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2.7k · May 2021
No Sir, not Me
Sheila Haskins May 2021
No sir, no not me
Come no closer, can’t you see?
I’m freezing as the springtime frost
So won’t you let me be?
Wind tossed as the blossom
Bleeding from the tree
I am but a child; I’m lost
I am wild, not dutiful
Scarred inside; not beautiful
My demon lover  left me
Underneath the cherry tree
No sir, no not me

No sir, no not me
Come no closer, can’t you see?
I am not a fresh faced maid
No sir, we can’t be
Plucking cherries in the glade
Walking in the evening shade
I’m buried in the foetid earth
Awaiting spring, denied rebirth
In the soft sun, in the rain
I shall never rise again
No-one can ever set me free
No sir, no not me
2.5k · Oct 2021
The Last Voyage
Sheila Haskins Oct 2021
I go unwilling and unarmed
Recruited by age I lay me down
The medals gleaming on my coat
Mean nothing now, my vessel weak
Hard for my ship to stay afloat
The ocean once sparkling blue
A dingy grey of lowering clouds
Dark and foreboding as a storm
I recall standing proudly on the prow
My crew would not know me now
There are things to accept, things to learn
Time to know my place, take the stern
My orders once barked in strident tone
Now a whisper, not my own
My ship becalmed, canons disarmed
Her flag that once flew with pride
Is still, no wind can stir her, colours bled
I salute and a gust raises her high,
A blood red pennant in a star filled sky
I am not afraid to die
1.5k · Jan 2021
Champagne Dreams
Sheila Haskins Jan 2021
I dreamt of you last night
You were laughing in the light
I was laughing with you too
We had nothing else to do
We never looked ahead or behind us
I’d forgotten how life could be
Sparkling easy and free
Now I don’t do very much
Routine chains me, keeps me in touch
With reality such as it is
I do miss you and the fizz
You were my bottle of champagne
In my dreams you will remain
I dreamt of you
Yes I dreamt of you.......

Last night
1.4k · Apr 2022
Where are you Dreamers?
Sheila Haskins Apr 2022
Where are you
Dreamers under the sun
Miss you, love you every one
Artists painting endless panoplies
Scribblers scribbling in their beds
From the depths of imagination
Stories awakening in their heads
Poets’ pens poised to flow
Rhymers growing wings to creation
Eager to take flight, ready to go
The rivers of time move on
Until words and pictures are inked
Every one of these
Redeemers, fantasy givers
All beauty becomes linked
Poems and stories are gifts
Here to relieve the monotony
Of the considered norm, lifts
Pathways to the soul, endless rivers
To keep us sane, make us whole
Where are you
Dreamers under the sun
Miss you........
Love you every one
1.3k · Apr 2021
Looking Back
Sheila Haskins Apr 2021
Looking back into the night
Darkest storms, can’t see no light
Looking back through all the years
Looking back through all the tears

Looking back things seemed so bad
Life itself was all I had
Looking back I’d lost my dreams
Fabric torn, ripped at the seams

Looking back is not much fun
Remembering battles lost not won
Looking back in retrospect
I chose my path, time to forget

Looking back at a young boy
Kicking heels, heart filled with joy
Remembering him I feel ashamed
Was life so bad, or have I changed?

Looking forward to every day
Looking forward, I need to pray
The soul to cleanse, the heart to heal
A different way to think and feel
Sheila Haskins Apr 2021
It’s a gravy boat
Gravy is delicious
It’s a gravy boat
For your appetite
Spicy, nicey onions float
In the lovely gravy boat
If you should want to know
It’s not a train
Don’t buy a ticket
That’s not cricket
It’s a gravy boat
And it contains
Liquid velvet for the throat
Absurdly decadent and smooth
It’s a gravy boat, not a gravy train
I pour gravy on my food
It’s a gravy boat
It’s not a train
If it was then I’d complain
A train is always late
And I refuse to wait
Anyway, railway food’s appalling
Wait, I hear my dinner calling
It’s a s......... gravy boat
Now we’ve got that right
Bon, bon bon............
Bon appetite!  (or appetit?)

