
I need to be careful for him
because I like him but
I’m not sure that
it’s a heart match.
That dating app I joined? It’s on...and now there are new challenges to work through.
78 · Aug 2021
Janna B Aug 2021
So, we signed on the line,
undid ourselves
a little more.

Each page autographed
in the matching spaces
we don’t share anymore.

The burst of sadness
came unexpectedly,
I’d been expecting this day after all.

Of course it makes sense
to grieve history’s dust
and that we succumbed to the fall.
Financial separation today, a solid step forward.
77 · Feb 2021
Janna B Feb 2021
It’s probably not a good idea
to fill a hole
with a distraction, but
sometimes a distraction
is better than loud thoughts.
74 · Jan 2021
Weakness & strength
Janna B Jan 2021
My weakness
can be what draws people to me.
So kind, so caring.
The thing is —
nobody wants me to be kind
in spite of myself.
It hurts more for them
if I compromise, smile,
rather than just
ripping the plaster off.
Definitely imperfect..
73 · Feb 2021
Reading me
Janna B Feb 2021
You’re reading my poetry,
the inside of my mind,
written when the emotions crest and
I have to get them out.

You’re reading my poetry.
It does not hide a thing.
The rawness and soreness
the ups and the downs
the confusion, the spirals.

Why did I tell you where to find me,
here in this sea of anonymity?
71 · Aug 2021
Thank you
Janna B Aug 2021
Thank you
for cooking me dinner,
for sending me home with lunch for tomorrow.
For showing your love
that way.

Thank you
for the unfailing positivity;
positive reinforcement
of all of my progress —
my determined, honest progress,
in its mottled glory.

Thank you for the listening ear,
warm arms, big heart.
For takeout runs and chocolate.
For showing love and care
in all the ways.
68 · Aug 2021
Janna B Aug 2021
You’re connecting with my children
oh what a lovely sight.
Laughing together,
holding hands,
cooking, being.
It both warms and breaks
my heart.

Warm for the care and instant rapport;
the light in your eyes - you’re in love again.
Sad that they’re hungry for it;
clamouring for it;
and that it didn’t happen
in the family unit.
Just expressing the conflicting emotions that can come with moving on.
65 · Feb 2021
Janna B Feb 2021
You are back
in my thoughts and my heart.
Like a tenacious ivy vine
with importunate tendrils.
I’d thought I had put the feelings to rest—
you’re not mine—
but here you are again
in the memories, the thoughts,
the everything.
I’d thought I was ready enough to move on.
65 · Mar 2021
Janna B Mar 2021
If your love is
an emotional barometer
then others need to measure.
The New was kind and clever;
but he didn’t bring
the right weather.
Making the right decisions. Why it has to be my barometer is a whole other conundrum.
61 · Mar 17
Still quiet
Janna B Mar 17
I feel untethered from you.
Silent, and
behind walls.
There’s mistrust here,
a looking at actions
and finding them wrong.
So, uncertain, I look for more.
You feel this, and adjust your actions.
It must be exhausting,
like a marionette
without a player,
and we’re still quiet.
I’m still so quiet.
61 · Nov 2020
Growth by mistake
Janna B Nov 2020
If making mistakes
Is part of growth
My mistakes
Are certainly helping me grow.
60 · Feb 22
Looks like me
Janna B Feb 22
You look like me.
Jolt to the heart.
Arrogantly (I now see)
I had thought he’d never do as well
And yet, you are beautiful
and seem kind.
It arrowed sorrow through
a gap in my armour.
I’d thought it *****-proof.
His best self again
after abandoning me?
I was great too.
I’ve learned new words though,
and I hope you know them too.
Emotional abandonment,
control, choice, trauma.
I’ve grown beyond them, so so far.
Green leaves, blue sky.
You, kindy teacher -
help keep my kids happy please.
I work hard to maximise the good
for them.
And, good luck with the rest, lady.
Not that I’m saying, but —
I wouldn’t recommend.
59 · Dec 2020
The price
Janna B Dec 2020
I don’t want a memory of you
in my head, bothering me.
Skip past our music,
avoid that place.
The little things that
make me miss you.
Go away.
you brought me love.
Memory seems to be the price.
55 · Dec 2020
Sand by the sea
Janna B Dec 2020
If I am sand by the sea,
my emotions are the water
rising up underneath,
ready to spill above the surface
at high tide.
54 · Feb 2021
Wrong way
Janna B Feb 2021
I see myself,
going the wrong way.
I’m watching in slow motion
and I don’t stop it,
even though I know I should.
The emotional impact,
like a slow-burn of my heart,
has started engulfing me.
STOP going there.
But I keep doing it.
50 · Aug 13
Janna B Aug 13
Beautiful girl—
curved cheek,
laboured breath,
hot skin,
flushed face,
closed eyes,
rhythmic breathing.
Tucked in close.
Get better soon
my love.
Janna B Apr 29
Here I stand
or lie
or sleep.

