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Yashashvi Oct 2020
the word bothers me the most,the word which i want to understand although never i happened to know what it means then i found a answer through mirror,that can never relate.a reflection from another world smiling as like me but never did i knew myself i smile so beautiful,never did i knew i can look so pale with no smile.the crazy reflection of my ownself. perhaps it wasn't the anser i want, because it cheated me everytime.the mirror failed to show my thoughts and the real me who is hiding inside yet lately then i realized i was smiling knowingly all these years
is this really what the fate is?
deviceing oneself!
birth of human
death of human
things that always makes me eager to know , to understand
most specifically existence of human
Yashashvi Oct 2020
if there's a language for pain
may be i can understand the depth of their scars
if there's a language for cry
i will to savvy the each tear rolling down the cheeks
if there's a language for feelings
may that be my dictionary
if there's a language for gratitude
will i be able to pay my parents with words
if there's a language for love
may i crave those words on heart
if there's a language for breathe
could perhaps i can understand the heaviness of sigh
if there's language for life
may i perceive the purpose of bloomed flower
if there's language for death
i mightly to believe afterlife waiting ahead
if there's language for soul
i wish to learn how immortal it is
if there's language for eternity
i would like to know the meaning of endless
if there's a language for divine
may i understand the actions of his almighty
Yashashvi Oct 2020
when water can change its forms
in accordance with the sitch
how do you expect the person
to remain same through the ages.
Yashashvi Sep 2020
he has a heart of ocean
where no tide can ruin him
he has a soul of colours
which embrace every emotion beautifully
he has the guts to be who he is
he is the lover , a secret keeper
an untold truth , a mystery of mojo
and a pop up to my happiness
he is my resume of life
a pause for my every misery
he was mine , he is mine
and will be mine forever
Yashashvi Sep 2020
he who gazes into eyes
will he be able to seek the truth
he who holds the hands
will he be able to feel the insecurities
he who hear the words
will he be able to learn the heart
he who smiles along
will he be able to see the soul
he who embrace you everyday
will he be able to appreciate your scars
he who takes you to skies
will he be able to accept you're one
among the stars
he who acknowledges you as resilient
will he be able to assimilate you're ethereal
he who sees the happy you
will he be able to find the really you
random thoughts
Yashashvi Sep 2020
A 7.5 lb new born begun crawling
soon falling down ; crying
stood on legs at four months
never knew when they learnt bicycling
now, the 16 year old legs are running

the legs abhorred the path at first
days passed by, the road is now familiar
each face passing by  "unfamiliar"
feet tapping the ground sitting on bench
the park holds sillage of sonder
lingering in the air

the smell petrifies everytime
but the mystical force of human
made everything cherished till dawn
there goes the strides towards sea side
they walk into manganta

it is the cellar door of luna
leading to different world of galaxies
of consisting astrophiles, ceraunaphiles specially there is a room of selenophiles
footslogging fastly legs made a way in

the moon hare's song is euphonic
the legs which don't know to dance
started to dance along with others
happily ever before, will it occur after!
and the legs found the abode

a light focused, through the window,
the morning light ; eyes opened
while the legs were laying static
the utmost magical dream ,
one could ever experience.
Yashashvi Sep 2020
someone asked me what I fear the most;
I fear realtionships and humans.
I'm afarid to get attached , I'm afarid of the truth that one dies at some point.
I fear I might end up hurting them
what if I can't say a goodbye to them properly.
it's just I'm afarid of getting close to people
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