Anyway if there ever was a gravy train, (and I’m not saying there was,) the last train has gone forever, utterly broken, irreparable, too many  politicians scrabbling to climb aboard, (don’t you watch the news darling?)
712 · May 2021
Not a Hero
Sheila Haskins May 2021
I’m not a hero in any sense of the word
I’m not a brave heart, not a tough guy
I question so much in this head of mine
I question but get no answers most of the time
In my mind goldfish swim round senselessly
I am forgetting all the things I said
I read but I am not well read
My head keeps spinning relentlessly
Is this uncommon, can I be mad
Is this the norm, it makes me  sad
To think of the cruelty that we face
The money, all the wars and hate
I want to be a hero,  save the world
I want to be an angel, but I am just a girl
Making her way every  day
In an agony of indecision, a catalogue of division
So I’m not a hero in any sense at all
But if you are a hero, a brave heart
Please save the world, answer the call
622 · Feb 2021
Spare me a Dream
Sheila Haskins Feb 2021
Spare me a dream faery man
Spare me a dream faery woman
Bake me a ginger bread cottage
Weave wishes to bind with the dough
With icing as white as the snow

Cut me a thread faery man
Sew me a seam faery woman
Bind with the blossom in May
Pink as the rose, soft as the lamb
To wind round the bed where I lay

Write me a poem faery man
Faery woman sing me your love
Casting your light, by the waxing of moon
Set words to music and play me a tune
To brighten my heart all the day

