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Keerthivanth Nov 2020
I walk straight

Into layers, of mist ahead, Knowing its, you again, There I come, and here I go Want to be yours, once again!

Nobody knows, I am hurt

They think, I'm strong enough They tell, I can handle it well But I feel the pain, all over


Here is vreen

Every where its green, It's all in dreams As it repeates, again and

Keerthivanth Nov 2020
I realised onething, When i felt numbness, from within

Friendship grew more, With you, than i could think!

I know it hurts Cause the pain is too deep

But still, indeed You were, my only need!

Now that I'm done

Evrything is in the edd

I shall finish it forever

With a goodbye of the end!!

— The End —