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Vuyiwe Sep 2020
There there my rare gem
Do not fear the ghosts
Do not fear the evils and the tales
Close your eyes and feel

There there my kind soul
Your kindness remains untainted
Do not fear being lost
You are the torch

There there my pure heart
Do not be afraid, open up
Your cup will forever overflow
Forget the world and love endlessly
#Hope #Light #Peace #Love #Fear #Evil
Vuyiwe Sep 2020
After all the stops,
The heart told her to
After all she's seen and heard
The heart wanted her to
After all it's felt
It still wanted her to take that step
But why?
All was before her,
Nothing new to be seen or felt
Because it's wise.
It new what it needed to leave
Without it, it wouldn't leave
She might, but it will always look back
So she listened
And she set it free.
Vuyiwe Sep 2020
Her mind resurrected
And reclaimed it's reign over her kingdom
After all the stones,
Who knew a pebble would free the heart?

Her majesty rose,
All the seas went calm and bowed
The parting of the seas felt between her ribs
Tardily and gracefully strolling
Every step  ground shaking
And finally she stood before her throne
Wore her crown and raised her sceptre
And to all it was known,
The Queen had ressurected
So this is basically about a woman regaining her common sense, finally her mind rises to think as the heart had been doing the job for too long
Vuyiwe Sep 2020
He will miss you, said the heart
He will miss the calls,
Your voice, that little blush
He will miss you smile,
Laughter and the way you look at him.

He will miss the fool he made of you
Your anger, vulnerability before him
He will miss your gullibility
But never your love, replied the mind
A great conflict within surged

So the universe made a deal with sight
And before my eyes it was revealed,
My time before him passed,
He didn't think twice,
Never took the chance to miss me
His mission was complete
He had no reason to look back.

And suddenly, everything within ached
A great grievance felt,
And a step was needed
#Pain #Heartbreak #Conflict
Vuyiwe Sep 2020
Forgive her for admiring herself
For looking too much in the mirror
For loving what she sees

Forgive her for wasting time loving her
But, for the first time she sees her
And she sees the beauty.

Many a times she's felt worthless,
Told her beauty is an illusion,
Subtracted from every equation
Her flaws pointed out
And hung before crowds to shame her
She's been used,sidelined
Used as a substitute,
Made an option, taken advantage of
And expected to smile

Now she sees her worth.
I'm sorry, but she's done
So forgive her, but she won't stop
She'll love herself even when it hurts.
She won't stop even if it bleeds.
#she finally loves her
Vuyiwe Sep 2020
Is it lost?
Then why do we look for it?
Is it hiding?
Then why are we set on finding it?
Is it running?
Then why do we chase love?

Many a times it comes to us
When we are through coming after it
Going on our daily lives
We don't find love,
It finds us
So why are we looking?
Love finds us
Vuyiwe Sep 2020
I hate it here,
In this box called my room
It's lonely and dark
With a turbulence of emotions
The waves bury me sometimes
And I drown for a little while
I suffocate in this airless box
Sometimes I get out
But the demons outside thirst for my blood
I feel I'm safer here,
But I'm suffocating.
#alone #depression #anxiety
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