So spare me a dream faery man
Spare me a dream faery woman
Bake me a ginger bread cottage
Weave wishes to bind with the dough
With icing as white as the snow
590 · Jun 2021
She Cleans
Sheila Haskins Jun 2021
She cleans until every surface gleams
Cleans and cleans to remove life’s grime
Just one more time will do it
One more time and she will be through it
No leaks no spillages allowed to remain
No signs of decay; life’s easier that way
She keeps on cleaning every day
As the dirt disappears so do the years
Until the next time she looks in the mirror
Sees the woman she has become
She can’t dust the lines away, the mirror never lies,
It reflects the story of her stolen youth
So she exfoliates, scrubs, buys cosmetics
The face she is left with she’s learnt to despise
Her hair is the colour of despair; grey, hardly there
To get out of her head she cleans instead
Cleans until every surface shines, safe in this sterile world
Outside rain is falling like tears, obliterating her reflection
Inside the house is a palace, fit for inspection
She cleans just once more, believing doubts will go away
Tomorrow today’s fears will be returning
So she keeps on cleaning, keeps on dreaming
Ready to battle another weary day
This sad poem is not about a real person but a reflection on the many people who suffer from OCD, especially in these dark days. People look for different ways to deal with stress and poor self image this is just one possible way.
526 · May 2022
Morning Mist
Sheila Haskins May 2022
In the morning mist
Shrouded from the light
A world is left behind
Approaching day
Departing night
Warm womb cradling deep
The shadow land between
Wakening and sleep
Nothing speaks of today
Or vanquished yesterday
No body and no mind
No-one to worry for
No-one to hurry for
Nothing to say
I’m sane
Or not sane
Worthy or not
I am awakening
I almost forgot
Day taking its revenge
Rehearsing for the play
Reluctant actor cast
Parts for the future
Roles from the past
Pleasure mixed with pain
The morning mist remains
A warm womb cradling deep
Before the final sleep
Until the bitter end
My comforter and friend
464 · Apr 2022
We always Do
Sheila Haskins Apr 2022
Averagely sad
Averagely mad
A little bit joy
A little bit loud
A little bit coy
Often proud
Not outstanding
Not witty
Not always pretty
Or open handed
Unless you are blessed
Or cursed to be the worst
But for us, for the rest
We are humanity
Despite of our insanity
We do our best
We’ll get through
We always do
449 · Jul 2022
Time to Go
Sheila Haskins Jul 2022
Hard to say goodbye
Hard to laugh
Hard not to cry
‘Till the ebbing tide
Brings a sunset day
Heart’s breaking
Oh but is it real
This numbness
Inability to think
Inability to feel
One last drink
Hands shaking
So hard to laugh
So hard not to cry
Say goodbye
As birds fly away
Even they know
When it’s time to go
447 · Jul 2022
Find It
Sheila Haskins Jul 2022
Find it, it’s calling to you
In the soles of your feet
In music so sweet
In the food that you eat
In skies azure blue
Find it in love that you give
In the life that you live
It’s calling to you
In the voice of the lark
In the moon after dark
Whatever you do
Find it
In warm winds that blow
In storms and in snow
Find it
Never let it go
443 · Mar 2021
Sheila Haskins Mar 2021
There are ladders to the soul so they say
Pathways to the Gods; but fears get in the way
There are ladders to unwind, weaving upwards through the mind
To climb these ladders first get past your head
Your head is filled with subterfuge and shame
You wake up every morning and your mind is just the same
Your soul knows no stain, has no notion
Of why you think as you do, it’s an ocean
Of true self, ego free and timeless
Overflowing love, sincerity and kindness
432 · Jun 2021
Mr Life
Sheila Haskins Jun 2021
Mr Life
I’ve got plans
Things to do
Things to see
Don’t want to be
An also ran
I’m depressed
Getting stressed
Because of you
You get in the way
Each and every day
I reach up to the skies
But it comes as no surprise
When I come tumbling down
And as I hit the ground
There you are you rascal you
No wonder I feel blue
If you want trouble and strife
Why don’t you get yourself a wife?
Mr Life
371 · May 2021
Pockets of Joy
Sheila Haskins May 2021
It must be the small things that make the difference
The birds singing in the morning light
It must be the small things, some near some distant
Have we really  become beauty resistant?
To moonbeams chasing sunbeams
Sunshine filtering through green clad glades
Memories  I treasure are haunting my dreams
It would be funny, if it wasn’t tragic
We are losing the plot, forgetting the magic
Why are these pockets of joy too hard to find?
Why do we ignore the small things
Why are they forgotten, when did we leave them behind?
345 · Oct 2021
Weekend Stuff
Sheila Haskins Oct 2021
Weekend stuff
Enough is enough
Just want to chill
Don’t need a pill
Music in my head
Lying on my bed
Its inertia
Nothing to do
No worry
No hurry
If you will or won’t
What you do
Or you don’t
Won’t hurt you
342 · Jan 2021
I want to Write (for You)
Sheila Haskins Jan 2021
I want to write for you but I can’t
Shine a light for you but I can’t
Must inspiration depend
On the journeys end
I want to write for you
If you only knew
How much I want to write
I want to write a beautiful song
I want to write, but the words are wrong
With pure insight and sheer delight
I want to write

