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  Dec 2021 Laura
Kurt Philip Behm
This word or that word,
the length of the line

The meter, the rhythm,
to rhyme or not rhyme

Each voice comes unsettled,
new phrases diverse

Is it this way or that way
—when penning the verse

(The New Room: December, 2021)
  Dec 2021 Laura
Kurt Philip Behm
If the message complex,
the delivery simple

The meaning the magic,
the words zero-sum

(Dreamsleep: December, 2021)
  Dec 2021 Laura
Kurt Philip Behm
The artist may tarnish,
but his art remains clean
His intention stays ageless,
his wishes pristine

Though rust covers over
what’s harder to see
The base is still there
—and the spirit still free

(Dreamsleep: December, 2021)
  Dec 2021 Laura
Kurt Philip Behm
Though happy when wealthy
I’m happy when poor
my happiness fluid
and flows from the core

The riches inside me
their bounty implied
with love as the constant
rejection denied

All queens in their castles
each king on his throne
their gentry in waiting
court jesters bemoan

True joy in the notion
not fashioned by whim
That our souls were imbued
—and sainted within

(The First Book Of Prayers: December, 2021)
  Dec 2021 Laura
Kurt Philip Behm
High minded but low brow,
and living the contradiction
of a greater truth
I’m caught between transcendence
and pontification
my pockets ladened
with a traitor’s silver
—in search of gold

(Dreamsleep: December, 2021)
  Dec 2021 Laura
Kurt Philip Behm
Reasons Achille’s Heel
Lord And Master
Philosophy’s Warden
Academic Invader
Time Imploder
Existing Divine

(Dreamsleep: December, 2021)
  Oct 2021 Laura
Kurt Philip Behm
the shadow of his wings
a constant reminder
that love is a covering
to strip and lay bare
like that final March snow
hiding tulips within

(Dreamsleep: October, 2021)
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