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The Suzy Berlinsky Happy Show  Nov 2017
"...a lake of ignorance"? The "ink" that tattooists use, remains in the lymphatic (immune) system for a lifetime. Is it ignorant to compromise your ability to fight infection for a tattoo?

Eloi  Nov 2017
I do not force anyone to have a tattoo. And if a person chooses personally to do something to their body which will only effect themselves negatively, then thatโ€™s not ignorant. Whatโ€™s ignorant is people taking actions which is killing our environment and not caring that itโ€™ll affect everyone else in the world. That is distinctly ignorant. I do not know who the ******* think you are to question me this way when you have no idea who I am. Ironically, itโ€™s incredibly ignorant. Thanks very much

The Suzy Berlinsky Happy Show
If you are a tattoo artiste, then you are knowingly poisoning dumb people, which demeans your worth as a human being. You are a hypocrite & a fraud. Bow your bleached head in shame. Go, and sin no more.

Youโ€™re an absolute kook,

The Suzy Berlinsky Happy Show  
I can't help you until you're ready to accept my help.

I donโ€™t want your help.
You really are psychotic.

The Suzy Berlinsky Happy Show
Let's discuss your father. Shall we?

Whatโ€™s the matter with you?
Whyโ€™re you so hateful?

The Suzy Berlinsky Happy Show
Does the F-word empower you? Your father disapproves of your vulgarity. Perhaps it's good that your genetic lineage ends with you. The world would suffer needlessly feeding your progeny.

Haha youโ€™re funny,
Honestly, Iโ€™m humoured.
I hope you have a lovely evening,
God bless x

The Suzy Berlinsky Happy Show  
You lost.

The Suzy Berlinsky Happy Show  
You're a foul-mouthed hypocrite.
Suzy wears sheer, lacy underthings. Suzy's got
money to burn! Suzy Q. Berlinsky's not your friend.

Here rises the below into the above teasing man nuggets & eyeballs
to tear the fabric of chastity & virginity at ****** laundries in malls
Here sinks the above into the below as a **** against Niagara Falls
who hoarsely engages in horse-play with horses in their horse stalls๏ปฟ
I bought paper plates after my grandmother was eaten by cannibal Pygmies 5 years ago in Wisconsin as I was attending a rodeo there and nobody had paper plates. Everyone had oodles of plastic forks though which they used to violate each other with. ******* perverts!
The fortune teller saw an alternate reality where rising water shrank
Sumatra to flood the graves of dead Barbara Marx & Frank Sinatra.
My fortune teller saw an optional reality where rising waves shrank
Sumatra to flood the ***** graves of Barbara Marx & Frank Sinatra.
As expected and predicted Gordon's *** was sagging just like the old man's does, just as Betty said it would. "One day you'll see that all of those ***-comparisons were for nothing," she moaned. Gordon removed his bib and stuffed it down his pants to compensate. "Why bother?" Betty groaned. "Your ***-sag can't be fixed except in Brazil." Gordon smiled. "Here are the tickets that will fly my ****-cheeks to Rio and a new life of firmness!" Betty just looked him over with horrifyingly-****** lust that was criminal in New Jersey & Alaska. "If you can get Brazilian surgeons to return your *** to its former glory I will let you tunnel to Egypt until my fallopian tubes are totally ******-out," she vowed with the seriousness of 2 ex-lesbians fully lubricated by Miss America.
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