I want to write for you but I can’t
Light a candle, meditate and chant
Find fertile soil to plant
I want to write for you
Words bubbling like fountains
Gushing down mountains
Doesn’t have to be good
Even if it never could
I want to write for you is all
Simply for the joy that I recall
I want to write
337 · Feb 2023
Tell me Now
Sheila Haskins Feb 2023
Tell me now for the setting sun
Reminds me the day is almost done
Tell me now or the birds won’t sing
Tell me now, tell me everything
Let me hear your sweet sweet voice
Let the hills and valleys rejoice
In love at last declared
I love, but never knew you cared
Tell me now to be remembered
Deep in the autumn time
In dark December, in the snow
When my season’s done and I must go
Tell me now for the setting sun
Reminds me my day is almost done
If you have enjoyed this poem, please read and share your poetry on my website.
313 · Nov 2022
Life Story
Sheila Haskins Nov 2022
Not knowing where you’re going
Not knowing what you’re owing
Makes life tough
Thought you’d made a choice
Believed fate heard your voice
It’s not enough
Life’s become a test
Not knowing where you’re going
Not knowing if you’re owing
Never able to rest
Did you fail the test?
You ask the question
There is a suggestion
Of mediocrity in your thoughts
Endless shoulds and oughts
The fate of human beings
Not trusting, never seeing
Troubles, fleeting glory
It’s a never ending story
If you have enjoyed this poem, please read and share your poetry on my website.
302 · Jan 2022
The Beauty of the Night
Sheila Haskins Jan 2022
Remember the beauty of night scented flowers
Remember the shadows cast on leafy bowers
A mysterious cloak falls, day shift is ending
Power arises as dark is descending
Reawaken old magic, dance to the rhythm
Rejoice in your role, the heart you were given
The bards and the ancient ones calling the runes
The witches and warlocks dancing their tunes
This is the light of the night of strange things
Of faeries and ghosties, creatures with wings,
In misted guise the Earth is transforming
As in the distance begins a new dawning
It’s a hidden world, a twist to the tale
As slowly but surely up hill and down dale
The night scented flowers return to the deep
Their day time companions awaken from sleep
No human can know all the things that go on
When Earth closes her shutters, daylight is gone
So remember the beauty of night scented flowers
Fragrant moon blossoms, rejoice in the power
302 · Mar 2022
Rock of Ages
Sheila Haskins Mar 2022
Let me be your rock of ages
I’m old enough you see
I’m craggy like that cleft
Not much of me left
Still have my personality
Ego well preserved
So much of me is wrong
Yet you give me more
More than I deserve
Within this old wreck
Is a growing respect
For the things you do
Let me look after you
Shelter you from harm
After years of neglect
Let me be for you
What you are for me
Your rock of ages
Sheila Haskins Jan 2022
Will you walk through the fields with me
Will you sit in the sun
Will you walk through the fields with me
Taste honey from the honey bee
Will you walk, will you walk
Walk through green lea; through the dale
Pluck  sweet berries; sip sweet  ale
Will you walk through Elysian Fields
Through the fields with me

Will you walk through the fields with me?
Where nightingales chase dragonflies
Will you walk, will you walk
Walk through misty gates of dawn
Where weaves the wyrd midsummer morn
Will you walk through Elysian Fields
Through the fields with me

Will you walk through the fields with me
When blossoms bloom from apple root
Where blossoms fall, green leaves shoot
Will you walk, will you walk
Walk ‘till you can walk no more
When all your walking days are o’er
Will you walk through Elysian Fields
Through the fields with me

We will walk through the fields and trees
We will sit in the sun
We will walk through the fields and trees
Wind chimes tinkling in the breeze
Free to wander where we please
As we walk, as we walk
We walk where shadows have no place
Where love eternal grants us grace
Walking through Elysian Fields
Through the fields, with me
292 · Jan 2023
Sheila Haskins Jan 2023
When you go we don’t say much
We never kiss, we never touch
Your old dog begins to bark
He waits for you ‘till it gets dark
Like the lamp I’m burning low
If this is love, how would I know?

You chop the logs to warm the grate
Draw the bolt across the gate
Make sure the house is safe and sound
Life gets easier when you’re around
Like the lamp I’m burning low
If this is love, how would I know?

My life was hard, the going tough
The men in town  treated me rough
You smiled at me, told me you knew
The streets no place for a gal like you
Like the lamp I was burning low
Out on the streets, nowhere to go

There’s always a fire in your grate
You hurry home, you’re never late
With no demands, no price to pay
You come home early every day
The lamp is lit, it’s shining bright
I think its love, I feel tonight

