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135 · Apr 2020
The goblins came
Ilse de Klerk Apr 2020
The goblins came
And took it away
They took my soul
and sped away

Neither here nor there
They spread it everywhere
Leaving me yearning
As I drift through everywhere

Like pollen, scattered
In search of buds
So does my soul drift away

The goblins thought it funny
They might have thought it kind

But oh! If only they would scurry
To find that which once was mine

To return it to me
Oh how divine
by Ilse de Klerk
Originally written in 2007: small edit made 2020.
103 · Apr 2020
Ilse de Klerk Apr 2020
As I lie here and ponder
by the light of the lamp
The stillness envelops me
as the city falls asleep

So much time has passed
since I first took flight

So many steps have been taken
So many winding corners turned

Still I find myself wondering
I still find myself wandering

The road still so unsteady
The corners so many

But as I hold my breath
I swallow a sigh
I close my eyes
and hold my head up high

— The End —