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  Oct 2021 Laura
Kurt Philip Behm
A jazz musician
wonders back
to his days at the keyboard…
each note over practiced
until melody pure
and magic releases

A poet in laurels
wonders back
to his primers and notepads…
each word placed in order
until imagery calls
—and syntax digresses

(Villanova University: October, 2021)
  Oct 2021 Laura
Kurt Philip Behm
I lived to find silence,
chasing hither and yon
till morning turned inward
reaching deeply beyond

Now firmly embedded
inside of myself
my eyes turned away
—from what’s spoken unfelt

(Dreamsleep: October, 2021)
  Oct 2021 Laura
Kurt Philip Behm
The music of passion…
it comes from within
Untouched by tomorrow,
it lives to begin

In corners of darkness,
through fits of despair
It waits like a songbird
—to sing out a prayer

(Dreamsleep: October, 2021)
  Oct 2021 Laura
Kurt Philip Behm
I look upon the angry ice
and men that prowl its form
to stab and poke in rich delight
a chance to ride the storm

With blades on fire and sticks held high
they weave and crash as one
in search of that elusive net
—still guarded and unwon

(Dreamsleep: October, 2021)
  Oct 2021 Laura
Kurt Philip Behm
To bloom
where you’re planted
on the sill
with each budding
—and until

(The New Room: October, 2021)
  Oct 2021 Laura
Kurt Philip Behm
What did it cost but regret,
what did it take but denial

What did it bring but despair
—what in the end was worthwhile

(Dreamsleep: October, 2021)
  Oct 2021 Laura
Kurt Philip Behm
Religions embedded,
division commands
which savior, which heaven,
epistles in hand

Devotion to difference,
each split ever wide
one bible three meanings
—all preaching a lie

(Dreamsleep: October, 2021)
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