When you go we don’t say much
We never kiss, we never touch
Your old dog begins to bark
He waits for you ‘till it gets dark
The lamp is lit it’s shining bright
Yes this is love I feel tonight
If you have enjoyed this poem, please read and share your poetry on my website,
280 · Jan 2022
Little Indispositions
Sheila Haskins Jan 2022
Little indispositions
Lead to impositions
First a clicky hip
Causing you to slip
Next a wonky knee
A disability
Headache coming on
All your tablets gone
Just a small suggestion
Of minor indigestion
Becoming imminent
Grab the peppermint
Can’t see to read
This is all you need
Taking all the facts
Most likely cataracts
Sick of indispositions
Calling your physician
Except when you do
You’ll be in the queue
Indispositions taking toll
Sickened, feeling old
Can’t stand the heat
Can’t stand the cold
If this sounds like hell
Now you’re feeling well
Throwing away the pills
Forgetting all your ills
You are oh so strong
Your pains nearly gone
No indispositons
No impositions
All tucked away


Happy happy day!
279 · Jul 2021
Sheila Haskins Jul 2021
Build your castles in the air
Lock in the magic keep it there
In your fortress of tales untold
City streets are paved with gold
Girls with green hair, mermaid struck
Are bound to bless your day with luck
The man with briefcase on the bus
Hides wings of golden angel dust
Enjoy the conversations heard
The variations of the word
The power of the spoken truth
The reckless in the throes of youth
Living in your imagination
Life becomes your own creation
Let not the doom and gloom abound
Sorrow be lost, joy be found
Listen to the sweetest songs
Let your truth right all the wrongs
It’s not real others may say
Life’s yours to own; live it your way
When the darkest shadows come
Turn them into bright sun beams
Safe in the castles of your dreams
274 · Sep 2020
I Wrote You
Sheila Haskins Sep 2020
I Wrote You

I wrote you at the time you went away
I wrote you letters each and every day
I wrote you when the sun shone bright
I wrote you in the candlelight
I wrote you.....
Though you did not write to me

I wrote you when the frost lay on the ground
I wrote you when the snow came falling down
I wrote you in good time for spring
As the birds began to sing
I wrote you......
Though you did not write to me

I wrote you when the air turned sweet and warm
When skies were red at early break of dawn
I wrote you as we gathered grain
I wrote you when it gave me pain
I wrote you......
Though you did not write to me

I wrote you as the North wind cruelly blew
I wrote you for I still remembered you
I wrote you underneath the tree
Where you swore you would marry me
I wrote you......
Though you did not write to me

I wrote you when my heart had lost the will
I wrote you then and I will write you still
I wrote you with my dying breath
So lost to love, even in death

I wrote you....

I wrote you....

Though you did not write to me
267 · May 2021
Storm Dreaming
Sheila Haskins May 2021
When the wind blows
When the snow snows
When nobody knows
What will be
All drowsy with sleep
My love you will keep
You’ll find me
Dreaming of, dreaming of thee

When oceans roar
Open the door
To my troubled heart
Set me free
I do nothing more
Than wait on the shore
Dreaming of, dreaming of thee

Nothing so blind
As cannot find
The beauty around
Or to see
The hopes and the plans
In the love for one man
Dreaming of, dreaming of thee

Storm breaks in the ocean
Your ship is in motion
Sailing through wind and through rain
You’ll return soon I know
Through sun and through snow
‘Till I see you again
I’ll be
Dreaming of, dreaming of thee
266 · Mar 2022
Garden of Love
Sheila Haskins Mar 2022
Step into the garden of love
Leave your ego at the door
You don’t need it anymore
A blessed sweet release
Step into the garden of love
After all these years
Dry your tears
Find your peace
250 · Nov 2020
Easy to Please
Sheila Haskins Nov 2020
I’m easy to please when the sun shines
I’m easy to please, good friend of mine
It's easy when there is  nothing to do
My mind not taxed,I'm laughing, relaxed
Dark thoughts confuse me with anger and fear
You may offer comfort; I won’t let you get near
The pressure’s on to keep going,
I know that you’re kind
But all of my doubts interfere with my mind
This rainy day me is a debt that I’m owing
My debt to you, that debt is growing
I’m easy to please when the sun’s in my sky
I want to please you in good times and bad
You are the best friend that I ever had
249 · Oct 2020
A Murder of Crows
Sheila Haskins Oct 2020
It’s a ******
A ****** of crows
There’s a place in the forest where nobody goes
No sun only darkness, no moon casting light
In the grove where he gave her his ring
No more shall sweet nightingales sing
Black shades in the night
Black shadows in flight
It’s a ******
A ****** of crows

