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Never would I intend
To wreck your home
I just miss the brass against my palm
When I'd walk in to find you sleeping sound
Expedited pipeline from cold to comfort
You'd smile at me

I don't want to shift your foundation
You'd hedges seem well maintained
Frankly, my siding needs attention.

I cross the street against my will, the better judgment saves me one more time.
I wouldn't know who opened the door anyway
I have yet to practice my sales pitch
I wonder if you ever think about me
A fraud, or an illusion
Just find different ways of saying the same ****
Over and over
Lets get back to grunting
I have no walls
I am an open field as far as you can see
I refuse to blueprint my soul
By past wins and losses
I have no walls
But a strong reflex to flee
As soon as I dislike something I see
I still look for it by accident
Sometimes it's blue
The modern way of hearing from you
The stamps weren't expensive
But money never was the problem
free will has so much nuance
The margarita made me miss you more
I'd go back to Miami or Vegas in a second if I could
But not without you
You'd know the words to this song
You'd grab my leg and make me feel safe
I can't believe you're moving
All of our memories are there
I wish I understood the avoidant mind
I wish I could help you
But would that lead you to me?
Maybe not
we kissed under the mistletoe
hand on the small of my back
first and last

there's flakes making my hair wet
warm showers rubbing your back
what you'd boast
If you were across from me

It's been months, years even
since I knew where you were
Despite you laid against me

That shouldn't be what I long for
But I'll miss your cranium
And being the one
That got to see your mouth turn upright
Or down
When something hits home

All the best, of course.
But ow for now.
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