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  Aug 2020 Laura
Kurt Philip Behm
Looking down,
I’ve been so lucky

Looking up,
still more to know

Fortune smiles,
the road still open

Steeper yet
—but blessed to go

(Villanova Pennsylvania: August, 2020)
  Aug 2020 Laura
Kurt Philip Behm
Betrothed within,
making love to ourselves

Pledging new vows,
to seal every tryst

Promises buried,
a marriage unseen

Wedding bells ring
—ever silent and deep

(Villanova Pennsylvania: August, 2020)
  Aug 2020 Laura
Kurt Philip Behm
Decisions that last forever…
choices made every day

To commit with our hearts,
our heads in the wind

—the difference for Poets to say

(St. Mary’s Montana: August, 2020)
Laura Aug 2020
One by one

They have gone

They endured their pain

Like true champions

Never once did they complain

Don't cry for us

They would say

When our spirits take flight

We're not gone

We are there for thee

Just look up my dear

And you will see

Two more stars just for thee

Do not fear

We are there

We're there to shine light upon thee

Throughout all eternity
Reflecting upon two more champions that were a big part of my life.💫May they Rest In Peace.💫
  Aug 2020 Laura
Kurt Philip Behm
Redefining the past
for tomorrow

Memory’s promise
—reimagined again

(Villanova Pennsylvania: July, 2020)
  Aug 2020 Laura
Kurt Philip Behm
Will you be the hero
within your own story

Will you marry the present,
dating the future and past

Will your legacy document
your truest intention

Or falsely imply
words abandoned—unheard

(H.U.P. May, 2020)
  Aug 2020 Laura
Kurt Philip Behm
Moments of clarity stop the clock,
but time rolls on and on

Unrecorded, to stay embedded
in each wish unfulfilled

Tranquilizing the fleeting doubt
that truancy sets free

Returning with the future claimed
—to liberate the past

(Villanova Pennsylvania: July, 2020)
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