It’s a ******
A ****** of crows
The roses are fragrant, the night velvet blue
She gave him her heart, an oath to be true
He gave her his darkness, stole all her dreams
A flapping of wings and no more is she seen
No-one hears her cries
With the night bird she flies
It’s a ******
A ****** of crows

It’s a ******
A ****** of crows
Black birds the demons, death in their wings
Taking his love to an unholy nest
Devouring the maiden he’d held to his breast
Cast aside, foul and bloodied his bride
Now he’s half human half crow, gone his pride
Wings outstretched no love by his side

It’s a ******
A ****** of crows
246 · Mar 2022
Say we Can
Sheila Haskins Mar 2022
Don’t tell me that we can’t
Don’t tell me that we shouldn’t
Don’t tell me we won’t fly
I won’t deceive you, I will try
Don’t tell me that we couldn’t
Let me be anything I choose
If you put me down
Soon I won’t be around
Once the cord is broken
The words you have spoken
Means we both will lose
Please don’t let us go
I want to let you know
You’re my man
Don’t say we can’t
We shouldn’t or we shan’t
Say we can
239 · Feb 2022
Soul Slayer
Sheila Haskins Feb 2022
Flesh and bone atone
You are the soul slayer
I yearn to be all things
Open my eyes and truly see
My body but transportation
A figment of creation and imagination
Underneath this flesh there is knowledge
That shall bear fruit and flower
I am growing, I am a shoot
I am air and water and earth and tree
I am honey bee
I am bird


I am free
239 · Jan 2022
Empty Bed
Sheila Haskins Jan 2022
Pillows are spread
Duvet thrown carelessly
An empty bed
Tangled precariously
My heart is thundering
Can’t help wondering
If your energy portrays
Or the ending of days
I fear you waking
That’s the reality
My life is receding
You are living, breathing
More precious
Than anything
I have ever known
I live through you
These days
You are my home
Now is the time
It’s not too late
To tell you this
A morning kiss
And a cup of tea
Brewed with love
From you to me
We must never end
My lover, my soul mate
My friend
236 · Dec 2020
You are Here
Sheila Haskins Dec 2020
You are here in the morning light
You are here in the darkening night
Eternal, ancient, unceasingly new
You are known to many, lost to a few
In the wonder of breathing you lie
In the wonder of being, all seeing eye
In mountains in valleys, seascape and sky
You speak to the world, never saying a word
Your voice  a sweet cry, from the throat of a bird
No matter if we know or believe
You are here to give, we to receive
Our laughter and tears tossed in the sea
As the waves rise and fall, old history
You are what you are, you are glory
Enriching our lives, never ending your story


You are here
232 · Apr 2022
Ugly Duckling
Sheila Haskins Apr 2022
It’s pattacake pattacake bakers’ man
Ten tiny fingers and ten tiny toes
Its parties and fun till we all fall down
Kisses and cakes and merry go rounds
Then they call time and bring on the clowns

Feels so cold, people scold, can’t compete
When all of the others are pretty and sweet
Nothing to do walking home in the rain
Hold your head high; you’re out of the game
Pretend you don’t care, bandage the pain

People are starting to stop and to stare
Is it my style, the clothes that I wear?
Some seem to like me, I don’t understand
Why should they bother, something has gone wrong
Why choose duckling when you can have swan?