All the work to get here,
and the feelings feel
self indulgent.
I want to hide them,
yet they keep returning.

I’ve worked through an ex.
I’ve sorted the mortgage.
Therapy for the trauma
(The trauma! Ridiculous!)
am out the other side…
still navel gazing.

About the rest of it.
The choices
the job
the restlessness.
Likeability, life purpose.

And just now,  
you’ve made me laugh
and laugh and laugh.
Thank you.
50 · Dec 2020
Better tomorrow
Janna B Dec 2020
The day of rest
interspersed with activity.
And tears.
I am sadly glad
that my heart can now process.
If I give myself this day
Can I be better tomorrow?

It’s comforting that
the love was true.
Unintentional, but true.
That the care is still there,
but the book can be closed.
48 · Dec 2020
She will have that chance
Janna B Dec 2020
My body is taut
My stomach is churning;
my mind, churning too.
My heart - quite pleased actually.

So we’ll meet
and talk.
There’s nothing that my head admires here,
but my heart, wager of insurgent, prolonged war against my head -
demands a chance.
So, in the spirit of embracing the whole me, accepting the whole me,
She will have that chance.

But my head
will be back in full force soon...
it seems they have to agree
before I can find my balance.
Well... here it goes. Ah life in all its imperfections..
48 · Nov 2020
Right and wrong
Janna B Nov 2020
As I grow older
I see shades of grey.
Black and white disappearing.
Right and wrong?
Largely gone.
There are gradients,
with space there
for compassion.
47 · Mar 4
Not competing
Janna B Mar 4
My kids can be rude to you
It’s true.
You raise points
that I’m trying to absorb.
Why were feelings pent up
so much
to put me, us,
in this position?
There can’t be
46 · Dec 2020
Ride of life..
Janna B Dec 2020
OK, so my heart won that latest round
in the battle between head and heart
My head is sounding loud warnings,
but my heart is rejoicing.
Hold on!
The ride of life is speeding up…
46 · Dec 2020
Not thinking of you
Janna B Dec 2020
I’m not thinking of you.

(Or are you awake
thinking of me
will this break
finally make
feelings subside)

to think of you.

(Good luck with that).
46 · Nov 2020
The other one
Janna B Nov 2020
My psychologist says
'He's narcissistic'
His mother says
'He can't show his inner self'
I say
'He couldn't love me'
My heart says
'I love the other one'.
46 · Feb 19
Avoided this
Janna B Feb 19
I realise I’ve avoided this outlet,
this relief from ink and words
because my message isn’t bright enough,
clear enough.
Shiny and polished? Not enough.
‘Not loveable when you’re needy…’ worries the inner me.
Yet here, in this space of all things shared,
there’s no need to pretend.
No fawn response needed here
where it’s the honesty,
the brutal honesty,
that heals.
So, here I am again.
Stuff it.
46 · Nov 2020
Janna B Nov 2020
I ask myself
Are you the one?
If you are the one,
then let us end this madness.
Let us be together.
My problem is,
I’m not certainly sure.
What if the ‘madness’ ends and creates
Oh the storm that could be unleashed.
I miss you.
I don’t know that you would be able to live up to
What I need you to be
but perhaps you’d forge your own path.
Would having love, touch, talking
sustain us?
There are waves of longing, needing
Forced space eases these feelings
But is it worth it?
Are the feelings real?
I think they are
I just don’t know
if they’re trustworthy
Or if my ability to walk away
without looking back
is something I should remember
and hang onto,
to avoid you
putting your eggs here
and for them to then be broken.
44 · Dec 2020
Silver linings
Janna B Dec 2020
Open doors
Silver linings
Genuine snatches of
Being single now, I’ve really noticed the loveliness of more genuine connections with people.
42 · Mar 2021
Enthusiasm personified
Janna B Mar 2021
You are optimistic,
enthusiasm personified.
I am circumspect,
still healing inside.
You wanted no drama,
sounded good to me.
Then we met and you declared yourself
there by the sea.
I worry I’m damaged,
emotions impaired.
I seem to need time
before I get there.
What if I hurt you
by letting things grow?
I’m wanting to learn you,
that’s when I feel that I’ll know.
I love your smile
your focus on both of us
the words that you whisper—
you want to be in love.
Your touch is so skilled,
it’s a revelation.
I want this to unfold,
but no need to hasten.
There are things that scare me—
your restless history,
financial rebuilding,
for some reason the loss
of that second kidney.
We like talking for hours
connect effortlessly.
Your care, commonalities,
joy, sensuality—
they make sense, they catch me.
I feel like you match me.
33 · Aug 29
Janna B Aug 29
I’d do anything
For you, dear, anything
Yes I’d do anything for you…

Would I forget my dreams?
Lately I realise feel caught up with everyone else’s needs… and then I try to find my essence but it’s  lost. Working on getting it back.

— The End —