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  Aug 2020 Laura
Kurt Philip Behm
With distance in his voice,
he traveled on the wind

Guitar case for a saddle,
to ride each beckoning whim

A folk tale left untethered,
his melody to claim

Each song an affirmation
—his legend to refrain

(Villanova Pennsylvania: July, 2020)
  Aug 2020 Laura
Kurt Philip Behm
The right to remember,
the right to recall

The right to uncover,
the right to forestall

The right to nostalgia,
the right to look back

The right to remember
—the right to retrack

(Villanova Pennsylvania: August, 2020)
  Aug 2020 Laura
Kurt Philip Behm
You can only live  
in the time you’re given

The past and the future,
a false consorting

Looking inside and blinding

—to tomorrow and yesterday

The magic contained within
each fleeting moment

—until it’s gone

(Villanova Pennsylvania: August, 2020)
  Aug 2020 Laura
Kurt Philip Behm
Attack, attack…
leaving no room for fear

Charging ahead,
driving the past behind

Fate in a coma,
never really dead

Lying in wait
—for that final misstep

(Villanova Pennsylvania: August, 2020)
  Aug 2020 Laura
Kurt Philip Behm
Hitchhiking along a highway
that runs inside my mind

Revisiting the roads I’d crossed
while skirting all the lines

My thumb held high and searching
for what eyes no longer see

Along this path that takes me home
—returning unto thee

(Villanova Pennsylvania: August, 2020)
  Jun 2020 Laura
Kurt Philip Behm
“Indians have a saying," she said
    from across the fire…

“Until you have heard the roar
   of the bear
     —you will not know its heart”

(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2015)
From My Novel: ‘Revenge Along The War Trail’
  Jun 2020 Laura
Kurt Philip Behm
Every voice needs an ear
  for it to be free

Every writer, a reader,
  or the words cease to be

In my case I’ve been lucky
  though she came to me late

For my dearest sweet Laura
  —the key to my gate

(Villanova Pennsylvania: November, 2018)
        ‘To My Dear Friend Laura’
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