I’m strengthening, growing, emerging in light
My wings are strong now, the future is bright
Goodbye to hurting to tears and to hate
Too late for reflection, the mirror is cracked
It’s time to move on, and never look back
If you have enjoyed this poem please read and share your poetry on my website.
228 · Oct 2021
Coming out of the Cold
Sheila Haskins Oct 2021
Coming out of the cold
There’s a meal to enjoy, to be shared
A drink to be poured, one or two
We smile for a while and we laugh
Spirits around to remind us
Of times that that will not come again
Yet the glow from our memories remain
Silence is golden as glasses are raised
To absent friends and the passing of days
As we share our journeys, the stories unfold
It’s good to come out of the cold
222 · Oct 2022
Hump-Backed Tilly
Sheila Haskins Oct 2022
**** backed Tilly, was moonstruck mad and silly
Leaning on a stile with her pail upon her arm
Muttering the while; a curse, perhaps a charm?
****** backed Tilly tells of things I never knew
Of maggot pies, chocolate skies, and monkeys painted blue
She kept a nanny goat, a weasel; a long haired stoat called *****
Folks said she was moonstruck, du dilly mad and silly
She kept a bird that couldn’t sing, a battered bat without a wing
Was there ever a stranger thing, than ****** backed Tilly?
She said her humps were presents, they didn’t weigh her down
She said her humps made her special; she wore them like a crown
She didn’t have much schooling, yet she can milk a cow
She’s a wizard when the butter turns,
A healer when the sunlight burns
A sayer of the sooth; ****** back Tilly tells the truth
I’ve loved my ****** back Tilly girl, ever since I was a youth
If you have enjoyed this poem, please read and share your poetry on my website.
218 · Feb 2021
Won't know
Sheila Haskins Feb 2021
I won’t know what to say
If you go away
I don’t know what I’ll do
When our life together is through
The fire has burnt low
Still I beg you; don’t go
I won’t say goodbye
I can’t reignite us however I try
Flames rising with my sweet desire
Blazing higher and higher
The embers burn down
Old sparks go to ground...

If you are lost.................

I may never be found
211 · Mar 2022
Going Back
Sheila Haskins Mar 2022
Going back to the beginning
A loser has to be winning
Just one time
Monetary matters not my shout
Truth be told all I want is out
To be feeling fine
Backwards going forwards to convey
Today is progressing in a better way
If I really go back
I fear I might lack
Insight and experience
Couldn’t take interference
Though tossed and windblown
I know that I have grown
Going back to the beginning
I'm the winner this time

Feeling fine
203 · Jul 2022
Little Autumn Girl
Sheila Haskins Jul 2022
Little breeze toing and froing
Little girl dancing with the leaves
Sunlight flitting thro’ the trees
Chestnuts falling
Ploughboys reaping
Hedgerows sleeping
Night owl calling
Grass so still
It’s as if it’s lost the will
To keep growing

Days and nights changing
Dappled shadows rearranging
Dance is slowing down, down
Little girl is going
When the summer slows
Farmer is reaping
Autumn shades deepening
Grass so still
As if it’s lost the will
To keep growing
201 · Dec 2020
Moon Dreams
Sheila Haskins Dec 2020
A star in the sky, the moon is full
A tear in my eye; I feel her pull
When she rises my heart is in tune
Itinerant moon her energy grows
The swell of the tide, the thrill of the ride
Beckons me on to be by her side
Sometimes the thrill is too much to bear
She is high in the sky I want to be there
At one with the moon, I can’t let her go
As days go by the moon she must die
Sinking into emotionless sea
Waiting for rebirth, tied to the Earth
I die a little each time she is low
Next time she will take me ....
Next time I will go
200 · Jan 2023
Doing it my Way
Sheila Haskins Jan 2023
I won’t pretend that I’m clever
I’m not at all pretentious
Some people think it’s contentious
Doing all the stuff that pleases me
I’m unpredictable as can be,
Like the weather
This is how it is
But when I start to fizz
I write
Any time, day or night
And hope you may enjoy it
When folks get together
l sing
For the joy it will bring
And hope you’ll sing along
This is how it is
Sometimes I pluck my violin
Making a most untuneful din
At least I’m very strict
This I’ll not on you inflict
One day you’ll play along
If you want to
I am the proud custodian
Of a beautiful melodeon
Together we have fun every day
Then there’s all the other stuff I do
The stuff that helps to get me through
You don’t have to be clever
I say to you whatever
Enjoy the thrill of the ride
Let all your stuff inside
Come out
Never fear and never doubt
At the end of the day
Be proud to say.....

I did it my way
If you have enjoyed this poem, please read and share your poetry on my website.
197 · Feb 2023
Sheila Haskins Feb 2023
Manage the wind when she blows
Manage the rain and the snow
Manage the ice, manage the storm
Manage the fire, try to stay warm
Oh but the heart it does grieve
No more to give, nothing to receive
That’s worth all the effort and stress
Give till you drop, receive even less
Sometimes it would be refreshing
To be given more than you’re getting
To let go and enjoy all the beauty
To forget who you are and your duty
Spread wide your unfettered wings
If you have no hope, never stand tall
How will you even manage at all
If you have enjoyed this poem, please read and share your poetry on my website.
195 · May 2021
Sheila Haskins May 2021
I don’t think you know me
I think I know you
I don’t think you owe me
You think that you do
I try to get inside your head
I can’t remember
Can’t remember
All the things I did and said
I don’t think you want me
I think I want you
I don’t think you’ll love me
Why should you love me too?
All this thinking makes me weary
My eyes are heavy as my heart
I don’t think you’ll hear me
When I say we must never
Never never  ever part
193 · May 2023
The Window
Sheila Haskins May 2023
I opened up a window to my soul
It radiated light and made me whole
Blinded by the sun I looked away
Turned glory into just another day
The rain came in, as did the storm
Fires burned yet never kept me warm
I dream that lighted window still
Hands cold upon the windowsill
I shut that window way back when
Can I ever open it again?
Or are the shutters closed so tight
I no more shall see the light
If you have enjoyed this poem, please read and share your poetry on my website.
181 · May 2023
Not a Day
Sheila Haskins May 2023
Not a day goes by
I don’t look  to the sky
And realise
The beauty all around
Feet on the ground
There are angel wings
Up above
This world has a dark side
An ebbing tide
Yet there is love
I hate every mistake I make
When I falter and  fall
On the scale of things
I wonder
Does it matter to me
Or anyone,  anyone at all
Insignificance perhaps
Is the master plan
Who owns the soul
God or man
Here comes another lapse
Of faith in anything
Always there’s hope
Of tomorrow
And what the day may bring
If you have enjoyed this poem, please read and share your poetry on my website.
179 · Jun 2022
Sheila Haskins Jun 2022
Antidote to  blindness
Where can you find
Someone to care
Words are spoken
Love left behind
Efficiency rules
In the schools
Of money making
Say the words
In clipped monotones
Leave the Consumer
Frightened, shaken
Silly old fool
Go home
It’s a nine to five
She’s alone
You’ll survive
You’re driven
To make a living
Trained in ignorance
A caring profession?
Or Orwellian trip
It’s not hip
It’s all an act
Ignore the fact
That kindness
Really is
The antidote
To  blindness
If you have enjoyed this poem  please read and share your poetry on my
176 · Feb 2022
Gambling on You
Sheila Haskins Feb 2022
On you
I’m at home
Not alone
Yet lonely
I crash
This is rash
Not funny
For love
Not money
For shame
This isn’t right
Text too?
Can’t do it
If only......
Still I try
Gambling on you
Gets me by

167 · Jun 2021
Everyone should meet a Tree
Sheila Haskins Jun 2021
by Sheila Haskins

Everyone should meet a tree
In a faery forest glade
In sunshine and in shade
 Everyone should meet a tree
Trees with spreading roots
Their branches green with shoots
Everyone can get to know a tree
In each and every season,
You don’t need a reason
Tree life brings balance, harmony
Take a trip, a forest ramble
Deep within the woodland green
Hug a tree with healing powers
Passing  peaceful hours,
Revelling in the history
Everyone should meet a tree
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